Current Path : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-custom-fields/libs/selectivity-3.1.0/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smart-custom-fields/libs/selectivity-3.1.0/selectivity-jquery.js
 * @license
 * Selectivity.js 3.1.0 <>
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Arend van Beelen jr.
 *           (c) 2016 Speakap BV
 * Available under MIT license <>
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.selectivity = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
var root = _dereq_(10);

/** Built-in value references. */
var Symbol = root.Symbol;

module.exports = Symbol;

 * A specialized version of `` for arrays without support for iteratee
 * shorthands.
 * @private
 * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.
 * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.
 * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.
function arrayMap(array, iteratee) {
  var index = -1,
      length = array == null ? 0 : array.length,
      result = Array(length);

  while (++index < length) {
    result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array);
  return result;

module.exports = arrayMap;

var Symbol = _dereq_(1),
    getRawTag = _dereq_(8),
    objectToString = _dereq_(9);

/** `Object#toString` result references. */
var nullTag = '[object Null]',
    undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]';

/** Built-in value references. */
var symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;

 * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments.
 * @private
 * @param {*} value The value to query.
 * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.
function baseGetTag(value) {
  if (value == null) {
    return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag;
  return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value))
    ? getRawTag(value)
    : objectToString(value);

module.exports = baseGetTag;

 * The base implementation of `_.propertyOf` without support for deep paths.
 * @private
 * @param {Object} object The object to query.
 * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.
function basePropertyOf(object) {
  return function(key) {
    return object == null ? undefined : object[key];

module.exports = basePropertyOf;

var Symbol = _dereq_(1),
    arrayMap = _dereq_(2),
    isArray = _dereq_(13),
    isSymbol = _dereq_(17);

/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */
var INFINITY = 1 / 0;

/** Used to convert symbols to primitives and strings. */
var symbolProto = Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : undefined,
    symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : undefined;

 * The base implementation of `_.toString` which doesn't convert nullish
 * values to empty strings.
 * @private
 * @param {*} value The value to process.
 * @returns {string} Returns the string.
function baseToString(value) {
  // Exit early for strings to avoid a performance hit in some environments.
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    return value;
  if (isArray(value)) {
    // Recursively convert values (susceptible to call stack limits).
    return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + '';
  if (isSymbol(value)) {
    return symbolToString ? : '';
  var result = (value + '');
  return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result;

module.exports = baseToString;

var basePropertyOf = _dereq_(4);

/** Used to map characters to HTML entities. */
var htmlEscapes = {
  '&': '&amp;',
  '<': '&lt;',
  '>': '&gt;',
  '"': '&quot;',
  "'": '&#39;'

 * Used by `_.escape` to convert characters to HTML entities.
 * @private
 * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.
 * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.
var escapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlEscapes);

module.exports = escapeHtmlChar;

(function (global){
/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */
var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;

module.exports = freeGlobal;

}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
var Symbol = _dereq_(1);

/** Used for built-in method references. */
var objectProto = Object.prototype;

/** Used to check objects for own properties. */
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;

 * Used to resolve the
 * [`toStringTag`](
 * of values.
var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;

/** Built-in value references. */
var symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;

 * A specialized version of `baseGetTag` which ignores `Symbol.toStringTag` values.
 * @private
 * @param {*} value The value to query.
 * @returns {string} Returns the raw `toStringTag`.
function getRawTag(value) {
  var isOwn =, symToStringTag),
      tag = value[symToStringTag];

  try {
    value[symToStringTag] = undefined;
    var unmasked = true;
  } catch (e) {}

  var result =;
  if (unmasked) {
    if (isOwn) {
      value[symToStringTag] = tag;
    } else {
      delete value[symToStringTag];
  return result;

module.exports = getRawTag;

/** Used for built-in method references. */
var objectProto = Object.prototype;

 * Used to resolve the
 * [`toStringTag`](
 * of values.
var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;

 * Converts `value` to a string using `Object.prototype.toString`.
 * @private
 * @param {*} value The value to convert.
 * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.
function objectToString(value) {

module.exports = objectToString;

var freeGlobal = _dereq_(7);

/** Detect free variable `self`. */
var freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;

/** Used as a reference to the global object. */
var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();

module.exports = root;

var isObject = _dereq_(14),
    now = _dereq_(18),
    toNumber = _dereq_(19);

/** Error message constants. */
var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function';

/* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */
var nativeMax = Math.max,
    nativeMin = Math.min;

 * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait`
 * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was
 * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel
 * delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to immediately invoke them.
 * Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` should be invoked on the
 * leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. The `func` is invoked
 * with the last arguments provided to the debounced function. Subsequent
 * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last `func`
 * invocation.
 * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is
 * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the debounced function
 * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.
 * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred
 * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`.
 * See [David Corbacho's article](
 * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`.
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @category Function
 * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.
 * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay.
 * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.
 * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false]
 *  Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.
 * @param {number} [options.maxWait]
 *  The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's invoked.
 * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true]
 *  Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.
 * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.
 * @example
 * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux.
 * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150));
 * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls.
 * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {
 *   'leading': true,
 *   'trailing': false
 * }));
 * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls.
 * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 });
 * var source = new EventSource('/stream');
 * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced);
 * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation.
 * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel);
function debounce(func, wait, options) {
  var lastArgs,
      lastInvokeTime = 0,
      leading = false,
      maxing = false,
      trailing = true;

  if (typeof func != 'function') {
    throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
  wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;
  if (isObject(options)) {
    leading = !!options.leading;
    maxing = 'maxWait' in options;
    maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;
    trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;

  function invokeFunc(time) {
    var args = lastArgs,
        thisArg = lastThis;

    lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;
    lastInvokeTime = time;
    result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
    return result;

  function leadingEdge(time) {
    // Reset any `maxWait` timer.
    lastInvokeTime = time;
    // Start the timer for the trailing edge.
    timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
    // Invoke the leading edge.
    return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;

  function remainingWait(time) {
    var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,
        timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,
        result = wait - timeSinceLastCall;

    return maxing ? nativeMin(result, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : result;

  function shouldInvoke(time) {
    var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,
        timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;

    // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the
    // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating
    // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit.
    return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) ||
      (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait));

  function timerExpired() {
    var time = now();
    if (shouldInvoke(time)) {
      return trailingEdge(time);
    // Restart the timer.
    timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));

  function trailingEdge(time) {
    timerId = undefined;

    // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been
    // debounced at least once.
    if (trailing && lastArgs) {
      return invokeFunc(time);
    lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;
    return result;

  function cancel() {
    if (timerId !== undefined) {
    lastInvokeTime = 0;
    lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined;

  function flush() {
    return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now());

  function debounced() {
    var time = now(),
        isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);

    lastArgs = arguments;
    lastThis = this;
    lastCallTime = time;

    if (isInvoking) {
      if (timerId === undefined) {
        return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);
      if (maxing) {
        // Handle invocations in a tight loop.
        timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
        return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);
    if (timerId === undefined) {
      timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
    return result;
  debounced.cancel = cancel;
  debounced.flush = flush;
  return debounced;

module.exports = debounce;

var escapeHtmlChar = _dereq_(6),
    toString = _dereq_(20);

/** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters. */
var reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>"']/g,
    reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source);

 * Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', and "'" in `string` to their
 * corresponding HTML entities.
 * **Note:** No other characters are escaped. To escape additional
 * characters use a third-party library like [_he_](
 * Though the ">" character is escaped for symmetry, characters like
 * ">" and "/" don't need escaping in HTML and have no special meaning
 * unless they're part of a tag or unquoted attribute value. See
 * [Mathias Bynens's article](
 * (under "semi-related fun fact") for more details.
 * When working with HTML you should always
 * [quote attribute values]( to reduce
 * XSS vectors.
 * @static
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @memberOf _
 * @category String
 * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.
 * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.
 * @example
 * _.escape('fred, barney, & pebbles');
 * // => 'fred, barney, &amp; pebbles'
function escape(string) {
  string = toString(string);
  return (string && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string))
    ? string.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar)
    : string;

module.exports = escape;

 * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object.
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array, else `false`.
 * @example
 * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]);
 * // => true
 * _.isArray(document.body.children);
 * // => false
 * _.isArray('abc');
 * // => false
 * _.isArray(_.noop);
 * // => false
var isArray = Array.isArray;

module.exports = isArray;

 * Checks if `value` is the
 * [language type](
 * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.
 * @example
 * _.isObject({});
 * // => true
 * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);
 * // => true
 * _.isObject(_.noop);
 * // => true
 * _.isObject(null);
 * // => false
function isObject(value) {
  var type = typeof value;
  return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');

module.exports = isObject;

 * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`
 * and has a `typeof` result of "object".
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 4.0.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.
 * @example
 * _.isObjectLike({});
 * // => true
 * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);
 * // => true
 * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);
 * // => false
 * _.isObjectLike(null);
 * // => false
function isObjectLike(value) {
  return value != null && typeof value == 'object';

module.exports = isObjectLike;

var baseGetTag = _dereq_(3),
    isArray = _dereq_(13),
    isObjectLike = _dereq_(15);

/** `Object#toString` result references. */
var stringTag = '[object String]';

 * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object.
 * @static
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @memberOf _
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a string, else `false`.
 * @example
 * _.isString('abc');
 * // => true
 * _.isString(1);
 * // => false
function isString(value) {
  return typeof value == 'string' ||
    (!isArray(value) && isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == stringTag);

module.exports = isString;

var baseGetTag = _dereq_(3),
    isObjectLike = _dereq_(15);

/** `Object#toString` result references. */
var symbolTag = '[object Symbol]';

 * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 4.0.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`.
 * @example
 * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);
 * // => true
 * _.isSymbol('abc');
 * // => false
function isSymbol(value) {
  return typeof value == 'symbol' ||
    (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag);

module.exports = isSymbol;

var root = _dereq_(10);

 * Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since
 * the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 2.4.0
 * @category Date
 * @returns {number} Returns the timestamp.
 * @example
 * _.defer(function(stamp) {
 *   console.log( - stamp);
 * },;
 * // => Logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred invocation.
var now = function() {

module.exports = now;

var isObject = _dereq_(14),
    isSymbol = _dereq_(17);

/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */
var NAN = 0 / 0;

/** Used to match leading and trailing whitespace. */
var reTrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;

/** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */
var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;

/** Used to detect binary string values. */
var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;

/** Used to detect octal string values. */
var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;

/** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */
var freeParseInt = parseInt;

 * Converts `value` to a number.
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 4.0.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to process.
 * @returns {number} Returns the number.
 * @example
 * _.toNumber(3.2);
 * // => 3.2
 * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);
 * // => 5e-324
 * _.toNumber(Infinity);
 * // => Infinity
 * _.toNumber('3.2');
 * // => 3.2
function toNumber(value) {
  if (typeof value == 'number') {
    return value;
  if (isSymbol(value)) {
    return NAN;
  if (isObject(value)) {
    var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;
    value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other;
  if (typeof value != 'string') {
    return value === 0 ? value : +value;
  value = value.replace(reTrim, '');
  var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
  return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value))
    ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8)
    : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value);

module.exports = toNumber;

var baseToString = _dereq_(5);

 * Converts `value` to a string. An empty string is returned for `null`
 * and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved.
 * @static
 * @memberOf _
 * @since 4.0.0
 * @category Lang
 * @param {*} value The value to convert.
 * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.
 * @example
 * _.toString(null);
 * // => ''
 * _.toString(-0);
 * // => '-0'
 * _.toString([1, 2, 3]);
 * // => '1,2,3'
function toString(value) {
  return value == null ? '' : baseToString(value);

module.exports = toString;

'use strict';

var $ = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
var isString = _dereq_(16);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

    change: ['added', 'removed', 'value'],
    'selectivity-change': ['added', 'removed', 'value'],
    'selectivity-highlight': ['id', 'item'],
    'selectivity-selected': ['id', 'item'],
    'selectivity-selecting': ['id', 'item']

// create event listeners that will copy the custom properties from the native events
// to the jQuery events, so jQuery users can use them seamlessly
function patchEvents($el) {
    $.each(EVENT_PROPERTIES, function(eventName, properties) {
        $el.on(eventName, function(event) {
            if (event.originalEvent) {
                properties.forEach(function(propertyName) {
                    event[propertyName] = event.originalEvent[propertyName];

 * Create a new Selectivity instance or invoke a method on an instance.
 * @param methodName Optional name of a method to call. If omitted, a Selectivity instance is
 *                   created for each element in the set of matched elements. If an element in the
 *                   set already has a Selectivity instance, the result is the same as if the
 *                   setOptions() method is called. If a method name is given, the options
 *                   parameter is ignored and any additional parameters are passed to the given
 *                   method.
 * @param options Options object to pass to the constructor or the setOptions() method. In case
 *                a new instance is being created, the following properties are used:
 *                inputType - The input type to use. Default inputs include 'Multiple' and 'Single',
 *                            but you can add custom inputs to the Selectivity.Inputs map or just
 *                            specify one here as a function. The default value is 'Multiple' if
 *                            `multiple` is true and 'Single' otherwise.
 *                multiple - Boolean determining whether multiple items may be selected
 *                           (default: false). If true, the default `inputType` is set to
 *                           'Multiple'.
 * @return If the given method returns a value, this method returns the value of that method
 *         executed on the first element in the set of matched elements.
$.fn.selectivity = function selectivity(methodName, options) {
    var methodArgs =, 1);
    var result;

    this.each(function() {
        var instance = this.selectivity;

        if (instance) {
            if (methodName === 'data') {
                methodName = methodArgs.length ? 'setData' : 'getData';
            } else if (methodName === 'val' || methodName === 'value') {
                methodName = methodArgs.length ? 'setValue' : 'getValue';
            } else if (!isString(methodName)) {
                methodArgs = [methodName];
                methodName = 'setOptions';

            if ($.isFunction(instance[methodName])) {
                if (result === undefined) {
                    result = instance[methodName].apply(instance, methodArgs);
            } else {
                throw new Error('Unknown method: ' + methodName);
        } else if (isString(methodName)) {
            if (methodName !== 'destroy') {
                throw new Error('Cannot call method on element without Selectivity instance');
        } else {
            options = $.extend({}, methodName, { element: this });

            // this is a one-time hack to facilitate the "traditional" plugin, because
            // the plugin is not able to hook this early into creation of the instance
            var $this = $(this);
            if ($'select') && $this.prop('multiple')) {
                options.multiple = true;

            var Inputs = Selectivity.Inputs;
            var InputType = options.inputType || (options.multiple ? 'Multiple' : 'Single');
            if (!$.isFunction(InputType)) {
                if (Inputs[InputType]) {
                    InputType = Inputs[InputType];
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Unknown Selectivity input type: ' + InputType);

            this.selectivity = new InputType(options);
            $this = $(this.selectivity.el);


            if (result === undefined) {
                result = $this;

    return result === undefined ? this : result;

Selectivity.patchEvents = patchEvents;

