Current Path : /storage/v11800/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/lshospital-wp-config.php
 * The base configuration for WordPress
 * The wp-config.php creation script uses this file during the installation.
 * You don't have to use the web site, you can copy this file to "wp-config.php"
 * and fill in the values.
 * This file contains the following configurations:
 * * Database settings
 * * Secret keys
 * * Database table prefix
 * * Localized language
 * @link
 * @package WordPress

// ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'lshospitaldb' );

/** Database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'lshospitaldbuser' );

/** Database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'ANl2q8DQLGB5EWaaNQ' );

/** Database hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

/** Database charset to use in creating database tables. */
define( 'DB_CHARSET', 'utf8' );

/** The database collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define( 'DB_COLLATE', '' );

 * Authentication unique keys and salts.
 * Change these to different unique phrases! You can generate these using
 * the {@link secret-key service}.
 * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies.
 * This will force all users to have to log in again.
 * @since 2.6.0
define( 'AUTH_KEY',          '!_O1k[h==3j@qj,]]#BYe0Af,VraN*m5zre]6rCD& #r7Mu)]jm+89J|TIgl/@K}' );
define( 'SECURE_AUTH_KEY',   '*?1;i; scA(kt[}2R!Khbp/`/36@I[Bg+4Mx+C[VA<&$L[+Awf/lr3.}F7Li9F7G' );
define( 'LOGGED_IN_KEY',     ';|TD^AJ`=E]x99G~E;9seq ix,:J.Sg!Bi^L#wGH=qO1#8svY8j&0HoY(c2)Y<MC' );
define( 'NONCE_KEY',         '3#1>Td*-?4c25^f.PH~.I)dk!*6y~HDYG{z0|UfCUX6k]p^~`0cu.Dni-&csZo$8' );
define( 'AUTH_SALT',         ')<ScetmK xke7Lq`.4S<bDDn~QYU7$L,e3}XH94 :M(4AjtyeADkzW4hx3i:3yjH' );
define( 'SECURE_AUTH_SALT',  '5 LI6Pjz~GT^q[72P=hEccf%5DGFQ4%=15qhrqS,p(.AU aDbdg[(}]^GRSH|`{/' );
define( 'LOGGED_IN_SALT',    '^HNZqIhH<?4( JQnw>zE-U3z6a@1lao6hQU{^%G?{(!z%q@yqPU;dg10^rX5Qd;S' );
define( 'NONCE_SALT',        'DTW0Ep)1YlQ&|[@}V*B]R56VxuWHQszv6p-7V^tqQS{[:<>*{@jHWw0+:q={Cogm' );
define( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT', '5dtcYqZM@[Pu5{URW|O<w2B<2Gc.uV5oUmo4.w8`BL9pYhCmiOH-#ax3GN[_(>bB' );


 * WordPress database table prefix.
 * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each
 * a unique prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix = 'wp_';

 * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
 * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
 * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
 * in their development environments.
 * For information on other constants that can be used for debugging,
 * visit the documentation.
 * @link
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

/* Add any custom values between this line and the "stop editing" line. */

define( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct' );
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'CDN_SITE_ID', 'YvrmQtTMSnIgfUEFPNKxh9tfN' );
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . '/' );

/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';

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