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 * APIs to interact with global settings & styles.
 * @package WordPress

 * Gets the settings resulting of merging core, theme, and user data.
 * @since 5.9.0
 * @param array $path    Path to the specific setting to retrieve. Optional.
 *                       If empty, will return all settings.
 * @param array $context {
 *     Metadata to know where to retrieve the $path from. Optional.
 *     @type string $block_name Which block to retrieve the settings from.
 *                              If empty, it'll return the settings for the global context.
 *     @type string $origin     Which origin to take data from.
 *                              Valid values are 'all' (core, theme, and user) or 'base' (core and theme).
 *                              If empty or unknown, 'all' is used.
 * }
 * @return mixed The settings array or individual setting value to retrieve.
function wp_get_global_settings( $path = array(), $context = array() ) {
	if ( ! empty( $context['block_name'] ) ) {
		$new_path = array( 'blocks', $context['block_name'] );
		foreach ( $path as $subpath ) {
			$new_path[] = $subpath;
		$path = $new_path;

	 * This is the default value when no origin is provided or when it is 'all'.
	 * The $origin is used as part of the cache key. Changes here need to account
	 * for clearing the cache appropriately.
	$origin = 'custom';
	if (
		! wp_theme_has_theme_json() ||
		( isset( $context['origin'] ) && 'base' === $context['origin'] )
	) {
		$origin = 'theme';

	 * By using the 'theme_json' group, this data is marked to be non-persistent across requests.
	 * See `wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups` in src/wp-includes/load.php and other places.
	 * The rationale for this is to make sure derived data from theme.json
	 * is always fresh from the potential modifications done via hooks
	 * that can use dynamic data (modify the stylesheet depending on some option,
	 * settings depending on user permissions, etc.).
	 * See some of the existing hooks to modify theme.json behavior:
	 * A different alternative considered was to invalidate the cache upon certain
	 * events such as options add/update/delete, user meta, etc.
	 * It was judged not enough, hence this approach.
	 * See
	$cache_group = 'theme_json';
	$cache_key   = 'wp_get_global_settings_' . $origin;

	 * Ignore cache when the development mode is set to 'theme', so it doesn't interfere with the theme
	 * developer's workflow.
	$can_use_cached = ! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' );

	$settings = false;
	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		$settings = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group );

	if ( false === $settings ) {
		$settings = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data( $origin )->get_settings();
		if ( $can_use_cached ) {
			wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $settings, $cache_group );

	return _wp_array_get( $settings, $path, $settings );

 * Gets the styles resulting of merging core, theme, and user data.
 * @since 5.9.0
 * @since 6.3.0 the internal link format "var:preset|color|secondary" is resolved
 *              to "var(--wp--preset--font-size--small)" so consumers don't have to.
 * @since 6.3.0 `transforms` is now usable in the `context` parameter. In case [`transforms`]['resolve_variables']
 *              is defined, variables are resolved to their value in the styles.
 * @param array $path    Path to the specific style to retrieve. Optional.
 *                       If empty, will return all styles.
 * @param array $context {
 *     Metadata to know where to retrieve the $path from. Optional.
 *     @type string $block_name Which block to retrieve the styles from.
 *                              If empty, it'll return the styles for the global context.
 *     @type string $origin     Which origin to take data from.
 *                              Valid values are 'all' (core, theme, and user) or 'base' (core and theme).
 *                              If empty or unknown, 'all' is used.
 *     @type array $transforms Which transformation(s) to apply.
 *                              Valid value is array( 'resolve-variables' ).
 *                              If defined, variables are resolved to their value in the styles.
 * }
 * @return mixed The styles array or individual style value to retrieve.
function wp_get_global_styles( $path = array(), $context = array() ) {
	if ( ! empty( $context['block_name'] ) ) {
		$path = array_merge( array( 'blocks', $context['block_name'] ), $path );

	$origin = 'custom';
	if ( isset( $context['origin'] ) && 'base' === $context['origin'] ) {
		$origin = 'theme';

	$resolve_variables = isset( $context['transforms'] )
	&& is_array( $context['transforms'] )
	&& in_array( 'resolve-variables', $context['transforms'], true );

	$merged_data = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data( $origin );
	if ( $resolve_variables ) {
		$merged_data = WP_Theme_JSON::resolve_variables( $merged_data );
	$styles = $merged_data->get_raw_data()['styles'];
	return _wp_array_get( $styles, $path, $styles );