$.Selectivity = Selectivity;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;

var EventListener = _dereq_(23);
var getItemSelector = _dereq_(41);
var matchesSelector = _dereq_(43);
var parseElement = _dereq_(44);
var removeElement = _dereq_(45);
var stopPropagation = _dereq_(46);
var toggleClass = _dereq_(47);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

var HIGHLIGHT_CLASS = 'highlight';
var LOAD_MORE_SELECTOR = '.selectivity-load-more';
var RESULT_ITEM_SELECTOR = '.selectivity-result-item';

var SCROLL_EVENTS = ['scroll', 'touchend', 'touchmove'];

function findClosestElementMatchingSelector(el, selector) {
    while (el && !matchesSelector(el, selector)) {
        el = el.parentElement;
    return el || null;

 * Selectivity Dropdown Constructor.
 * @param selectivity Selectivity instance to which the dropdown belongs.
 * @param options Options object. Should have the following properties:
 *                highlightFirstItem - Set to false if you don't want the first item to be
 *                                     automatically highlighted (optional).
 *                items - Array of items to display.
 *                position - Callback for positioning the dropdown.
 *                query - Callback to fetch the items to display.
 *                showSearchInput - Boolean whether a search input should be shown.
function SelectivityDropdown(selectivity, options) {
    this.el = parseElement(
        selectivity.template('dropdown', {
            dropdownCssClass: selectivity.options.dropdownCssClass,
            searchInputPlaceholder: selectivity.options.searchInputPlaceholder,
            showSearchInput: options.showSearchInput

     * DOM element to add the results to.
    this.resultsContainer = this.$('.selectivity-results-container');

     * Boolean indicating whether more results are available than currently displayed in the
     * dropdown.
    this.hasMore = false;

     * The currently highlighted result item.
    this.highlightedResult = null;

     * Boolean whether the load more link is currently highlighted.
    this.loadMoreHighlighted = false;

     * Options passed to the dropdown constructor.
    this.options = options;

     * The results displayed in the dropdown.
    this.results = [];

     * Selectivity instance.
    this.selectivity = selectivity;

    this._closed = false;
    this._lastMousePosition = {};

    this.close = this.close.bind(this);
    this.position = this.position.bind(this);

    if (selectivity.options.closeOnSelect !== false) {'selectivity-selecting', this.close);


    if (options.showSearchInput) {

    var events = {};
    events['click ' + LOAD_MORE_SELECTOR] = this._loadMoreClicked;
    events['click ' + RESULT_ITEM_SELECTOR] = this._resultClicked;
    events['mouseenter ' + LOAD_MORE_SELECTOR] = this._loadMoreHovered;
    events['mouseenter ' + RESULT_ITEM_SELECTOR] = this._resultHovered; = new EventListener(this.el, this);;


    setTimeout(this.triggerOpen.bind(this), 1);

 * Methods.
assign(SelectivityDropdown.prototype, {
     * Convenience shortcut for this.el.querySelector(selector).
    $: function(selector) {
        return this.el.querySelector(selector);

     * Adds the dropdown to the DOM.
    addToDom: function() {

     * Closes the dropdown.
    close: function() {
        if (!this._closed) {
            this._closed = true;


  'selectivity-selecting', this.close);



     * Highlights a result item.
     * @param item The item to highlight.
     * @param options Optional options object that may contain the following property:
     *                reason - The reason why the result item is being highlighted. Possible
     *                         values: 'current_value', 'first_result', 'hovered'.
    highlight: function(item, options) {
        toggleClass(this.$(HIGHLIGHT_SELECTOR), HIGHLIGHT_CLASS, false);
        toggleClass(this.$(getItemSelector(RESULT_ITEM_SELECTOR,, HIGHLIGHT_CLASS, true);

        this.highlightedResult = item;
        this.loadMoreHighlighted = false;

        this.selectivity.triggerEvent('selectivity-highlight', {
            item: item,
            reason: (options && options.reason) || 'unspecified'

     * Highlights the load more link.
     * @param item The item to highlight.
    highlightLoadMore: function() {
        toggleClass(this.$(HIGHLIGHT_SELECTOR), HIGHLIGHT_CLASS, false);
        toggleClass(this.$(LOAD_MORE_SELECTOR), HIGHLIGHT_CLASS, true);

        this.highlightedResult = null;
        this.loadMoreHighlighted = true;

     * Loads a follow-up page with results after a search.
     * This method should only be called after a call to search() when the callback has indicated
     * more results are available.
    loadMore: function() {
        this.resultsContainer.innerHTML += this.selectivity.template('loading');

            callback: function(response) {
                if (response && response.results) {
                    this._showResults(Selectivity.processItems(response.results), {
                        add: true,
                        hasMore: !!response.more
                } else {
                    throw new Error('callback must be passed a response object');
            error: this._showResults.bind(this, [], { add: true }),
            offset: this.results.length,
            selectivity: this.selectivity,
            term: this.term

     * Positions the dropdown inside the DOM.
    position: function() {
        var position = this.options.position;
        if (position) {
            position(this.el, this.selectivity.el);


     * Renders an array of result items.
     * @param items Array of result items.
     * @return HTML-formatted string to display the result items.
    renderItems: function(items) {
        var selectivity = this.selectivity;
        return items
            .map(function(item) {
                var result = selectivity.template( ? 'resultItem' : 'resultLabel', item);
                if (item.children) {
                    result += selectivity.template('resultChildren', {
                        childrenHtml: this.renderItems(item.children)
                return result;
            }, this)

     * Searches for results based on the term given.
     * If an items array has been passed with the options to the Selectivity instance, a local
     * search will be performed among those items. Otherwise, the query function specified in the
     * options will be used to perform the search. If neither is defined, nothing happens.
     * @param term Term to search for.
    search: function(term) {
        this.term = term;

        if (this.options.items) {
            term = Selectivity.transformText(term);
            var matcher = this.selectivity.options.matcher || Selectivity.matcher;
                    .map(function(item) {
                        return matcher(item, term);
                    .filter(function(item) {
                        return !!item;
                { term: term }
        } else if (this.options.query) {
                callback: function(response) {
                    if (response && response.results) {
                        this._showResults(Selectivity.processItems(response.results), {
                            hasMore: !!response.more,
                            term: term
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('callback must be passed a response object');
                error: this.showError.bind(this),
                offset: 0,
                selectivity: this.selectivity,
                term: term

     * Selects the highlighted item.
    selectHighlight: function() {
        if (this.highlightedResult) {
        } else if (this.loadMoreHighlighted) {

     * Selects the item with the given ID.
     * @param id ID of the item to select.
    selectItem: function(id) {
        var item = Selectivity.findNestedById(this.results, id);
        if (item && !item.disabled && item.selectable !== false) {
            var options = { id: id, item: item };
            if (this.selectivity.triggerEvent('selectivity-selecting', options)) {
                this.selectivity.triggerEvent('selectivity-selected', options);

     * Shows an error message.
     * @param message Error message to display.
     * @param options Options object. May contain the following property:
     *                escape - Set to false to disable HTML-escaping of the message. Useful if you
     *                         want to set raw HTML as the message, but may open you up to XSS
     *                         attacks if you're not careful with escaping user input.
    showError: function(message, options) {
        this.resultsContainer.innerHTML = this.selectivity.template('error', {
            escape: !options || options.escape !== false,
            message: message

        this.hasMore = false;
        this.results = [];

        this.highlightedResult = null;
        this.loadMoreHighlighted = false;


     * Shows a loading indicator in the dropdown.
    showLoading: function() {
        this.resultsContainer.innerHTML = this.selectivity.template('loading');

        this.hasMore = false;
        this.results = [];

        this.highlightedResult = null;
        this.loadMoreHighlighted = false;


     * Shows the results from a search query.
     * @param results Array of result items.
     * @param options Options object. May contain the following properties:
     *                add - True if the results should be added to any already shown results.
     *                dropdown - The dropdown instance for which the results are meant.
     *                hasMore - Boolean whether more results can be fetched using the query()
     *                          function.
     *                term - The search term for which the results are displayed.
    showResults: function(results, options) {
        if (options.add) {
        } else {
            this.resultsContainer.innerHTML = '';

        var filteredResults = this.selectivity.filterResults(results);
        var resultsHtml = this.renderItems(filteredResults);
        if (options.hasMore) {
            resultsHtml += this.selectivity.template('loadMore');
        } else if (!resultsHtml && !options.add) {
            resultsHtml = this.selectivity.template('noResults', { term: options.term });
        this.resultsContainer.innerHTML += resultsHtml;

        this.results = options.add ? this.results.concat(results) : results;

        this.hasMore = options.hasMore;

        var value = this.selectivity.getValue();
        if (value && !Array.isArray(value)) {
            var item = Selectivity.findNestedById(results, value);
            if (item) {
                this.highlight(item, { reason: 'current_value' });
        } else if (
            this.options.highlightFirstItem !== false &&
            (!options.add || this.loadMoreHighlighted)
        ) {


     * Triggers the 'selectivity-close' event.
    triggerClose: function() {

     * Triggers the 'selectivity-open' event.
    triggerOpen: function() {

     * @private
    _attachScrollListeners: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < SCROLL_EVENTS.length; i++) {
            window.addEventListener(SCROLL_EVENTS[i], this.position, true);
        window.addEventListener('resize', this.position);

     * @private
    _highlightFirstItem: function(results) {
        function findFirstItem(results) {
            for (var i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) {
                var result = results[i];
                if ( {
                    return result;
                } else if (result.children) {
                    var item = findFirstItem(result.children);
                    if (item) {
                        return item;

        var firstItem = findFirstItem(results);
        if (firstItem) {
            this.highlight(firstItem, { reason: 'first_result' });
        } else {
            this.highlightedResult = null;
            this.loadMoreHighlighted = false;

     * @private
    _loadMoreClicked: function(event) {


     * @private
    _loadMoreHovered: function(event) {
        if (
            event.screenX === undefined ||
            event.screenX !== this._lastMousePosition.x ||
            event.screenY === undefined ||
            event.screenY !== this._lastMousePosition.y
        ) {


     * @private
    _recordMousePosition: function(event) {
        this._lastMousePosition = { x: event.screenX, y: event.screenY };

     * @private
    _removeScrollListeners: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < SCROLL_EVENTS.length; i++) {
            window.removeEventListener(SCROLL_EVENTS[i], this.position, true);
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.position);

     * @private
    _resultClicked: function(event) {


     * @private
    _resultHovered: function(event) {
        if (
            !event.screenX ||
            event.screenX !== this._lastMousePosition.x ||
            !event.screenY ||
            event.screenY !== this._lastMousePosition.y
        ) {
            var id = this.selectivity.getRelatedItemId(event);
            var item = Selectivity.findNestedById(this.results, id);
            if (item && !item.disabled) {
                this.highlight(item, { reason: 'hovered' });


     * @private
    _scrolled: function() {
        var el = this.$(LOAD_MORE_SELECTOR);
        if (el && el.offsetTop - this.resultsContainer.scrollTop < this.el.clientHeight) {

     * @private
    _showResults: function(results, options) {
        this.showResults(results, assign({ dropdown: this }, options));

     * @private
    _suppressWheel: function() {
        var suppressWheelSelector = this.selectivity.options.suppressWheelSelector;
        if (suppressWheelSelector === null) {

        var selector = suppressWheelSelector || '.selectivity-results-container';'wheel', selector, function(event) {
            // Thanks to Troy Alford:

            var delta = event.deltaMode === 0 ? event.deltaY : event.deltaY * 40;
            var el = findClosestElementMatchingSelector(, selector);
            var height = el.clientHeight;
            var scrollHeight = el.scrollHeight;
            var scrollTop = el.scrollTop;

            function prevent() {

            if (scrollHeight > height) {
                if (delta < -scrollTop) {
                    // Scrolling up, but this will take us past the top.
                    el.scrollTop = 0;
                } else if (delta > scrollHeight - height - scrollTop) {
                    // Scrolling down, but this will take us past the bottom.
                    el.scrollTop = scrollHeight;

module.exports = Selectivity.Dropdown = SelectivityDropdown;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;
var isString = _dereq_(16);

var matchesSelector = _dereq_(43);

var CAPTURED_EVENTS = ['blur', 'focus', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'scroll'];

 * Listens to events dispatched to an element or its children.
 * @param el The element to listen to.
 * @param context Optional context in which to execute the callbacks.
function EventListener(el, context) {
    this.context = context || null;

    this.el = el; = {};

    this._onEvent = this._onEvent.bind(this);

assign(EventListener.prototype, {
     * Destructor.
     * Removes all event listeners and cleans up all references.
    destruct: function() {
        Object.keys( {
            var useCapture = CAPTURED_EVENTS.indexOf(eventName) > -1;
            this.el.removeEventListener(eventName, this._onEvent, useCapture);
        }, this);

        this.context = null;
        this.el = null; = null;

     * Stops listening to an event.
     * The arguments are the same as for on(), but when no callback is given, all callbacks for the
     * given event and class are discarded.
    off: function(eventName, selector, callback) {
        if (!isString(selector)) {
            callback = selector;
            selector = '';

        if (callback) {
            var events =[eventName];
            if (events) {
                events = events[selector];
                if (events) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                        if (events[i] === callback) {
                            events.splice(i, 1);
        } else {
  [eventName][selector] = [];

     * Starts listening to an event.
     * @param eventName Name of the event to listen to, in lower-case.
     * @param selector Optional CSS selector. If given, only events inside a child element matching
     *                 the selector are caught.
     * @param callback Callback to invoke when the event is caught.
     * Alternatively, the arguments may be provided using a map to start listening to multiple
     * events at once. Here, the keys of the map are eventNames and the values are callbacks.
     * Selectors may be specified by separating them from the event name with a space. For example:
     *     .on({
     *         'blur': this._blurred,
     *         'click .some-input': this._inputClicked,
     *     })
    on: function(eventName, selector, callback) {
        if (!isString(eventName)) {
            var eventsMap = eventName;
            for (var key in eventsMap) {
                if (eventsMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    var split = key.split(' ');
                    if (split.length > 1) {
                        this.on(split[0], split[1], eventsMap[key]);
                    } else {
                        this.on(split[0], eventsMap[key]);

        if (!isString(selector)) {
            callback = selector;
            selector = '';

        if (! {
            var useCapture = CAPTURED_EVENTS.indexOf(eventName) > -1;
            this.el.addEventListener(eventName, this._onEvent, useCapture);

  [eventName] = {};

        if (![eventName].hasOwnProperty(selector)) {
  [eventName][selector] = [];

        if ([eventName][selector].indexOf(callback) < 0) {

    _onEvent: function(event) {
        var isPropagationStopped = false;
        var stopPropagation = event.stopPropagation;
        event.stopPropagation = function() {
            isPropagationStopped = true;

        var context = this.context;
        function callAll(callbacks) {
            for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
                callbacks[i].call(context, event);

        var target =;
        var events =[event.type.toLowerCase()];
        while (target && target !== this.el && !isPropagationStopped) {
            for (var selector in events) {
                if (
                    selector &&
                    events.hasOwnProperty(selector) &&
                    matchesSelector(target, selector)
                ) {
            target = target.parentElement;

        if (!isPropagationStopped && events.hasOwnProperty('')) {

module.exports = EventListener;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;

var MultipleInput = _dereq_(25);
var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

function isValidEmail(email) {
    var atIndex = email.indexOf('@');
    if (atIndex === -1 || email.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
        return false; // email needs to have an '@', and may not contain any spaces

    var dotIndex = email.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (dotIndex === -1) {
        // no dot is fine, as long as the '@' is followed by at least two more characters
        return atIndex < email.length - 2;

    // but if there is a dot after the '@', it must be followed by at least two more characters
    return dotIndex > atIndex ? dotIndex < email.length - 2 : true;

function lastWord(token, length) {
    length = length === undefined ? token.length : length;
    for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (/\s/.test(token[i])) {
            return token.slice(i + 1, length);
    return token.slice(0, length);

function stripEnclosure(token, enclosure) {
    if (token.charAt(0) === enclosure[0] && token.slice(-1) === enclosure[1]) {
        return token.slice(1, -1).trim();
    } else {
        return token.trim();

function createEmailItem(token) {
    var email = lastWord(token);
    var name = token.slice(0, -email.length).trim();
    if (isValidEmail(email)) {
        email = stripEnclosure(stripEnclosure(email, '()'), '<>');
        name = stripEnclosure(name, '""').trim() || email;
        return { id: email, text: name };
    } else {
        return token.trim() ? { id: token, text: token } : null;

function emailTokenizer(input, selection, createToken) {
    function hasToken(input) {
        if (input) {
            for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
                switch (input[i]) {
                    case ';':
                    case ',':
                    case '\n':
                        return true;
                    case ' ':
                    case '\t':
                        if (isValidEmail(lastWord(input, i))) {
                            return true;
                    case '"':
                        do {
                        } while (i < length && input[i] !== '"');
        return false;

    function takeToken(input) {
        for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
            switch (input[i]) {
                case ';':
                case ',':
                case '\n':
                    return { term: input.slice(0, i), input: input.slice(i + 1) };
                case ' ':
                case '\t':
                    if (isValidEmail(lastWord(input, i))) {
                        return { term: input.slice(0, i), input: input.slice(i + 1) };
                case '"':
                    do {
                    } while (i < length && input[i] !== '"');
        return {};

    while (hasToken(input)) {
        var token = takeToken(input);
        if (token.term) {
            var item = createEmailItem(token.term);
            if (item && !( && Selectivity.findById(selection, {
        input = token.input;

    return input;

 * EmailInput Constructor.
 * @param options Options object. Accepts all options from the MultipleInput Constructor.
function EmailInput(options) {
                createTokenItem: createEmailItem,
                showDropdown: false,
                tokenizer: emailTokenizer
    );'blur', function() {
        var input = this.input;
        if (input && isValidEmail(lastWord(input.value))) {

Selectivity.inherits(EmailInput, MultipleInput);

module.exports = Selectivity.Inputs.Email = EmailInput;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;
var isString = _dereq_(16);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var getItemSelector = _dereq_(41);
var getKeyCode = _dereq_(42);
var parseElement = _dereq_(44);
var removeElement = _dereq_(45);
var stopPropagation = _dereq_(46);
var toggleClass = _dereq_(47);

var KEY_DELETE = 46;
var KEY_ENTER = 13;

var INPUT_SELECTOR = '.selectivity-multiple-input';
var SELECTED_ITEM_SELECTOR = '.selectivity-multiple-selected-item';

var hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window;

 * MultipleInput Constructor.
function MultipleInput(options) {
                // dropdowns for multiple-value inputs should open below the select box,
                // unless there is not enough space below, but there is space enough above, then it should
                // open upwards
                positionDropdown: function(el, selectEl) {
                    var rect = selectEl.getBoundingClientRect();
                    var dropdownHeight = el.clientHeight;
                    var openUpwards =
                        rect.bottom + dropdownHeight > window.innerHeight &&
               - dropdownHeight > 0;

                    assign(, {
                        left: rect.left + 'px',
                        top: (openUpwards ? - dropdownHeight : rect.bottom) + 'px',
                        width: rect.width + 'px'

                showSearchInputInDropdown: false


    var events = {
        change: this.rerenderSelection,
        click: this._clicked,
        'selectivity-selected': this._resultSelected
    events['change ' + INPUT_SELECTOR] = stopPropagation;
    events['click ' + SELECTED_ITEM_SELECTOR] = this._itemClicked;
    events['click ' + SELECTED_ITEM_SELECTOR + '-remove'] = this._itemRemoveClicked;
    events['keydown ' + INPUT_SELECTOR] = this._keyHeld;
    events['keyup ' + INPUT_SELECTOR] = this._keyReleased;
    events['paste ' + INPUT_SELECTOR] = this._onPaste;;

 * Methods.
var callSuper = Selectivity.inherits(MultipleInput, Selectivity, {
     * Adds an item to the selection, if it's not selected yet.
     * @param item The item to add. May be an item with 'id' and 'text' properties or just an ID.
    add: function(item) {
        var itemIsId = Selectivity.isValidId(item);
        var id = itemIsId ? item : this.validateItem(item) &&;

        if (this._value.indexOf(id) === -1) {

            if (itemIsId && this.options.initSelection) {
                    function(data) {
                        if (this._value.indexOf(id) > -1) {
                            item = this.validateItem(data[0]);

                            this.triggerChange({ added: item });
            } else {
                if (itemIsId) {
                    item = this.getItemForId(id);

                this.triggerChange({ added: item });

        this.input.value = '';

     * Clears the data and value.
    clear: function() {

     * @inherit
    filterResults: function(results) {
        results = {
            var result = {
                text: item.text
            if (item.children) {
                result['children'] = this.filterResults(item.children);
            return result;
        }, this);

        return results.filter(function(item) {
            return !Selectivity.findById(this._data,;
        }, this);

     * Returns the correct data for a given value.
     * @param value The value to get the data for. Should be an array of IDs.
     * @return The corresponding data. Will be an array of objects with 'id' and 'text' properties.
     *         Note that if no items are defined, this method assumes the text labels will be equal
     *         to the IDs.
    getDataForValue: function(value) {
        return, this).filter(function(item) {
            return !!item;

     * Returns the correct value for the given data.
     * @param data The data to get the value for. Should be an array of objects with 'id' and 'text'
     *             properties.
     * @return The corresponding value. Will be an array of IDs.
    getValueForData: function(data) {
        return {

     * Removes an item from the selection, if it is selected.
     * @param item The item to remove. May be an item with 'id' and 'text' properties or just an ID.
    remove: function(item) {
        var id = || item;

        var removedItem;
        var index = Selectivity.findIndexById(this._data, id);
        if (index > -1) {
            removedItem = this._data[index];
            this._data.splice(index, 1);

        if (this._value[index] !== id) {
            index = this._value.indexOf(id);
        if (index > -1) {
            this._value.splice(index, 1);

        if (removedItem) {
            this.triggerChange({ removed: removedItem });

        if (id === this._highlightedItemId) {
            this._highlightedItemId = null;


     * Re-renders the selection.
     * Normally the UI is automatically updated whenever the selection changes, but you may want to
     * call this method explicitly if you've updated the selection with the triggerChange option set
     * to false.
    rerenderSelection: function(event) {
        event = event || {};

        if (event.added) {

        } else if (event.removed) {
        } else {

            this._data.forEach(this._renderSelectedItem, this);


        if (event.added || event.removed) {
            if (this.dropdown) {
                this.dropdown.showResults(this.filterResults(this.dropdown.results), {
                    hasMore: this.dropdown.hasMore

            if (!hasTouch) {



     * @inherit
    search: function(term) {
        if (this.options.tokenizer) {
            term = this.options.tokenizer(term, this._data, this.add.bind(this), this.options);

            if (isString(term) && term !== this.input.value) {
                this.input.value = term;


        if (this.dropdown) {
            callSuper(this, 'search', term);

     * @inherit
    setOptions: function(options) {
        var wasEnabled = this.enabled;

        callSuper(this, 'setOptions', options);

        if (wasEnabled !== this.enabled) {

     * Validates data to set. Throws an exception if the data is invalid.
     * @param data The data to validate. Should be an array of objects with 'id' and 'text'
     *             properties.
     * @return The validated data. This may differ from the input data.
    validateData: function(data) {
        if (data === null) {
            return [];
        } else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
            return, this);
        } else {
            throw new Error('Data for MultiSelectivity instance should be an array');

     * Validates a value to set. Throws an exception if the value is invalid.
     * @param value The value to validate. Should be an array of IDs.
     * @return The validated value. This may differ from the input value.
    validateValue: function(value) {
        if (value === null) {
            return [];
        } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            if (value.every(Selectivity.isValidId)) {
                return value;
            } else {
                throw new Error('Value contains invalid IDs');
        } else {
            throw new Error('Value for MultiSelectivity instance should be an array');

     * @private
    _backspacePressed: function() {
        if (this.options.backspaceHighlightsBeforeDelete) {
            if (this._highlightedItemId) {
            } else if (this._value.length) {
        } else if (this._value.length) {

     * @private
    _clicked: function(event) {
        if (this.enabled) {
            if (this.options.showDropdown !== false) {
            } else {


     * @private
    _createToken: function() {
        var term = this.input.value;
        var createTokenItem = this.options.createTokenItem;

        if (term && createTokenItem) {
            var item = createTokenItem(term);
            if (item) {

     * @private
    _deletePressed: function() {
        if (this._highlightedItemId) {

     * @private
    _forEachSelectedItem: function(callback) {, callback);

     * @private
    _highlightItem: function(id) {
        this._highlightedItemId = id;

        this._forEachSelectedItem(function(el) {
            toggleClass(el, 'highlighted', el.getAttribute('data-item-id') === id);

        if (!hasTouch) {

     * @private
    _itemClicked: function(event) {
        if (this.enabled) {

     * @private
    _itemRemoveClicked: function(event) {


     * @private
    _keyHeld: function(event) {
        this._originalValue = this.input.value;

        if (getKeyCode(event) === KEY_ENTER && !event.ctrlKey) {

     * @private
    _keyReleased: function(event) {
        var inputHadText = !!this._originalValue;
        var keyCode = getKeyCode(event);

        if (keyCode === KEY_ENTER && !event.ctrlKey) {
        } else if (keyCode === KEY_BACKSPACE && !inputHadText) {
        } else if (keyCode === KEY_DELETE && !inputHadText) {

     * @private
    _onPaste: function() {
            function() {


     * @private
    _renderSelectedItem: function(item) {
        var el = parseElement(
                        highlighted: === this._highlightedItemId,
                        removable: !this.options.readOnly

        this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.input);

     * @private
    _reset: function() {
        this.el.innerHTML = this.template('multipleSelectInput', { enabled: this.enabled });

        this._highlightedItemId = null;



     * @private
    _resultSelected: function(event) {
        if (this._value.indexOf( === -1) {
        } else {

     * @private
    _scrollToBottom: function() {
        var inputContainer = this.$(INPUT_SELECTOR + '-container');
        inputContainer.scrollTop = inputContainer.clientHeight;

     * @private
    _updateInputWidth: function() {
        if (this.enabled) {
            var inputContent =
                this.input.value || (!this._data.length && this.options.placeholder) || '';
            this.input.setAttribute('size', inputContent.length + 2);


     * @private
    _updatePlaceholder: function() {
        var placeholder = (!this._data.length && this.options.placeholder) || '';
        if (this.enabled) {
            this.input.setAttribute('placeholder', placeholder);
        } else {
            this.$('.selectivity-placeholder').textContent = placeholder;

module.exports = Selectivity.Inputs.Multiple = MultipleInput;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var stopPropagation = _dereq_(46);

 * SingleInput Constructor.
function SingleInput(options) {
                // Dropdowns for single-value inputs should open below the select box, unless there
                // is not enough space below, in which case the dropdown should be moved up just
                // enough so it fits in the window, but never so much that it reaches above the top.
                positionDropdown: function(el, selectEl) {
                    var rect = selectEl.getBoundingClientRect();
                    var dropdownTop = rect.bottom;

                    var deltaUp = Math.min(
                        Math.max(dropdownTop + el.clientHeight - window.innerHeight, 0),
               + rect.height

                    assign(, {
                        left: rect.left + 'px',
                        top: dropdownTop - deltaUp + 'px',
                        width: rect.width + 'px'


    if (options.showSearchInputInDropdown === false) {
        this.initInput(this.$('.selectivity-single-select-input'), { search: false });
        change: this.rerenderSelection,
        click: this._clicked,
        'click .selectivity-search-input': stopPropagation,
        'click .selectivity-single-selected-item-remove': this._itemRemoveClicked,
        'focus .selectivity-single-select-input': this._focused,
        'selectivity-selected': this._resultSelected

 * Methods.
var callSuper = Selectivity.inherits(SingleInput, Selectivity, {
     * Clears the data and value.
    clear: function() {

     * @inherit
     * @param options Optional options object. May contain the following property:
     *                keepFocus - If true, the focus will remain on the input.
    close: function(options) {
        this._closing = true;

        callSuper(this, 'close');

        if (options && options.keepFocus && this.input) {

        this._closing = false;

     * Returns the correct data for a given value.
     * @param value The value to get the data for. Should be an ID.
     * @return The corresponding data. Will be an object with 'id' and 'text' properties. Note that
     *         if no items are defined, this method assumes the text label will be equal to the ID.
    getDataForValue: function(value) {
        return this.getItemForId(value);

     * Returns the correct value for the given data.
     * @param data The data to get the value for. Should be an object with 'id' and 'text'
     *             properties or null.
     * @return The corresponding value. Will be an ID or null.
    getValueForData: function(data) {
        return data ? : null;

     * Rerenders the entire component.
    rerender: function() {
        this.el.innerHTML = this.template('singleSelectInput', this.options);


     * Re-renders the selection.
     * Normally the UI is automatically updated whenever the selection changes, but you may want to
     * call this method explicitly if you've updated the selection with the triggerChange option set
     * to false.
    rerenderSelection: function() {
        var template = this._data ? 'singleSelectedItem' : 'singleSelectPlaceholder';
        var options = this._data
            ? assign(
                      removable: this.options.allowClear && !this.options.readOnly
            : { placeholder: this.options.placeholder };

        this.el.querySelector('input').value = this._value;
        this.$('.selectivity-single-result-container').innerHTML = this.template(template, options);

     * @inherit
    setOptions: function(options) {
        var wasEnabled = this.enabled;

        callSuper(this, 'setOptions', options);

        if (wasEnabled !== this.enabled) {

     * Validates data to set. Throws an exception if the data is invalid.
     * @param data The data to validate. Should be an object with 'id' and 'text' properties or null
     *             to indicate no item is selected.
     * @return The validated data. This may differ from the input data.
    validateData: function(data) {
        return data === null ? data : this.validateItem(data);

     * Validates a value to set. Throws an exception if the value is invalid.
     * @param value The value to validate. Should be null or a valid ID.
     * @return The validated value. This may differ from the input value.
    validateValue: function(value) {
        if (value === null || Selectivity.isValidId(value)) {
            return value;
        } else {
            throw new Error('Value for SingleSelectivity instance should be a valid ID or null');