 * Returns the stylesheet resulting of merging core, theme, and user data.
 * @since 5.9.0
 * @since 6.1.0 Added 'base-layout-styles' support.
 * @param array $types Optional. Types of styles to load.
 *                     It accepts as values 'variables', 'presets', 'styles', 'base-layout-styles'.
 *                     If empty, it'll load the following:
 *                     - for themes without theme.json: 'variables', 'presets', 'base-layout-styles'.
 *                     - for themes with theme.json: 'variables', 'presets', 'styles'.
 * @return string Stylesheet.
function wp_get_global_stylesheet( $types = array() ) {
	 * Ignore cache when the development mode is set to 'theme', so it doesn't interfere with the theme
	 * developer's workflow.
	$can_use_cached = empty( $types ) && ! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' );

	 * By using the 'theme_json' group, this data is marked to be non-persistent across requests.
	 * @see `wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups()`.
	 * The rationale for this is to make sure derived data from theme.json
	 * is always fresh from the potential modifications done via hooks
	 * that can use dynamic data (modify the stylesheet depending on some option,
	 * settings depending on user permissions, etc.).
	 * See some of the existing hooks to modify theme.json behavior:
	 * @see
	 * A different alternative considered was to invalidate the cache upon certain
	 * events such as options add/update/delete, user meta, etc.
	 * It was judged not enough, hence this approach.
	 * @see
	$cache_group = 'theme_json';
	$cache_key   = 'wp_get_global_stylesheet';
	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		$cached = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group );
		if ( $cached ) {
			return $cached;

	$tree = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data();

	$supports_theme_json = wp_theme_has_theme_json();
	if ( empty( $types ) && ! $supports_theme_json ) {
		$types = array( 'variables', 'presets', 'base-layout-styles' );
	} elseif ( empty( $types ) ) {
		$types = array( 'variables', 'styles', 'presets' );

	 * If variables are part of the stylesheet, then add them.
	 * This is so themes without a theme.json still work as before 5.9:
	 * they can override the default presets.
	 * See
	$styles_variables = '';
	if ( in_array( 'variables', $types, true ) ) {
		 * Only use the default, theme, and custom origins. Why?
		 * Because styles for `blocks` origin are added at a later phase
		 * (i.e. in the render cycle). Here, only the ones in use are rendered.
		 * @see wp_add_global_styles_for_blocks
		$origins          = array( 'default', 'theme', 'custom' );
		$styles_variables = $tree->get_stylesheet( array( 'variables' ), $origins );
		$types            = array_diff( $types, array( 'variables' ) );

	 * For the remaining types (presets, styles), we do consider origins:
	 * - themes without theme.json: only the classes for the presets defined by core
	 * - themes with theme.json: the presets and styles classes, both from core and the theme
	$styles_rest = '';
	if ( ! empty( $types ) ) {
		 * Only use the default, theme, and custom origins. Why?
		 * Because styles for `blocks` origin are added at a later phase
		 * (i.e. in the render cycle). Here, only the ones in use are rendered.
		 * @see wp_add_global_styles_for_blocks
		$origins = array( 'default', 'theme', 'custom' );
		 * If the theme doesn't have theme.json but supports both appearance tools and color palette,
		 * the 'theme' origin should be included so color palette presets are also output.
		if ( ! $supports_theme_json && ( current_theme_supports( 'appearance-tools' ) || current_theme_supports( 'border' ) ) && current_theme_supports( 'editor-color-palette' ) ) {
			$origins = array( 'default', 'theme' );
		} elseif ( ! $supports_theme_json ) {
			$origins = array( 'default' );
		$styles_rest = $tree->get_stylesheet( $types, $origins );

	$stylesheet = $styles_variables . $styles_rest;
	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $stylesheet, $cache_group );

	return $stylesheet;

 * Gets the global styles custom CSS from theme.json.
 * @since 6.2.0
 * @return string The global styles custom CSS.
function wp_get_global_styles_custom_css() {
	if ( ! wp_theme_has_theme_json() ) {
		return '';
	 * Ignore cache when the development mode is set to 'theme', so it doesn't interfere with the theme
	 * developer's workflow.
	$can_use_cached = ! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' );

	 * By using the 'theme_json' group, this data is marked to be non-persistent across requests.
	 * @see `wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups()`.
	 * The rationale for this is to make sure derived data from theme.json
	 * is always fresh from the potential modifications done via hooks
	 * that can use dynamic data (modify the stylesheet depending on some option,
	 * settings depending on user permissions, etc.).
	 * See some of the existing hooks to modify theme.json behavior:
	 * @see
	 * A different alternative considered was to invalidate the cache upon certain
	 * events such as options add/update/delete, user meta, etc.
	 * It was judged not enough, hence this approach.
	 * @see
	$cache_key   = 'wp_get_global_styles_custom_css';
	$cache_group = 'theme_json';
	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		$cached = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group );
		if ( $cached ) {
			return $cached;