     * @private
    _clicked: function() {
        if (this.enabled) {
            if (this.dropdown) {
                this.close({ keepFocus: true });
            } else if (this.options.showDropdown !== false) {

     * @private
    _focused: function() {
        if (
            this.enabled &&
            !this._closing &&
            !this._opening &&
            this.options.showDropdown !== false
        ) {

     * @private
    _itemRemoveClicked: function(event) {


     * @private
    _resultSelected: function(event) {

        this.close({ keepFocus: true });

module.exports = Selectivity.Inputs.Single = SingleInput;

'use strict';

var escape = _dereq_(12);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

 * Localizable elements of the Selectivity Templates.
 * Be aware that these strings are added straight to the HTML output of the templates, so any
 * non-safe strings should be escaped.
module.exports = Selectivity.Locale = {
    loading: 'Loading...',
    loadMore: 'Load more...',
    noResults: 'No results found',

    ajaxError: function(term) {
        if (term) {
            return 'Failed to fetch results for <b>' + escape(term) + '</b>';
        } else {
            return 'Failed to fetch results';

    needMoreCharacters: function(numCharacters) {
        return 'Enter ' + numCharacters + ' more characters to search';

    noResultsForTerm: function(term) {
        return 'No results for <b>' + escape(term) + '</b>';

'use strict';

var debounce = _dereq_(11);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var Locale = _dereq_(27);

function addUrlParam(url, key, value) {
    return url + (url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);

function pick(object, keys) {
    var result = {};
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        if (object[key] !== undefined) {
            result[key] = object[key];
    return result;

function doFetch(ajax, queryOptions) {
    var fetch = ajax.fetch || window.fetch;
    var term = queryOptions.term;

    var url = typeof ajax.url === 'function' ? ajax.url(queryOptions) : ajax.url;
    if (ajax.params) {
        var params = ajax.params(term, queryOptions.offset || 0);
        for (var key in params) {
            if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                url = addUrlParam(url, key, params[key]);

    var init = pick(ajax, [

    fetch(url, init, queryOptions)
        .then(function(response) {
            if (response.ok) {
                return response.json();
            } else if (Array.isArray(response) || response.results) {
                return response;
            } else {
                throw new Error('Unexpected AJAX response');
        .then(function(response) {
            if (Array.isArray(response)) {
                queryOptions.callback({ results: response, more: false });
            } else {
                queryOptions.callback({ results: response.results, more: !!response.more });
        .catch(function(error) {
            var formatError = ajax.formatError || Locale.ajaxError;
            queryOptions.error(formatError(term, error), { escape: false });

 * Option listener that implements a convenience query function for performing AJAX requests.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.unshift(function(selectivity, options) {
    var ajax = options.ajax;
    if (ajax && ajax.url) {
        var fetch = ajax.quietMillis ? debounce(doFetch, ajax.quietMillis) : doFetch;

        options.query = function(queryOptions) {
            var numCharsNeeded = ajax.minimumInputLength - queryOptions.term.length;
            if (numCharsNeeded > 0) {

            fetch(ajax, queryOptions);

'use strict';

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

var latestQueryNum = 0;

 * Option listener that will discard any callbacks from the query function if another query has
 * been called afterwards. This prevents responses from remote sources arriving out-of-order.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.push(function(selectivity, options) {
    var query = options.query;
    if (query && !query._async) {
        options.query = function(queryOptions) {
            var queryNum = latestQueryNum;

            var callback = queryOptions.callback;
            var error = queryOptions.error;
            queryOptions.callback = function() {
                if (queryNum === latestQueryNum) {
                    callback.apply(null, arguments);
            queryOptions.error = function() {
                if (queryNum === latestQueryNum) {
                    error.apply(null, arguments);
        options.query._async = true;

'use strict';

    '\u24B6': 'A',
    A: 'A',
    À: 'A',
    Á: 'A',
    Â: 'A',
    Ầ: 'A',
    Ấ: 'A',
    Ẫ: 'A',
    Ẩ: 'A',
    Ã: 'A',
    Ā: 'A',
    Ă: 'A',
    Ằ: 'A',
    Ắ: 'A',
    Ẵ: 'A',
    Ẳ: 'A',
    Ȧ: 'A',
    Ǡ: 'A',
    Ä: 'A',
    Ǟ: 'A',
    Ả: 'A',
    Å: 'A',
    Ǻ: 'A',
    Ǎ: 'A',
    Ȁ: 'A',
    Ȃ: 'A',
    Ạ: 'A',
    Ậ: 'A',
    Ặ: 'A',
    Ḁ: 'A',
    Ą: 'A',
    Ⱥ: 'A',
    Ɐ: 'A',
    Ꜳ: 'AA',
    Æ: 'AE',
    Ǽ: 'AE',
    Ǣ: 'AE',
    Ꜵ: 'AO',
    Ꜷ: 'AU',
    Ꜹ: 'AV',
    Ꜻ: 'AV',
    Ꜽ: 'AY',
    '\u24B7': 'B',
    B: 'B',
    Ḃ: 'B',
    Ḅ: 'B',
    Ḇ: 'B',
    Ƀ: 'B',
    Ƃ: 'B',
    Ɓ: 'B',
    '\u24B8': 'C',
    C: 'C',
    Ć: 'C',
    Ĉ: 'C',
    Ċ: 'C',
    Č: 'C',
    Ç: 'C',
    Ḉ: 'C',
    Ƈ: 'C',
    Ȼ: 'C',
    Ꜿ: 'C',
    '\u24B9': 'D',
    D: 'D',
    Ḋ: 'D',
    Ď: 'D',
    Ḍ: 'D',
    Ḑ: 'D',
    Ḓ: 'D',
    Ḏ: 'D',
    Đ: 'D',
    Ƌ: 'D',
    Ɗ: 'D',
    Ɖ: 'D',
    Ꝺ: 'D',
    DZ: 'DZ',
    DŽ: 'DZ',
    Dz: 'Dz',
    Dž: 'Dz',
    '\u24BA': 'E',
    E: 'E',
    È: 'E',
    É: 'E',
    Ê: 'E',
    Ề: 'E',
    Ế: 'E',
    Ễ: 'E',
    Ể: 'E',
    Ẽ: 'E',
    Ē: 'E',
    Ḕ: 'E',
    Ḗ: 'E',
    Ĕ: 'E',
    Ė: 'E',
    Ë: 'E',
    Ẻ: 'E',
    Ě: 'E',
    Ȅ: 'E',
    Ȇ: 'E',
    Ẹ: 'E',
    Ệ: 'E',
    Ȩ: 'E',
    Ḝ: 'E',
    Ę: 'E',
    Ḙ: 'E',
    Ḛ: 'E',
    Ɛ: 'E',
    Ǝ: 'E',
    '\u24BB': 'F',
    F: 'F',
    Ḟ: 'F',
    Ƒ: 'F',
    Ꝼ: 'F',
    '\u24BC': 'G',
    G: 'G',
    Ǵ: 'G',
    Ĝ: 'G',
    Ḡ: 'G',
    Ğ: 'G',
    Ġ: 'G',
    Ǧ: 'G',
    Ģ: 'G',
    Ǥ: 'G',
    Ɠ: 'G',
    Ꞡ: 'G',
    Ᵹ: 'G',
    Ꝿ: 'G',
    '\u24BD': 'H',
    H: 'H',
    Ĥ: 'H',
    Ḣ: 'H',
    Ḧ: 'H',
    Ȟ: 'H',
    Ḥ: 'H',
    Ḩ: 'H',
    Ḫ: 'H',
    Ħ: 'H',
    Ⱨ: 'H',
    Ⱶ: 'H',
    Ɥ: 'H',
    '\u24BE': 'I',
    I: 'I',
    Ì: 'I',
    Í: 'I',
    Î: 'I',
    Ĩ: 'I',
    Ī: 'I',
    Ĭ: 'I',
    İ: 'I',
    Ï: 'I',
    Ḯ: 'I',
    Ỉ: 'I',
    Ǐ: 'I',
    Ȉ: 'I',
    Ȋ: 'I',
    Ị: 'I',
    Į: 'I',
    Ḭ: 'I',
    Ɨ: 'I',
    '\u24BF': 'J',
    J: 'J',
    Ĵ: 'J',
    Ɉ: 'J',
    '\u24C0': 'K',
    K: 'K',
    Ḱ: 'K',
    Ǩ: 'K',
    Ḳ: 'K',
    Ķ: 'K',
    Ḵ: 'K',
    Ƙ: 'K',
    Ⱪ: 'K',
    Ꝁ: 'K',
    Ꝃ: 'K',
    Ꝅ: 'K',
    Ꞣ: 'K',
    '\u24C1': 'L',
    L: 'L',
    Ŀ: 'L',
    Ĺ: 'L',
    Ľ: 'L',
    Ḷ: 'L',
    Ḹ: 'L',
    Ļ: 'L',
    Ḽ: 'L',
    Ḻ: 'L',
    Ł: 'L',
    Ƚ: 'L',
    Ɫ: 'L',
    Ⱡ: 'L',
    Ꝉ: 'L',
    Ꝇ: 'L',
    Ꞁ: 'L',
    LJ: 'LJ',
    Lj: 'Lj',
    '\u24C2': 'M',
    M: 'M',
    Ḿ: 'M',
    Ṁ: 'M',
    Ṃ: 'M',
    Ɱ: 'M',
    Ɯ: 'M',
    '\u24C3': 'N',
    N: 'N',
    Ǹ: 'N',
    Ń: 'N',
    Ñ: 'N',
    Ṅ: 'N',
    Ň: 'N',
    Ṇ: 'N',
    Ņ: 'N',
    Ṋ: 'N',
    Ṉ: 'N',
    Ƞ: 'N',
    Ɲ: 'N',
    Ꞑ: 'N',
    Ꞥ: 'N',
    NJ: 'NJ',
    Nj: 'Nj',
    '\u24C4': 'O',
    O: 'O',
    Ò: 'O',
    Ó: 'O',
    Ô: 'O',
    Ồ: 'O',
    Ố: 'O',
    Ỗ: 'O',
    Ổ: 'O',
    Õ: 'O',
    Ṍ: 'O',
    Ȭ: 'O',
    Ṏ: 'O',
    Ō: 'O',
    Ṑ: 'O',
    Ṓ: 'O',
    Ŏ: 'O',
    Ȯ: 'O',
    Ȱ: 'O',
    Ö: 'O',
    Ȫ: 'O',
    Ỏ: 'O',
    Ő: 'O',
    Ǒ: 'O',
    Ȍ: 'O',
    Ȏ: 'O',
    Ơ: 'O',
    Ờ: 'O',
    Ớ: 'O',
    Ỡ: 'O',
    Ở: 'O',
    Ợ: 'O',
    Ọ: 'O',
    Ộ: 'O',
    Ǫ: 'O',
    Ǭ: 'O',
    Ø: 'O',
    Ǿ: 'O',
    Ɔ: 'O',
    Ɵ: 'O',
    Ꝋ: 'O',
    Ꝍ: 'O',
    Ƣ: 'OI',
    Ꝏ: 'OO',
    Ȣ: 'OU',
    '\u24C5': 'P',
    P: 'P',
    Ṕ: 'P',
    Ṗ: 'P',
    Ƥ: 'P',
    Ᵽ: 'P',
    Ꝑ: 'P',
    Ꝓ: 'P',
    Ꝕ: 'P',
    '\u24C6': 'Q',
    Q: 'Q',
    Ꝗ: 'Q',
    Ꝙ: 'Q',
    Ɋ: 'Q',
    '\u24C7': 'R',
    R: 'R',
    Ŕ: 'R',
    Ṙ: 'R',
    Ř: 'R',
    Ȑ: 'R',
    Ȓ: 'R',
    Ṛ: 'R',
    Ṝ: 'R',
    Ŗ: 'R',
    Ṟ: 'R',
    Ɍ: 'R',
    Ɽ: 'R',
    Ꝛ: 'R',
    Ꞧ: 'R',
    Ꞃ: 'R',
    '\u24C8': 'S',
    S: 'S',
    ẞ: 'S',
    Ś: 'S',
    Ṥ: 'S',
    Ŝ: 'S',
    Ṡ: 'S',
    Š: 'S',
    Ṧ: 'S',
    Ṣ: 'S',
    Ṩ: 'S',
    Ș: 'S',
    Ş: 'S',
    Ȿ: 'S',
    Ꞩ: 'S',
    Ꞅ: 'S',
    '\u24C9': 'T',
    T: 'T',
    Ṫ: 'T',
    Ť: 'T',
    Ṭ: 'T',
    Ț: 'T',
    Ţ: 'T',
    Ṱ: 'T',
    Ṯ: 'T',
    Ŧ: 'T',
    Ƭ: 'T',
    Ʈ: 'T',
    Ⱦ: 'T',
    Ꞇ: 'T',
    Ꜩ: 'TZ',
    '\u24CA': 'U',
    U: 'U',
    Ù: 'U',
    Ú: 'U',
    Û: 'U',
    Ũ: 'U',
    Ṹ: 'U',
    Ū: 'U',
    Ṻ: 'U',
    Ŭ: 'U',
    Ü: 'U',
    Ǜ: 'U',
    Ǘ: 'U',
    Ǖ: 'U',
    Ǚ: 'U',
    Ủ: 'U',
    Ů: 'U',
    Ű: 'U',
    Ǔ: 'U',
    Ȕ: 'U',
    Ȗ: 'U',
    Ư: 'U',
    Ừ: 'U',
    Ứ: 'U',
    Ữ: 'U',
    Ử: 'U',
    Ự: 'U',
    Ụ: 'U',
    Ṳ: 'U',
    Ų: 'U',
    Ṷ: 'U',
    Ṵ: 'U',
    Ʉ: 'U',
    '\u24CB': 'V',
    V: 'V',
    Ṽ: 'V',
    Ṿ: 'V',
    Ʋ: 'V',
    Ꝟ: 'V',
    Ʌ: 'V',
    Ꝡ: 'VY',
    '\u24CC': 'W',
    W: 'W',
    Ẁ: 'W',
    Ẃ: 'W',
    Ŵ: 'W',
    Ẇ: 'W',
    Ẅ: 'W',
    Ẉ: 'W',
    Ⱳ: 'W',
    '\u24CD': 'X',
    X: 'X',
    Ẋ: 'X',
    Ẍ: 'X',
    '\u24CE': 'Y',
    Y: 'Y',
    Ỳ: 'Y',
    Ý: 'Y',
    Ŷ: 'Y',
    Ỹ: 'Y',
    Ȳ: 'Y',
    Ẏ: 'Y',
    Ÿ: 'Y',
    Ỷ: 'Y',
    Ỵ: 'Y',
    Ƴ: 'Y',
    Ɏ: 'Y',
    Ỿ: 'Y',
    '\u24CF': 'Z',
    Z: 'Z',
    Ź: 'Z',
    Ẑ: 'Z',
    Ż: 'Z',
    Ž: 'Z',
    Ẓ: 'Z',
    Ẕ: 'Z',
    Ƶ: 'Z',
    Ȥ: 'Z',
    Ɀ: 'Z',
    Ⱬ: 'Z',
    Ꝣ: 'Z',
    '\u24D0': 'a',
    a: 'a',
    ẚ: 'a',
    à: 'a',
    á: 'a',
    â: 'a',
    ầ: 'a',
    ấ: 'a',
    ẫ: 'a',
    ẩ: 'a',
    ã: 'a',
    ā: 'a',
    ă: 'a',
    ằ: 'a',
    ắ: 'a',
    ẵ: 'a',
    ẳ: 'a',
    ȧ: 'a',
    ǡ: 'a',
    ä: 'a',
    ǟ: 'a',
    ả: 'a',
    å: 'a',
    ǻ: 'a',
    ǎ: 'a',
    ȁ: 'a',
    ȃ: 'a',
    ạ: 'a',
    ậ: 'a',
    ặ: 'a',
    ḁ: 'a',
    ą: 'a',
    ⱥ: 'a',
    ɐ: 'a',
    ꜳ: 'aa',
    æ: 'ae',
    ǽ: 'ae',
    ǣ: 'ae',
    ꜵ: 'ao',
    ꜷ: 'au',
    ꜹ: 'av',
    ꜻ: 'av',
    ꜽ: 'ay',
    '\u24D1': 'b',
    b: 'b',
    ḃ: 'b',
    ḅ: 'b',
    ḇ: 'b',
    ƀ: 'b',
    ƃ: 'b',
    ɓ: 'b',
    '\u24D2': 'c',
    c: 'c',
    ć: 'c',
    ĉ: 'c',
    ċ: 'c',
    č: 'c',
    ç: 'c',
    ḉ: 'c',
    ƈ: 'c',
    ȼ: 'c',
    ꜿ: 'c',
    ↄ: 'c',
    '\u24D3': 'd',
    d: 'd',
    ḋ: 'd',
    ď: 'd',
    ḍ: 'd',
    ḑ: 'd',
    ḓ: 'd',
    ḏ: 'd',
    đ: 'd',
    ƌ: 'd',
    ɖ: 'd',
    ɗ: 'd',
    ꝺ: 'd',
    dz: 'dz',
    dž: 'dz',
    '\u24D4': 'e',
    e: 'e',
    è: 'e',
    é: 'e',
    ê: 'e',
    ề: 'e',
    ế: 'e',
    ễ: 'e',
    ể: 'e',
    ẽ: 'e',
    ē: 'e',
    ḕ: 'e',
    ḗ: 'e',
    ĕ: 'e',
    ė: 'e',
    ë: 'e',
    ẻ: 'e',
    ě: 'e',
    ȅ: 'e',
    ȇ: 'e',
    ẹ: 'e',
    ệ: 'e',
    ȩ: 'e',
    ḝ: 'e',
    ę: 'e',
    ḙ: 'e',
    ḛ: 'e',
    ɇ: 'e',
    ɛ: 'e',
    ǝ: 'e',
    '\u24D5': 'f',
    f: 'f',
    ḟ: 'f',
    ƒ: 'f',
    ꝼ: 'f',
    '\u24D6': 'g',
    g: 'g',
    ǵ: 'g',
    ĝ: 'g',
    ḡ: 'g',
    ğ: 'g',
    ġ: 'g',
    ǧ: 'g',
    ģ: 'g',
    ǥ: 'g',
    ɠ: 'g',
    ꞡ: 'g',
    ᵹ: 'g',
    ꝿ: 'g',
    '\u24D7': 'h',
    h: 'h',
    ĥ: 'h',
    ḣ: 'h',
    ḧ: 'h',
    ȟ: 'h',
    ḥ: 'h',
    ḩ: 'h',
    ḫ: 'h',
    ẖ: 'h',
    ħ: 'h',
    ⱨ: 'h',
    ⱶ: 'h',
    ɥ: 'h',
    ƕ: 'hv',
    '\u24D8': 'i',
    i: 'i',
    ì: 'i',
    í: 'i',
    î: 'i',
    ĩ: 'i',
    ī: 'i',
    ĭ: 'i',
    ï: 'i',
    ḯ: 'i',
    ỉ: 'i',
    ǐ: 'i',
    ȉ: 'i',
    ȋ: 'i',
    ị: 'i',
    į: 'i',
    ḭ: 'i',
    ɨ: 'i',
    ı: 'i',
    '\u24D9': 'j',
    j: 'j',
    ĵ: 'j',
    ǰ: 'j',
    ɉ: 'j',
    '\u24DA': 'k',
    k: 'k',
    ḱ: 'k',
    ǩ: 'k',
    ḳ: 'k',
    ķ: 'k',
    ḵ: 'k',
    ƙ: 'k',
    ⱪ: 'k',
    ꝁ: 'k',
    ꝃ: 'k',
    ꝅ: 'k',
    ꞣ: 'k',
    '\u24DB': 'l',
    l: 'l',
    ŀ: 'l',
    ĺ: 'l',
    ľ: 'l',
    ḷ: 'l',
    ḹ: 'l',
    ļ: 'l',
    ḽ: 'l',
    ḻ: 'l',
    ſ: 'l',
    ł: 'l',
    ƚ: 'l',
    ɫ: 'l',
    ⱡ: 'l',
    ꝉ: 'l',
    ꞁ: 'l',
    ꝇ: 'l',
    lj: 'lj',
    '\u24DC': 'm',
    m: 'm',
    ḿ: 'm',
    ṁ: 'm',
    ṃ: 'm',
    ɱ: 'm',
    ɯ: 'm',
    '\u24DD': 'n',
    n: 'n',
    ǹ: 'n',
    ń: 'n',
    ñ: 'n',
    ṅ: 'n',
    ň: 'n',
    ṇ: 'n',
    ņ: 'n',
    ṋ: 'n',
    ṉ: 'n',
    ƞ: 'n',
    ɲ: 'n',
    ʼn: 'n',
    ꞑ: 'n',
    ꞥ: 'n',
    nj: 'nj',
    '\u24DE': 'o',
    o: 'o',
    ò: 'o',
    ó: 'o',
    ô: 'o',
    ồ: 'o',
    ố: 'o',
    ỗ: 'o',
    ổ: 'o',
    õ: 'o',
    ṍ: 'o',
    ȭ: 'o',
    ṏ: 'o',
    ō: 'o',
    ṑ: 'o',
    ṓ: 'o',
    ŏ: 'o',
    ȯ: 'o',
    ȱ: 'o',
    ö: 'o',
    ȫ: 'o',
    ỏ: 'o',
    ő: 'o',
    ǒ: 'o',
    ȍ: 'o',
    ȏ: 'o',
    ơ: 'o',
    ờ: 'o',
    ớ: 'o',
    ỡ: 'o',
    ở: 'o',
    ợ: 'o',
    ọ: 'o',
    ộ: 'o',
    ǫ: 'o',
    ǭ: 'o',
    ø: 'o',
    ǿ: 'o',
    ɔ: 'o',
    ꝋ: 'o',
    ꝍ: 'o',
    ɵ: 'o',
    ƣ: 'oi',
    ȣ: 'ou',
    ꝏ: 'oo',
    '\u24DF': 'p',
    p: 'p',
    ṕ: 'p',
    ṗ: 'p',
    ƥ: 'p',
    ᵽ: 'p',
    ꝑ: 'p',
    ꝓ: 'p',
    ꝕ: 'p',
    '\u24E0': 'q',
    q: 'q',
    ɋ: 'q',
    ꝗ: 'q',
    ꝙ: 'q',
    '\u24E1': 'r',
    r: 'r',
    ŕ: 'r',
    ṙ: 'r',
    ř: 'r',
    ȑ: 'r',
    ȓ: 'r',
    ṛ: 'r',
    ṝ: 'r',
    ŗ: 'r',
    ṟ: 'r',
    ɍ: 'r',
    ɽ: 'r',
    ꝛ: 'r',
    ꞧ: 'r',
    ꞃ: 'r',
    '\u24E2': 's',
    s: 's',
    ß: 's',
    ś: 's',
    ṥ: 's',
    ŝ: 's',
    ṡ: 's',
    š: 's',
    ṧ: 's',
    ṣ: 's',
    ṩ: 's',
    ș: 's',
    ş: 's',
    ȿ: 's',
    ꞩ: 's',
    ꞅ: 's',
    ẛ: 's',
    '\u24E3': 't',
    t: 't',
    ṫ: 't',
    ẗ: 't',
    ť: 't',
    ṭ: 't',
    ț: 't',
    ţ: 't',
    ṱ: 't',
    ṯ: 't',
    ŧ: 't',
    ƭ: 't',
    ʈ: 't',
    ⱦ: 't',
    ꞇ: 't',
    ꜩ: 'tz',
    '\u24E4': 'u',
    u: 'u',
    ù: 'u',
    ú: 'u',
    û: 'u',
    ũ: 'u',
    ṹ: 'u',
    ū: 'u',
    ṻ: 'u',
    ŭ: 'u',
    ü: 'u',
    ǜ: 'u',
    ǘ: 'u',
    ǖ: 'u',
    ǚ: 'u',
    ủ: 'u',
    ů: 'u',
    ű: 'u',
    ǔ: 'u',
    ȕ: 'u',
    ȗ: 'u',
    ư: 'u',
    ừ: 'u',
    ứ: 'u',
    ữ: 'u',
    ử: 'u',
    ự: 'u',
    ụ: 'u',
    ṳ: 'u',
    ų: 'u',
    ṷ: 'u',
    ṵ: 'u',
    ʉ: 'u',
    '\u24E5': 'v',
    v: 'v',
    ṽ: 'v',
    ṿ: 'v',
    ʋ: 'v',
    ꝟ: 'v',
    ʌ: 'v',
    ꝡ: 'vy',
    '\u24E6': 'w',
    w: 'w',
    ẁ: 'w',
    ẃ: 'w',
    ŵ: 'w',
    ẇ: 'w',
    ẅ: 'w',
    ẘ: 'w',
    ẉ: 'w',
    ⱳ: 'w',
    '\u24E7': 'x',
    x: 'x',
    ẋ: 'x',
    ẍ: 'x',
    '\u24E8': 'y',
    y: 'y',
    ỳ: 'y',
    ý: 'y',
    ŷ: 'y',
    ỹ: 'y',
    ȳ: 'y',
    ẏ: 'y',
    ÿ: 'y',
    ỷ: 'y',
    ẙ: 'y',
    ỵ: 'y',
    ƴ: 'y',
    ɏ: 'y',
    ỿ: 'y',
    '\u24E9': 'z',
    z: 'z',
    ź: 'z',
    ẑ: 'z',
    ż: 'z',
    ž: 'z',
    ẓ: 'z',
    ẕ: 'z',
    ƶ: 'z',
    ȥ: 'z',
    ɀ: 'z',
    ⱬ: 'z',
    ꝣ: 'z',
    Ά: '\u0391',
    Έ: '\u0395',
    Ή: '\u0397',
    Ί: '\u0399',
    Ϊ: '\u0399',
    Ό: '\u039F',
    Ύ: '\u03A5',
    Ϋ: '\u03A5',
    Ώ: '\u03A9',
    ά: '\u03B1',
    έ: '\u03B5',
    ή: '\u03B7',
    ί: '\u03B9',
    ϊ: '\u03B9',
    ΐ: '\u03B9',
    ό: '\u03BF',
    ύ: '\u03C5',
    ϋ: '\u03C5',
    ΰ: '\u03C5',
    ω: '\u03C9',
    ς: '\u03C3'

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var previousTransform = Selectivity.transformText;

 * Extended version of the transformText() function that simplifies diacritics to their latin1
 * counterparts.
 * Note that if all query functions fetch their results from a remote server, you may not need this
 * function, because it makes sense to remove diacritics server-side in such cases.
Selectivity.transformText = function(string) {
    var result = '';
    for (var i = 0, length = string.length; i < length; i++) {
        var character = string[i];
        result += DIACRITICS[character] || character;
    return previousTransform(result);

'use strict';

var $ = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

 * Option listener that implements a convenience query function for performing AJAX requests.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.unshift(function(selectivity, options) {
    var ajax = options.ajax;
    if (ajax && ajax.url && !ajax.fetch && $.Deferred) {
        ajax.fetch = function(url, init) {
            return $.ajax(url, {
                cache: init.cache !== 'no-cache',
                headers: init.headers || null,
                method: init.method || 'GET',
                xhrFields: init.credentials === 'include' ? { withCredentials: true } : null
                function(data) {
                    return {
                        results: $.map(data, function(result) {
                            return result;
                        more: false
                function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    throw new Error(
                        'AJAX request returned: ' +
                            textStatus +
                            (errorThrown ? ', ' + errorThrown : '')

'use strict';

var $ = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

function createSelectivityNextToSelectElement($el, options) {
    var data = options.multiple ? [] : null;

    var mapOptions = function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        if ($'option')) {
            var text = $this.text();
            var id = $this.attr('value');
            if (id === undefined) {
                id = text;
            if ($this.prop('selected')) {
                var item = { id: id, text: text };
                if (options.multiple) {
                } else {
                    data = item;

            return {
                id: id,
                text: $this.attr('label') || text
        } else {
            return {
                text: $this.attr('label'),
                children: $this

    options.allowClear = 'allowClear' in options ? options.allowClear : !$el.prop('required');

    var items = $el
        .get(); = data;

    options.items = options.query ? null : items;

    options.placeholder = options.placeholder || $'placeholder') || '';

    options.tabIndex =
        options.tabIndex === undefined ? $el.attr('tabindex') || 0 : options.tabIndex;

    var classes = ($el.attr('class') || 'selectivity-input').split(' ');
    if (classes.indexOf('selectivity-input') < 0) {

    var $div = $('<div>').attr({
        id: 's9y_' + $el.attr('id'),
        class: classes.join(' '),
        style: $el.attr('style'),
        'data-name': $el.attr('name')
    return $div[0];

function bindTraditionalSelectEvents(selectivity) {
    var $el = $(selectivity.el);
    $el.on('change', function(event) {
        var value = event.originalEvent.value;
            .val($.type(value) === 'array' ? value.slice(0) : value)

 * Option listener providing support for converting traditional <select> boxes into Selectivity
 * instances.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.push(function(selectivity, options) {
    var $el = $(selectivity.el);
    if ($'select')) {
        if ($el.attr('autofocus')) {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 1);

        selectivity.el = createSelectivityNextToSelectElement($el, options);
        selectivity.el.selectivity = selectivity;



'use strict';

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var findResultItem = _dereq_(40);
var getKeyCode = _dereq_(42);

var KEY_DOWN_ARROW = 40;
var KEY_ENTER = 13;
var KEY_ESCAPE = 27;
var KEY_TAB = 9;
var KEY_UP_ARROW = 38;

 * Search input listener providing keyboard support for navigating the dropdown.
function listener(selectivity, input) {
    var keydownCanceled = false;
    var closeSubmenu = null;