	$tree       = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data();
	$stylesheet = $tree->get_custom_css();

	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $stylesheet, $cache_group );

	return $stylesheet;

 * Adds global style rules to the inline style for each block.
 * @since 6.1.0
 * @global WP_Styles $wp_styles
function wp_add_global_styles_for_blocks() {
	global $wp_styles;

	$tree        = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data();
	$block_nodes = $tree->get_styles_block_nodes();
	foreach ( $block_nodes as $metadata ) {
		$block_css = $tree->get_styles_for_block( $metadata );

		if ( ! wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets() ) {
			wp_add_inline_style( 'global-styles', $block_css );

		$stylesheet_handle = 'global-styles';

		 * When `wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets()` is true, block styles are
		 * enqueued for each block on the page in class WP_Block's render function.
		 * This means there will be a handle in the styles queue for each of those blocks.
		 * Block-specific global styles should be attached to the global-styles handle, but
		 * only for blocks on the page, thus we check if the block's handle is in the queue
		 * before adding the inline style.
		 * This conditional loading only applies to core blocks.
		if ( isset( $metadata['name'] ) ) {
			if ( str_starts_with( $metadata['name'], 'core/' ) ) {
				$block_name   = str_replace( 'core/', '', $metadata['name'] );
				$block_handle = 'wp-block-' . $block_name;
				if ( in_array( $block_handle, $wp_styles->queue ) ) {
					wp_add_inline_style( $stylesheet_handle, $block_css );
			} else {
				wp_add_inline_style( $stylesheet_handle, $block_css );

		// The likes of block element styles from theme.json do not have  $metadata['name'] set.
		if ( ! isset( $metadata['name'] ) && ! empty( $metadata['path'] ) ) {
			$block_name = wp_get_block_name_from_theme_json_path( $metadata['path'] );
			if ( $block_name ) {
				if ( str_starts_with( $block_name, 'core/' ) ) {
					$block_name   = str_replace( 'core/', '', $block_name );
					$block_handle = 'wp-block-' . $block_name;
					if ( in_array( $block_handle, $wp_styles->queue ) ) {
						wp_add_inline_style( $stylesheet_handle, $block_css );
				} else {
					wp_add_inline_style( $stylesheet_handle, $block_css );

 * Gets the block name from a given theme.json path.
 * @since 6.3.0
 * @access private
 * @param array $path An array of keys describing the path to a property in theme.json.
 * @return string Identified block name, or empty string if none found.
function wp_get_block_name_from_theme_json_path( $path ) {
	// Block name is expected to be the third item after 'styles' and 'blocks'.
	if (
		count( $path ) >= 3
		&& 'styles' === $path[0]
		&& 'blocks' === $path[1]
		&& str_contains( $path[2], '/' )
	) {
		return $path[2];

	 * As fallback and for backward compatibility, allow any core block to be
	 * at any position.
	$result = array_values(
			static function ( $item ) {
				if ( str_contains( $item, 'core/' ) ) {
					return true;
				return false;
	if ( isset( $result[0] ) ) {
		return $result[0];
	return '';

 * Checks whether a theme or its parent has a theme.json file.
 * @since 6.2.0
 * @return bool Returns true if theme or its parent has a theme.json file, false otherwise.
function wp_theme_has_theme_json() {
	static $theme_has_support = array();

	$stylesheet = get_stylesheet();

	if (
		isset( $theme_has_support[ $stylesheet ] ) &&
		 * Ignore static cache when the development mode is set to 'theme', to avoid interfering with
		 * the theme developer's workflow.
		! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' )
	) {
		return $theme_has_support[ $stylesheet ];

	$stylesheet_directory = get_stylesheet_directory();
	$template_directory   = get_template_directory();

	// This is the same as get_theme_file_path(), which isn't available in load-styles.php context
	if ( $stylesheet_directory !== $template_directory && file_exists( $stylesheet_directory . '/theme.json' ) ) {
		$path = $stylesheet_directory . '/theme.json';
	} else {
		$path = $template_directory . '/theme.json';

	/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/link-template.php */
	$path = apply_filters( 'theme_file_path', $path, 'theme.json' );

	$theme_has_support[ $stylesheet ] = file_exists( $path );

	return $theme_has_support[ $stylesheet ];

 * Cleans the caches under the theme_json group.
 * @since 6.2.0
function wp_clean_theme_json_cache() {
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_global_stylesheet', 'theme_json' );
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters', 'theme_json' );
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_global_settings_custom', 'theme_json' );
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_global_settings_theme', 'theme_json' );
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_global_styles_custom_css', 'theme_json' );
	wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_theme_data_template_parts', 'theme_json' );