     * Moves a dropdown's highlight to the next or previous result item.
     * @param delta Either 1 to move to the next item, or -1 to move to the previous item.
    function moveHighlight(dropdown, delta) {
        var results = dropdown.results;
        if (!results.length) {

        var resultItems = []'.selectivity-result-item'));

        function scrollToHighlight() {
            var el;
            if (dropdown.highlightedResult) {
                el = findResultItem(resultItems,;
            } else if (dropdown.loadMoreHighlighted) {
                el = dropdown.$('.selectivity-load-more');

            if (el && el.scrollIntoView) {
                el.scrollIntoView(delta < 0);

        if (dropdown.submenu) {
            moveHighlight(dropdown.submenu, delta);

        var defaultIndex = delta > 0 ? 0 : resultItems.length - 1;
        var index = defaultIndex;
        var highlightedResult = dropdown.highlightedResult;
        if (highlightedResult) {
            var highlightedResultItem = findResultItem(resultItems,;
            index = resultItems.indexOf(highlightedResultItem) + delta;
            if (delta > 0 ? index >= resultItems.length : index < 0) {
                if (dropdown.hasMore) {
                } else {
                    index = defaultIndex;

        var resultItem = resultItems[index];
        var result = Selectivity.findNestedById(results, selectivity.getRelatedItemId(resultItem));
        if (result) {
            dropdown.highlight(result, { delay: !!result.submenu });

    function keyHeld(event) {
        var dropdown = selectivity.dropdown;
        if (dropdown) {
            var keyCode = getKeyCode(event);
            if (keyCode === KEY_BACKSPACE) {
                if (!input.value) {
                    if (dropdown.submenu) {
                        var submenu = dropdown.submenu;
                        while (submenu.submenu) {
                            submenu = submenu.submenu;
                        closeSubmenu = submenu;

                    keydownCanceled = true;
            } else if (keyCode === KEY_DOWN_ARROW) {
                moveHighlight(dropdown, 1);
            } else if (keyCode === KEY_UP_ARROW) {
                moveHighlight(dropdown, -1);
            } else if (keyCode === KEY_TAB) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 1);
            } else if (keyCode === KEY_ENTER) {
                event.preventDefault(); // don't submit forms on keydown

    function keyReleased(event) {
        function open() {
            if (selectivity.options.showDropdown !== false) {

        var dropdown = selectivity.dropdown;
        var keyCode = getKeyCode(event);
        if (keydownCanceled) {
            keydownCanceled = false;

            if (closeSubmenu) {
                closeSubmenu = null;
        } else if (keyCode === KEY_BACKSPACE) {
            if (!dropdown && selectivity.options.allowClear) {
        } else if (keyCode === KEY_ENTER && !event.ctrlKey) {
            if (dropdown) {
            } else if (selectivity.options.showDropdown !== false) {

        } else if (keyCode === KEY_ESCAPE) {

        } else if (keyCode === KEY_DOWN_ARROW || keyCode === KEY_UP_ARROW) {
            // handled in keyHeld() because the response feels faster and it works with repeated
            // events if the user holds the key for a longer period
            // still, we issue an open() call here in case the dropdown was not yet open...

        } else {

    input.addEventListener('keydown', keyHeld);
    input.addEventListener('keyup', keyReleased);


'use strict';

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

var allowedOptions = {
    allowClear: 'boolean',
    backspaceHighlightsBeforeDelete: 'boolean',
    closeOnSelect: 'boolean',
    createTokenItem: 'function',
    dropdown: 'function|null',
    initSelection: 'function|null',
    inputListeners: 'array',
    items: 'array|null',
    matcher: 'function|null',
    placeholder: 'string',
    positionDropdown: 'function|null',
    query: 'function|null',
    readOnly: 'boolean',
    removeOnly: 'boolean',
    shouldOpenSubmenu: 'function',
    showSearchInputInDropdown: 'boolean',
    suppressWheelSelector: 'string|null',
    tabIndex: 'number',
    templates: 'object',
    tokenizer: 'function'

 * Option listener that validates the options being set. This is useful during debugging to quickly
 * get notified if you're passing invalid options.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.unshift(function(selectivity, options) {
    for (var key in options) {
        if (!options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

        var value = options[key];
        var type = allowedOptions[key];
        if (
            type &&
            !type.split('|').some(function(type) {
                if (type === 'null') {
                    return value === null;
                } else if (type === 'array') {
                    return Array.isArray(value);
                } else {
                    return value !== null && value !== undefined && typeof value === type;
        ) {
            throw new Error(key + ' must be of type ' + type);

'use strict';

var Dropdown = _dereq_(22);
var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

var findResultItem = _dereq_(40);

 * Extended dropdown that supports submenus.
function SubmenuPlugin(selectivity, options) {
     * Optional parent dropdown menu from which this dropdown was opened.
    this.parentMenu = options.parentMenu;, selectivity, options);

    this._closeSubmenuTimeout = 0;

    this._openSubmenuTimeout = 0;

var callSuper = Selectivity.inherits(SubmenuPlugin, Dropdown, {
     * @inherit
    close: function() {
        if (this.submenu) {

        callSuper(this, 'close');

        if (this.parentMenu) {
            this.parentMenu.submenu = null;
            this.parentMenu = null;


     * @inherit
     * @param options Optional options object. May contain the following properties:
     *                delay - If true, indicates any submenu should not be opened until after some
     *                        delay.
     *                openSubmenu - If false, no submenu will be automatically opened for the
     *                              highlighted item.
     *                reason - The reason why the result item is being highlighted. See
     *                         Dropdown#highlight().
    highlight: function(item, options) {
        options = options || {};
        var reason = options.reason || 'unspecified';

        if (options.delay) {
            callSuper(this, 'highlight', item);

            this._openSubmenuTimeout = setTimeout(this._doHighlight.bind(this, item, reason), 300);
        } else if (this.submenu) {
            if (this.highlightedResult && === {
                this._doHighlight(item, reason);
            } else {
                this._closeSubmenuTimeout = setTimeout(
                    this._closeSubmenuAndHighlight.bind(this, item, reason),
        } else {
            if (this.parentMenu && this.parentMenu._closeSubmenuTimeout) {
                this.parentMenu._closeSubmenuTimeout = 0;

            if (options.openSubmenu === false) {
                callSuper(this, 'highlight', item);
            } else {
                this._doHighlight(item, reason);

     * @inherit
    search: function(term) {
        if (this.submenu) {
            var searchInput = this.$('.selectivity-search-input');
            if (searchInput && searchInput === document.activeElement) {
            } else {

        callSuper(this, 'search', term);

     * @inherit
    selectHighlight: function() {
        if (this.submenu) {
        } else {
            callSuper(this, 'selectHighlight');

     * @inherit
    showResults: function(results, options) {
        // makes sure any result item with a submenu that's not explicitly
        // set as selectable becomes unselectable
        function setSelectable(item) {
            if (item.children) {
            if (item.submenu) {
                item.selectable = !!item.selectable;

        if (this.submenu && options.dropdown !== this) {
            this.submenu.showResults(results, options);
        } else {
            callSuper(this, 'showResults', results, options);

     * @inherit
    triggerClose: function() {
        if (this.parentMenu) {
        } else {
            callSuper(this, 'triggerClose');

     * @inherit
    triggerOpen: function() {
        if (this.parentMenu) {
        } else {
            callSuper(this, 'triggerOpen');

     * @private
    _closeSubmenuAndHighlight: function(item, reason) {
        if (this.submenu) {

        this._doHighlight(item, reason);

     * @private
    _doHighlight: function(item, reason) {
        callSuper(this, 'highlight', item);

        var options = this.selectivity.options;
        if (
            !item.submenu ||
            this.submenu ||
            (options.shouldOpenSubmenu && options.shouldOpenSubmenu(item, reason) === false)
        ) {

        var Dropdown = options.dropdown || Selectivity.Dropdown;
        if (Dropdown) {
            var resultItems = this.el.querySelectorAll('.selectivity-result-item');
            var resultItem = findResultItem(resultItems,;
            var dropdownEl = this.el;

            this.submenu = new Dropdown(this.selectivity, {
                highlightFirstItem: !item.selectable,
                items: item.submenu.items || null,
                parentMenu: this,
                position: function(el, selectEl) {
                    if (item.submenu.positionDropdown) {
                        item.submenu.positionDropdown(el, selectEl, resultItem, dropdownEl);
                    } else {
                        var rect = dropdownEl.getBoundingClientRect();
                        var left = rect.right;
                        var width = rect.width;
                        if (left + width > document.body.clientWidth && rect.left - width > 0) {
                            // Open the submenu on the left-hand side if there's no sufficient
                            // space on the right side.
                            // Use a little margin to prevent awkward-looking overlaps.
                            left = rect.left - width + 10;

                        // Move the submenu up so it fits in the window, if necessary and possible.
                        var submenuTop = resultItem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
                        var deltaUp = Math.min(
                            Math.max(submenuTop + el.clientHeight - window.innerHeight, 0),
                   + rect.height

               = left + 'px';
               = submenuTop - deltaUp + 'px';
               = width + 'px';
                query: item.submenu.query || null,
                showSearchInput: item.submenu.showSearchInput


Selectivity.Dropdown = SubmenuPlugin;

module.exports = SubmenuPlugin;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);

function defaultTokenizer(input, selection, createToken, options) {
    var createTokenItem =
        options.createTokenItem ||
        function(token) {
            return token ? { id: token, text: token } : null;

    var separators = options.tokenSeparators;

    function hasToken(input) {
        return input
            ? separators.some(function(separator) {
                  return input.indexOf(separator) > -1;
            : false;

    function takeToken(input) {
        for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
            if (separators.indexOf(input[i]) > -1) {
                return { term: input.slice(0, i), input: input.slice(i + 1) };
        return {};

    while (hasToken(input)) {
        var token = takeToken(input);
        if (token.term) {
            var item = createTokenItem(token.term);
            if (item && !Selectivity.findById(selection, {
        input = token.input;

    return input;

 * Option listener that provides a default tokenizer which is used when the tokenSeparators option
 * is specified.
 * @param options Options object. In addition to the options supported in the multi-input
 *                implementation, this may contain the following property:
 *                tokenSeparators - Array of string separators which are used to separate the search
 *                                  string into tokens. If specified and the tokenizer property is
 *                                  not set, the tokenizer property will be set to a function which
 *                                  splits the search term into tokens separated by any of the given
 *                                  separators. The tokens will be converted into selectable items
 *                                  using the 'createTokenItem' function. The default tokenizer also
 *                                  filters out already selected items.
Selectivity.OptionListeners.push(function(selectivity, options) {
    if (options.tokenSeparators) {
        options.allowedTypes = assign({ tokenSeparators: 'array' }, options.allowedTypes);

        options.tokenizer = options.tokenizer || defaultTokenizer;

'use strict';

var assign = (window.jQuery || window.Zepto).extend;
var isString = _dereq_(16);

var EventListener = _dereq_(23);
var toggleClass = _dereq_(47);

 * Selectivity Base Constructor.
 * You will never use this constructor directly. Instead, you use $(selector).selectivity(options)
 * to create an instance of either MultipleSelectivity or SingleSelectivity. This class defines all
 * functionality that is common between both.
 * @param options Options object. Accepts the same options as the setOptions method(), in addition
 *                to the following ones:
 *                data - Initial selection data to set. This should be an array of objects with 'id'
 *                       and 'text' properties. This option is mutually exclusive with 'value'.
 *                element - The DOM element to which to attach the Selectivity instance. This
 *                          property is set by the API wrapper.
 *                value - Initial value to set. This should be an array of IDs. This property is
 *                        mutually exclusive with 'data'.
function Selectivity(options) {
     * Reference to the currently open dropdown.
    this.dropdown = null;

     * DOM element to which this instance is attached.
    this.el = options.element;

     * Whether the input is enabled.
     * This is false when the option readOnly is false or the option removeOnly is false.
    this.enabled = !options.readOnly && !options.removeOnly;

     * DOM element for the input.
     * May be null as long as there is no visible input. It is set by initInput().
    this.input = null;

     * Array of items from which to select. If set, this will be an array of objects with 'id' and
     * 'text' properties.
     * If given, all items are expected to be available locally and all selection operations operate
     * on this local array only. If null, items are not available locally, and a query function
     * should be provided to fetch remote data.
    this.items = null;

     * Options passed to the Selectivity instance or set through setOptions().
    this.options = {};

     * Mapping of templates.
     * Custom templates can be specified in the options object.
    this.templates = assign({}, Selectivity.Templates);

     * The last used search term.
    this.term = '';


    if (options.value) {
        this.setValue(options.value, { triggerChange: false });
    } else {
        this.setData( || null, { triggerChange: false });

    this.el.setAttribute('tabindex', options.tabIndex || 0); = new EventListener(this.el, this);{
        blur: this._blur,
        mouseenter: this._mouseenter,
        mouseleave: this._mouseleave,
        'selectivity-close': this._closed

 * Methods.
assign(Selectivity.prototype, {
     * Convenience shortcut for this.el.querySelector(selector).
    $: function(selector) {
        return this.el.querySelector(selector);

     * Closes the dropdown.
    close: function() {

        if (this.dropdown) {
            this.dropdown = null;

     * Destroys the Selectivity instance.
    destroy: function() {;

        var el = this.el;
        while (el.firstChild) {
        el.selectivity = null;

     * Filters the results to be displayed in the dropdown.
     * The default implementation simply returns the results unfiltered, but the MultipleSelectivity
     * class overrides this method to filter out any items that have already been selected.
     * @param results Array of items with 'id' and 'text' properties.
     * @return The filtered array.
    filterResults: function(results) {
        return results;

     * Applies focus to the input.
    focus: function() {

        this._focusing = true;

        if (this.input) {

        this._focusing = false;

     * Returns the selection data.
    getData: function() {
        return this._data;

     * Returns the correct item for a given ID.
     * @param id The ID to get the item for.
     * @return The corresponding item. Will be an object with 'id' and 'text' properties or null if
     *         the item cannot be found. Note that if no items are defined, this method assumes the
     *         text labels will be equal to the IDs.
    getItemForId: function(id) {
        var items = this.items;
        if (items) {
            return Selectivity.findNestedById(items, id);
        } else if (id === null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return { id: id, text: '' + id };

     * Returns the item ID related to an element or event target.
     * @param elementOrEvent The DOM element or event to get the item ID for.
     * @return Item ID or null if no ID could be found.
    getRelatedItemId: function(elementOrEvent) {
        var el = || elementOrEvent;
        while (el) {
            if (el.hasAttribute('data-item-id')) {
            el = el.parentNode;

        if (!el) {
            return null;

        var id = el.getAttribute('data-item-id');

        // IDs can be either numbers or strings, but attribute values are always strings, so we
        // will have to find out whether the item ID ought to be a number or string ourselves.
        if (Selectivity.findById(this._data || [], id)) {
            return id;
        } else {
            var dropdown = this.dropdown;
            while (dropdown) {
                if (Selectivity.findNestedById(dropdown.results, id)) {
                    return id;
                // FIXME: reference to submenu plugin doesn't belong in base
                dropdown = dropdown.submenu;
            var number = parseInt(id, 10);
            return '' + number === id ? number : id;

     * Returns the value of the selection.
    getValue: function() {
        return this._value;

     * Initializes the input element.
     * Sets the input property, invokes all input listeners and (by default) attaches the action of
     * searching when something is typed.
     * @param input Input element.
     * @param options Optional options object. May contain the following property:
     *                search - If false, no event handlers are setup to initiate searching when the
     *                         user types in the input field. This is useful if you want to use the
     *                         input only to handle keyboard support.
    initInput: function(input, options) {
        this.input = input;

        var selectivity = this;
        var inputListeners = this.options.inputListeners || Selectivity.InputListeners;
        inputListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
            listener(selectivity, input, options);

        if (!options || !== false) {
            input.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
                if (!event.defaultPrevented) {

     * Opens the dropdown.
    open: function() {
        if (this._opening || this.dropdown || !this.triggerEvent('selectivity-opening')) {

        this._opening = true;

        var Dropdown = this.options.dropdown || Selectivity.Dropdown;
        if (Dropdown) {
            this.dropdown = new Dropdown(this, {
                items: this.items,
                position: this.options.positionDropdown,
                query: this.options.query,
                showSearchInput: this.options.showSearchInputInDropdown !== false


        toggleClass(this.el, 'open', true);

        this._opening = false;

     * (Re-)positions the dropdown.
    positionDropdown: function() {
        if (this.dropdown) {

     * Searches for results based on the term given.
     * If an items array has been passed with the options to the Selectivity instance, a local
     * search will be performed among those items. Otherwise, the query function specified in the
     * options will be used to perform the search. If neither is defined, nothing happens.
     * @param term Term to search for.
    search: function(term) {;

        if (this.dropdown) {

     * Sets the selection data.
     * The selection data contains both IDs and text labels. If you only want to set or get the IDs,
     * you should use the value() method.
     * @param newData New data to set. For a MultipleSelectivity instance the data must be an array
     *                of objects with 'id' and 'text' properties, for a SingleSelectivity instance
     *                the data must be a single such object or null to indicate no item is selected.
     * @param options Optional options object. May contain the following property:
     *                triggerChange - Set to false to suppress the "change" event being triggered.
     *                                Note this will also cause the UI to not update automatically;
     *                                so you may want to call rerenderSelection() manually when
     *                                using this option.
    setData: function(newData, options) {
        options = options || {};

        newData = this.validateData(newData);

        this._data = newData;
        this._value = this.getValueForData(newData);

        if (options.triggerChange !== false) {

     * Sets one or more options on this Selectivity instance.
     * @param options Options object. May contain one or more of the following properties:
     *                closeOnSelect - Set to false to keep the dropdown open after the user has
     *                                selected an item. This is useful if you want to allow the user
     *                                to quickly select multiple items. The default value is true.
     *                dropdown - Custom dropdown implementation to use for this instance.
     *                initSelection - Function to map values by ID to selection data. This function
     *                                receives two arguments, 'value' and 'callback'. The value is
     *                                the current value of the selection, which is an ID or an array
     *                                of IDs depending on the input type. The callback should be
     *                                invoked with an object or array of objects, respectively,
     *                                containing 'id' and 'text' properties.
     *                inputListeners - Array of search input listeners. By default, the global
     *                                 array Selectivity.InputListeners is used.
     *                items - Array of items from which to select. Should be an array of objects
     *                        with 'id' and 'text' properties. As convenience, you may also pass an
     *                        array of strings, in which case the same string is used for both the
     *                        'id' and 'text' properties. If items are given, all items are expected
     *                        to be available locally and all selection operations operate on this
     *                        local array only. If null, items are not available locally, and a
     *                        query function should be provided to fetch remote data.
     *                matcher - Function to determine whether text matches a given search term. Note
     *                          this function is only used if you have specified an array of items.
     *                          Receives two arguments:
     *                          item - The item that should match the search term.
     *                          term - The search term. Note that for performance reasons, the term
     *                                 has always been already processed using
     *                                 Selectivity.transformText().
     *                          The method should return the item if it matches, and null otherwise.
     *                          If the item has a children array, the matcher is expected to filter
     *                          those itself (be sure to only return the filtered array of children
     *                          in the returned item and not to modify the children of the item
     *                          argument).
     *                placeholder - Placeholder text to display when the element has no focus and
     *                              no selected items.
     *                positionDropdown - Function to position the dropdown. Receives two arguments:
     *                                   dropdownEl - The element to be positioned.
     *                                   selectEl - The element of the Selectivity instance, that
     *                                              you can position the dropdown to.
     *                                   The default implementation positions the dropdown element
     *                                   under the Selectivity's element and gives it the same
     *                                   width.
     *                query - Function to use for querying items. Receives a single object as
     *                        argument with the following properties:
     *                        callback - Callback to invoke when the results are available. This
     *                                   callback should be passed a single object as argument with
     *                                   the following properties:
     *                                   more - Boolean that can be set to true to indicate there
     *                                          are more results available. Additional results may
     *                                          be fetched by the user through pagination.
     *                                   results - Array of result items. The format for the result
     *                                             items is the same as for passing local items.
     *                        offset - This property is only used for pagination and indicates how
     *                                 many results should be skipped when returning more results.
     *                        selectivity - The Selectivity instance the query function is used on.
     *                        term - The search term the user is searching for. Unlike with the
     *                               matcher function, the term has not been processed using
     *                               Selectivity.transformText().
     *                readOnly - If true, disables any modification of the input.
     *                removeOnly - If true, disables any modification of the input except removing
     *                             of selected items.
     *                shouldOpenSubmenu - Function to call that will decide whether a submenu should
     *                                    be opened. Receives two parameters:
     *                                    item - The currently highlighted result item.
     *                                    reason - The reason why the item is being highlighted.
     *                                             See Dropdown#highlight() for possible values.
     *                showDropdown - Set to false if you don't want to use any dropdown (you can
     *                               still open it programmatically using open()).
     *                showSearchInputInDropdown - Set to false to remove the search input used in
     *                                            dropdowns. The default is true for single-value
     *                                            inputs.
     *                templates - Object with instance-specific templates to override the global
     *                            templates assigned to Selectivity.Templates.
    setOptions: function(options) {
        options = options || {};

        var selectivity = this;
        Selectivity.OptionListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
            listener(selectivity, options);

        if ('items' in options) {
            this.items = options.items ? Selectivity.processItems(options.items) : null;
        if ('templates' in options) {
            assign(this.templates, options.templates);

        assign(this.options, options);

        this.enabled = !this.options.readOnly && !this.options.removeOnly;

     * Sets the value of the selection.
     * The value of the selection only concerns the IDs of the selection items. If you are
     * interested in the IDs and the text labels, you should use the data() method.
     * Note that if neither the items option nor the initSelection option have been set, Selectivity
     * will have no way to determine what text labels should be used with the given IDs in which
     * case it will assume the text is equal to the ID. This is useful if you're working with tags,
     * or selecting e-mail addresses for instance, but may not always be what you want.
     * @param newValue New value to set. For a MultipleSelectivity instance the value must be an
     *                 array of IDs, for a SingleSelectivity instance the value must be a single ID
     *                 (a string or a number) or null to indicate no item is selected.
     * @param options Optional options object. May contain the following property:
     *                triggerChange - Set to false to suppress the "change" event being triggered.
     *                                Note this will also cause the UI to not update automatically;
     *                                so you may want to call rerenderSelection() manually when
     *                                using this option.
    setValue: function(newValue, options) {
        options = options || {};

        newValue = this.validateValue(newValue);

        this._value = newValue;

        if (this.options.initSelection) {
                function(data) {
                    if (this._value === newValue) {
                        this._data = this.validateData(data);

                        if (options.triggerChange !== false) {
        } else {
            this._data = this.getDataForValue(newValue);

            if (options.triggerChange !== false) {

     * Returns the result of the given template.
     * @param templateName Name of the template to process.
     * @param options Options to pass to the template.
     * @return String containing HTML or ReactElement if template is a function returning
     *         ReactElement.
    template: function(templateName, options) {
        var template = this.templates[templateName];
        if (!template) {
            throw new Error('Unknown template: ' + templateName);

        if (typeof template === 'function') {
            var templateResult = template(options);
            return typeof templateResult === 'string' ? templateResult.trim() : templateResult;
        } else if (template.render) {
            return template.render(options).trim();
        } else {
            return template.toString().trim();

     * Triggers the change event.
     * The event object at least contains the following properties:
     * data - The new data of the Selectivity instance.
     * value - The new value of the Selectivity instance.
     * @param Optional additional options added to the event object.
     * @see getData()
     * @see getValue()
    triggerChange: function(options) {
        var data = assign({ data: this._data, value: this._value }, options);
        this.triggerEvent('change', data);
        this.triggerEvent('selectivity-change', data);

     * Triggers an event on the instance's element.
     * @param eventName Name of the event to trigger.
     * @param data Optional event data to be added to the event object.
     * @return Whether the default action of the event may be executed, ie. returns false if
     *         preventDefault() has been called.
    triggerEvent: function(eventName, data) {
        var event = document.createEvent('Event');
        event.initEvent(eventName, /* bubbles: */ false, /* cancelable: */ true);
        assign(event, data);
        return !event.defaultPrevented;

     * Validates a single item. Throws an exception if the item is invalid.
     * @param item The item to validate.
     * @return The validated item. May differ from the input item.
    validateItem: function(item) {
        if (item && Selectivity.isValidId( && isString(item.text)) {
            return item;
        } else {
            throw new Error('Item should have id (number or string) and text (string) properties');

     * @private
    _blur: function() {
        if (!this._focusing && !this.el.classList.contains('hover')) {
            // Without the timeout it appears clicks on result items are not always properly
            // handled, especially when the user doesn't click exactly on the text of the result
            // item. I don't understand really why that happens, or why the timeout has to be so
            // large, but after trial and error, this now seems to work reliably...
            this._closeTimeout = setTimeout(this.close.bind(this), 166);

     * @private
    _clearCloseTimeout: function() {
        if (this._closeTimeout) {
            this._closeTimeout = 0;

     * @private
    _closed: function() {
        this.dropdown = null;

        toggleClass(this.el, 'open', false);

     * @private
    _mouseleave: function(event) {
        // If mouseleave happens on any selectivity related element, remove hover class
        if (!this.el.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
            toggleClass(this.el, 'hover', false);

     * @private
    _mouseenter: function() {
        toggleClass(this.el, 'hover', true);

 * Dropdown class to use for displaying dropdowns.
 * The default implementation of a dropdown is defined in the selectivity-dropdown module.
Selectivity.Dropdown = null;

 * Array of input listeners.
 * Input listeners are invoked when initInput() is called (typically right after the input is
 * created). Every listener receives three arguments:
 * selectivity - The Selectivity instance.
 * input - DOM element of the input.
 * options - Options that were passed to initInput().
 * An example of a search input listener is the selectivity-keyboard module.
Selectivity.InputListeners = [];

 * Mapping of input types.
Selectivity.Inputs = {};

 * Array of option listeners.
 * Option listeners are invoked when setOptions() is called. Every listener receives two arguments:
 * selectivity - The Selectivity instance.
 * options - The options that are about to be set. The listener may modify this options object.
 * An example of an option listener is the selectivity-traditional module.
Selectivity.OptionListeners = [];

 * Mapping with templates to use for rendering select boxes and dropdowns. See
 * selectivity-templates.js for a useful set of default templates, as well as for documentation of
 * the individual templates.
Selectivity.Templates = {};

 * Finds an item in the given array with the specified ID.
 * @param array Array to search in.
 * @param id ID to search for.
 * @return The item in the array with the given ID, or null if the item was not found.
Selectivity.findById = function(array, id) {
    var index = Selectivity.findIndexById(array, id);
    return index > -1 ? array[index] : null;

 * Finds the index of an item in the given array with the specified ID.
 * @param array Array to search in.
 * @param id ID to search for.
 * @return The index of the item in the array with the given ID, or -1 if the item was not found.
Selectivity.findIndexById = function(array, id) {
    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
        if (array[i].id === id) {
            return i;
    return -1;

 * Finds an item in the given array with the specified ID. Items in the array may contain 'children'
 * properties which in turn will be searched for the item.
 * @param array Array to search in.
 * @param id ID to search for.
 * @return The item in the array with the given ID, or null if the item was not found.
Selectivity.findNestedById = function(array, id) {
    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
        var item = array[i],
        if ( === id) {
            result = item;
        } else if (item.children) {
            result = Selectivity.findNestedById(item.children, id);
        } else if (item.submenu && item.submenu.items) {
            // FIXME: reference to submenu plugin doesn't belong in base
            result = Selectivity.findNestedById(item.submenu.items, id);
        if (result) {
            return result;
    return null;

 * Utility method for inheriting another class.
 * @param SubClass Constructor function of the subclass.
 * @param SuperClass Constructor function of the superclass.
 * @param prototype Object with methods you want to add to the subclass prototype.
 * @return A utility function for calling the methods of the superclass. This function receives two
 *         arguments: The this object on which you want to execute the method and the name of the
 *         method. Any arguments past those are passed to the superclass method.
Selectivity.inherits = function(SubClass, SuperClass, prototype) {
    SubClass.prototype = assign(
        { constructor: SubClass },

    return function(self, methodName) {
        SuperClass.prototype[methodName].apply(self,, 2));

 * Checks whether a value can be used as a valid ID for selection items. Only numbers and strings
 * are accepted to be used as IDs.
 * @param id The value to check whether it is a valid ID.
 * @return true if the value is a valid ID, false otherwise.
Selectivity.isValidId = function(id) {
    return typeof id === 'number' || isString(id);

 * Decides whether a given item matches a search term. The default implementation simply
 * checks whether the term is contained within the item's text, after transforming them using
 * transformText().
 * @param item The item that should match the search term.
 * @param term The search term. Note that for performance reasons, the term has always been already
 *             processed using transformText().
 * @return true if the text matches the term, false otherwise.
Selectivity.matcher = function(item, term) {
    var result = null;
    if (Selectivity.transformText(item.text).indexOf(term) > -1) {
        result = item;
    } else if (item.children) {
        var matchingChildren = item.children
            .map(function(child) {
                return Selectivity.matcher(child, term);
            .filter(function(child) {
                return !!child;
        if (matchingChildren.length) {
            result = { id:, text: item.text, children: matchingChildren };
    return result;

 * Helper function for processing items.
 * @param item The item to process, either as object containing 'id' and 'text' properties or just
 *             as ID. The 'id' property of an item is optional if it has a 'children' property
 *             containing an array of items.
 * @return Object containing 'id' and 'text' properties.
Selectivity.processItem = function(item) {
    if (Selectivity.isValidId(item)) {
        return { id: item, text: '' + item };
    } else if (item && (Selectivity.isValidId( || item.children) && isString(item.text)) {
        if (item.children) {
            item.children = Selectivity.processItems(item.children);

        return item;
    } else {
        throw new Error('invalid item');

 * Helper function for processing an array of items.
 * @param items Array of items to process. See processItem() for details about a single item.
 * @return Array with items.
Selectivity.processItems = function(items) {
    if (Array.isArray(items)) {
    } else {
        throw new Error('invalid items');