 * Returns the current theme's wanted patterns (slugs) to be
 * registered from Pattern Directory.
 * @since 6.3.0
 * @return string[]
function wp_get_theme_directory_pattern_slugs() {
	return WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_theme_data( array(), array( 'with_supports' => false ) )->get_patterns();

 * Returns the metadata for the custom templates defined by the theme via theme.json.
 * @since 6.4.0
 * @return array Associative array of `$template_name => $template_data` pairs,
 *               with `$template_data` having "title" and "postTypes" fields.
function wp_get_theme_data_custom_templates() {
	return WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_theme_data( array(), array( 'with_supports' => false ) )->get_custom_templates();

 * Returns the metadata for the template parts defined by the theme.
 * @since 6.4.0
 * @return array Associative array of `$part_name => $part_data` pairs,
 *               with `$part_data` having "title" and "area" fields.
function wp_get_theme_data_template_parts() {
	$cache_group    = 'theme_json';
	$cache_key      = 'wp_get_theme_data_template_parts';
	$can_use_cached = ! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' );

	$metadata = false;
	if ( $can_use_cached ) {
		$metadata = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group );
		if ( false !== $metadata ) {
			return $metadata;

	if ( false === $metadata ) {
		$metadata = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_theme_data( array(), array( 'with_supports' => false ) )->get_template_parts();
		if ( $can_use_cached ) {
			wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $metadata, $cache_group );

	return $metadata;

 * Determines the CSS selector for the block type and property provided,
 * returning it if available.
 * @since 6.3.0
 * @param WP_Block_Type $block_type The block's type.
 * @param string|array  $target     The desired selector's target, `root` or array path.
 * @param boolean       $fallback   Whether to fall back to broader selector.
 * @return string|null CSS selector or `null` if no selector available.
function wp_get_block_css_selector( $block_type, $target = 'root', $fallback = false ) {
	if ( empty( $target ) ) {
		return null;

	$has_selectors = ! empty( $block_type->selectors );

	// Root Selector.

	// Calculated before returning as it can be used as fallback for
	// feature selectors later on.
	$root_selector = null;

	if ( $has_selectors && isset( $block_type->selectors['root'] ) ) {
		// Use the selectors API if available.
		$root_selector = $block_type->selectors['root'];
	} elseif ( isset( $block_type->supports['__experimentalSelector'] ) && is_string( $block_type->supports['__experimentalSelector'] ) ) {
		// Use the old experimental selector supports property if set.
		$root_selector = $block_type->supports['__experimentalSelector'];
	} else {
		// If no root selector found, generate default block class selector.
		$block_name    = str_replace( '/', '-', str_replace( 'core/', '', $block_type->name ) );
		$root_selector = ".wp-block-{$block_name}";

	// Return selector if it's the root target we are looking for.
	if ( 'root' === $target ) {
		return $root_selector;

	// If target is not `root` we have a feature or subfeature as the target.
	// If the target is a string convert to an array.
	if ( is_string( $target ) ) {
		$target = explode( '.', $target );

	// Feature Selectors ( May fallback to root selector ).
	if ( 1 === count( $target ) ) {
		$fallback_selector = $fallback ? $root_selector : null;

		// Prefer the selectors API if available.
		if ( $has_selectors ) {
			// Look for selector under `feature.root`.
			$path             = array( current( $target ), 'root' );
			$feature_selector = _wp_array_get( $block_type->selectors, $path, null );

			if ( $feature_selector ) {
				return $feature_selector;

			// Check if feature selector is set via shorthand.
			$feature_selector = _wp_array_get( $block_type->selectors, $target, null );

			return is_string( $feature_selector ) ? $feature_selector : $fallback_selector;

		// Try getting old experimental supports selector value.
		$path             = array( current( $target ), '__experimentalSelector' );
		$feature_selector = _wp_array_get( $block_type->supports, $path, null );

		// Nothing to work with, provide fallback or null.
		if ( null === $feature_selector ) {
			return $fallback_selector;

		// Scope the feature selector by the block's root selector.
		return WP_Theme_JSON::scope_selector( $root_selector, $feature_selector );

	// Subfeature selector
	// This may fallback either to parent feature or root selector.
	$subfeature_selector = null;

	// Use selectors API if available.
	if ( $has_selectors ) {
		$subfeature_selector = _wp_array_get( $block_type->selectors, $target, null );

	// Only return if we have a subfeature selector.
	if ( $subfeature_selector ) {
		return $subfeature_selector;

	// To this point we don't have a subfeature selector. If a fallback
	// has been requested, remove subfeature from target path and return
	// results of a call for the parent feature's selector.
	if ( $fallback ) {
		return wp_get_block_css_selector( $block_type, $target[0], $fallback );

	return null;

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