 * Transforms text in order to find matches. The default implementation casts all strings to
 * lower-case so that any matches found will be case-insensitive.
 * @param string The string to transform.
 * @return The transformed string.
Selectivity.transformText = function(string) {
    return string.toLowerCase();

module.exports = Selectivity;

'use strict';

var escape = _dereq_(12);

var Selectivity = _dereq_(38);
var Locale = _dereq_(27);

 * Default set of templates to use with Selectivity.js.
 * Template can be defined as either a string, a function returning a string (like Handlebars
 * templates, for instance), an object containing a render function (like Hogan.js templates, fo
 * instance) or as a function returning a DOM element.
 * Every template must return a single root element.
Selectivity.Templates = {
     * Renders the dropdown.
     * The template is expected to have at least one element with the class
     * 'selectivity-results-container', which is where all results will be added to.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                dropdownCssClass - Optional CSS class to add to the top-level element.
     *                searchInputPlaceholder - Optional placeholder text to display in the search
     *                                         input in the dropdown.
     *                showSearchInput - Boolean whether a search input should be shown. If true,
     *                                  an input element with the 'selectivity-search-input' is
     *                                  expected.
    dropdown: function(options) {
        var extraClass = options.dropdownCssClass ? ' ' + options.dropdownCssClass : '',
            searchInput = '';
        if (options.showSearchInput) {
            extraClass += ' has-search-input';

            var placeholder = options.searchInputPlaceholder;
            searchInput =
                '<div class="selectivity-search-input-container">' +
                '<input type="text" class="selectivity-search-input"' +
                (placeholder ? ' placeholder="' + escape(placeholder) + '"' : '') +
                '>' +
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-dropdown' +
            extraClass +
            '">' +
            searchInput +
            '<div class="selectivity-results-container"></div>' +

     * Renders an error message in the dropdown.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                escape - Boolean whether the message should be HTML-escaped.
     *                message - The message to display.
    error: function(options) {
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-error">' +
            (options.escape ? escape(options.message) : options.message) +

     * Renders a loading indicator in the dropdown.
     * This template is expected to have an element with a 'selectivity-loading' class which may be
     * replaced with actual results.
    loading: function() {
        return '<div class="selectivity-loading">' + Locale.loading + '</div>';

     * Load more indicator.
     * This template is expected to have an element with a 'selectivity-load-more' class which, when
     * clicked, will load more results.
    loadMore: function() {
        return '<div class="selectivity-load-more">' + Locale.loadMore + '</div>';

     * Renders multi-selection input boxes.
     * The template is expected to have at least have elements with the following classes:
     * 'selectivity-multiple-input-container' - The element containing all the selected items and
     *                                          the input for selecting additional items.
     * 'selectivity-multiple-input' - The actual input element that allows the user to type to
     *                                search for more items. When selected items are added, they are
     *                                inserted right before this element.
     * @param options Options object containing the following property:
     *                enabled - Boolean whether the input is enabled.
    multipleSelectInput: function(options) {
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-multiple-input-container">' +
                ? '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" ' +
                  'autocapitalize="off" class="selectivity-multiple-input">'
                : '<div class="selectivity-multiple-input ' + 'selectivity-placeholder"></div>') +
            '<div class="selectivity-clearfix"></div>' +

     * Renders a selected item in multi-selection input boxes.
     * The template is expected to have a top-level element with the class
     * 'selectivity-multiple-selected-item'. This element is also required to have a 'data-item-id'
     * attribute with the ID set to that passed through the options object.
     * An element with the class 'selectivity-multiple-selected-item-remove' should be present
     * which, when clicked, will cause the element to be removed.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                highlighted - Boolean whether this item is currently highlighted.
     *                id - Identifier for the item.
     *                removable - Boolean whether a remove icon should be displayed.
     *                text - Text label which the user sees.
    multipleSelectedItem: function(options) {
        var extraClass = options.highlighted ? ' highlighted' : '';
        return (
            '<span class="selectivity-multiple-selected-item' +
            extraClass +
            '" ' +
            'data-item-id="' +
            escape( +
            '">' +
                ? '<a class="selectivity-multiple-selected-item-remove">' +
                  '<i class="fa fa-remove"></i>' +
                : '') +
            escape(options.text) +

     * Renders a message there are no results for the given query.
     * @param options Options object containing the following property:
     *                term - Search term the user is searching for.
    noResults: function(options) {
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-error">' +
            (options.term ? Locale.noResultsForTerm(options.term) : Locale.noResults) +

     * Renders a container for item children.
     * The template is expected to have an element with the class 'selectivity-result-children'.
     * @param options Options object containing the following property:
     *                childrenHtml - Rendered HTML for the children.
    resultChildren: function(options) {
        return '<div class="selectivity-result-children">' + options.childrenHtml + '</div>';

     * Render a result item in the dropdown.
     * The template is expected to have a top-level element with the class
     * 'selectivity-result-item'. This element is also required to have a 'data-item-id' attribute
     * with the ID set to that passed through the options object.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                id - Identifier for the item.
     *                text - Text label which the user sees.
     *                disabled - Truthy if the item should be disabled.
     *                submenu - Truthy if the result item has a menu with subresults.
    resultItem: function(options) {
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-result-item' +
            (options.disabled ? ' disabled' : '') +
            '"' +
            ' data-item-id="' +
            escape( +
            '">' +
            escape(options.text) +
                ? '<i class="selectivity-submenu-icon fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'
                : '') +

     * Render a result label in the dropdown.
     * The template is expected to have a top-level element with the class
     * 'selectivity-result-label'.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                text - Text label.
    resultLabel: function(options) {
        return '<div class="selectivity-result-label">' + escape(options.text) + '</div>';

     * Renders single-select input boxes.
     * The template is expected to have at least one element with the class
     * 'selectivity-single-result-container' which is the element containing the selected item or
     * the placeholder.
    singleSelectInput: function(options) {
        return (
            '<div class="selectivity-single-select">' +
            '<input type="text" class="selectivity-single-select-input"' +
            (options.required ? ' required' : '') +
            '>' +
            '<div class="selectivity-single-result-container"></div>' +
            '<i class="fa fa-sort-desc selectivity-caret"></i>' +

     * Renders the placeholder for single-select input boxes.
     * The template is expected to have a top-level element with the class
     * 'selectivity-placeholder'.
     * @param options Options object containing the following property:
     *                placeholder - The placeholder text.
    singleSelectPlaceholder: function(options) {
        return '<div class="selectivity-placeholder">' + escape(options.placeholder) + '</div>';

     * Renders the selected item in single-select input boxes.
     * The template is expected to have a top-level element with the class
     * 'selectivity-single-selected-item'. This element is also required to have a 'data-item-id'
     * attribute with the ID set to that passed through the options object.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                id - Identifier for the item.
     *                removable - Boolean whether a remove icon should be displayed.
     *                text - Text label which the user sees.
    singleSelectedItem: function(options) {
        return (
            '<span class="selectivity-single-selected-item" ' +
            'data-item-id="' +
            escape( +
            '">' +
                ? '<a class="selectivity-single-selected-item-remove">' +
                  '<i class="fa fa-remove"></i>' +
                : '') +
            escape(options.text) +

     * Renders select-box inside single-select input that was initialized on
     * traditional <select> element.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties:
     *                name - Name of the <select> element.
     *                mode - Mode in which select exists, single or multiple.
    selectCompliance: function(options) {
        var mode = options.mode;
        var name =;
        if (mode === 'multiple' && name.slice(-2) !== '[]') {
            name += '[]';
        return (
            '<select name="' + name + '"' + (mode === 'multiple' ? ' multiple' : '') + '></select>'

     * Renders the selected item in compliance <select> element as <option>.
     * @param options Options object containing the following properties
     *                id - Identifier for the item.
     *                text - Text label which the user sees.
    selectOptionCompliance: function(options) {
        return (
            '<option value="' +
            escape( +
            '" selected>' +
            escape(options.text) +

'use strict';

 * Returns a result item with a given item ID.
 * @param resultItems Array of DOM elements representing result items.
 * @param itemId ID of the item to return.
 * @param DOM element of the result item with the given item ID, or null if not found.
module.exports = function(resultItems, itemId) {
    for (var i = 0, length = resultItems.length; i < length; i++) {
        var resultItem = resultItems[i];
        var resultId = resultItem.getAttribute('data-item-id');
        if ((typeof itemId === 'number' ? parseInt(resultId, 10) : resultId) === itemId) {
            return resultItem;
    return null;

'use strict';

 * Returns the CSS selector for selecting a specific item by ID.
 * @param selector Generic CSS selector to identify items.
 * @param id ID of the item to select.
module.exports = function(selector, id) {
    var quotedId = '"' + ('' + id).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
    return selector + '[data-item-id=' + quotedId + ']';

'use strict';

 * Returns the keyCode value of the given event.
module.exports = function(event) {
    return event.which || event.keyCode || 0;

'use strict';

 * Returns whether the given element matches the given selector.
module.exports = function(el, selector) {
    var method =
        el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
    return, selector);

'use strict';

 * Parses an HTML string and returns the resulting DOM element.
 * @param html HTML representation of the element to parse.
module.exports = function(html) {
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerHTML = html;
    return div.firstChild;

'use strict';

 * Removes a DOM element.
 * @param el The element to remove.
module.exports = function(el) {
    if (el && el.parentNode) {

'use strict';

 * Stops event propagation.
 * @param event The event to stop from propagating.
module.exports = function(event) {

'use strict';

 * Toggles a CSS class on an element.
 * @param el The element on which to toggle the CSS class.
 * @param className The CSS class to toggle.
 * @param force If true, the class is added. If false, the class is removed.
module.exports = function(el, className, force) {
    if (el) {
        el.classList[force ? 'add' : 'remove'](className);


ESTRELLA Pharma – Affy Pharma Pvt Ltd




Cefpodoxime 50mg/5ml

Indications & Uses





Cefpodoxime 50mg + Potassium Clavulanate 31.25mg/ 5ml

Indications & Uses

Upper & lower respiratory infections, Uncomplicated skin infections, Urinary Tract Infections




Amoxycillin 200mg + Potassium clavulanate 28.50 mg/ 5ml

Indications & Uses

Community Acquired Pneumonia, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Urinary Tract Infections




Cefixime 50mg + Potassium clavulanate 31.25mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Urinary Tract Inefctions, AECB, Otitis Media, Typhoid/p>




Cefixime 50mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Urinary Tract Inefctions, Gastroenteritis


15 ml


Azithromycin 200mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Community Acquired Pneumonia, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis,


60 ml


Paracetamol 250mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Fever, Pain


60 ml


Paracetamol 125mg + Mefenamic Acid 50mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Pain, Fever


30 ml


Ofloxacin 50mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Acute exacerbations of chronic Bronchitis, Diarrhoea


60 ml


Paracetamol 125mg + PPH 5mg + Cetirizine HCI 2mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Fever, common cold & Flu




Cyproheptadine HCI 2mg + Tricholine citrate 0.275mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Stimulate Apetite, Induces Weight Gain, Cure Allergies


10X10 (Alu-Alu)


Pantoprazole 40mg (EC) + Domperidone 30mg (SR)

Indications & Uses

GERD, Dyspepsia, Acid Peptic Disorders, Gastritis


11X10 (Alu-Alu)


Rabeprazole 20mg (EC) + Domperidone SR

Indications & Uses

GERD, Dyspepsia, Acid Peptic Disorders, Gastritis




Pantoprazole Sodium 40mg + NaCL

Indications & Uses

Acid-peptic disorders in hospitalized patients, Zollinger – Ellison Syndrome, Treatment of GERD Associated with Erasive Esophagitis, GL Bleed




Activated Dimethicone 25mg + Magnesium Hydroxide 200mg+ Aluminium Hydroxide Gel 200mg/10ml

Indications & Uses

Heartburn, Acid Indigestion




Alpha Amylase (1:2000) 50mg, Pepsin(1:3000) 10mg/5ml

Indications & Uses

Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Anorexia, Pancreatic Insufficiency




Vitamin C 75mg + Vitamin B12 5mcg + Carbonyl Iron 100mg + Folic Acid 1.5mg + Zinc Sulphate 61.8mg

Indications & Uses

Hyphocromic Anemia in Pregnancy, Chronic and / or Acute Blood Loss, Post-gynaesurgery, Iron Deficiency Anemia

EST-D3 60K



Cholecalciferol 60000 UI

Indications & Uses

Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Musculoskeletal Pain, Type- 2 Diabetes, Menstrual Irregularities, Pre-eclampsia, IUGR




Calcium Carbonate 625mg, Vitamin D3 125 IU/5ml

Indications & Uses

Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Premenstrual Syndrome


300 ml


Iron (III) Hydroxide Polymaltose 50mg, Folic Acid 0.5mg/15ml

Indications & Uses

Pregnancy and lactation, Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Anaemia due to Excessive Haemorrhage, Anaemia Associated with Infections and Malignant Disease




Calcitriol 0.25mcg + Calcium Carbonate 500mg + Zinc Sulphate 7.5mg

Indications & Uses

Osteoporosis, Hypoparathyroidism, Pregnancy & Lactation, Premenstrual Syndrome




Mefenamic Acid 250mg + Dicyclomine HCI 10mg

Indications & Uses

Dysmenorrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colic and Bladder Spasm, Abdominal Pain




Nimeulide 100mg + Paracetamo; 325mg

Indications & Uses

Arthritis Pain, Soft Tissue Trauma Including Sprains, Musculoskeletal Pain, Pain Following Dental Extraction





Tramadol 37.5mg + Paracetamol 325mg

Indications & Uses

Chronic Back Pain, Osteoarthritis, Postoperative Pain




Diclofenac Diethylamine 1.16% w/w + Oleum Linseed Oil 3 % w/w + Menthol 5% w/w +Methyl Salicylate 10% w/w

Indications & Uses

Sprains & Strains, Lower Back Pain, Joint Pain, Knee Pain




Urea 10% +Lactic Acid 10% + Propylene Glycol 10% + Liquid Paraffin 10%

Indications & Uses

Foot Cracks, Keratolytic




Clotrimazole 1% w/w + Beclomethasone Dipropionate 0.025% w/w + Neomycin 0.5% w/w

Indications & Uses

Eczema, Psoriasis, Corticosteroid Responsive Dermatoses


100 ml


Ketoconazole 2% w/v

Indications & Uses

Pityriasis, Dandruff


100 ml


Ketoconazole Shampoo 2% w/v + ZPTO 1% w/v

Indications & Uses

Pityriasis, Dandruff




Ketoconazole 1% w/w

Indications & Uses

Tinea Versicolor, Prophylaxis of Pityriasis Versicolor




Fluconazole 200mg

Indications & Uses

Vaginal Candidiasis, Brochopulmonary Infections, Candiduria, Tinea Pedis, Corposis, Cruris, Versicolor




L-Iysine HCI 25mg + Vitamin B1 2.5mg + Vitamin B2 2.5mg + Vitamin B6 0.75mg + D-panthenol 3mg +Niacinamide 25mg + Mecobalamin 2mcg/10ml

Indications & Uses

Sub-optimal Growth, Poor Weight Gain, Malnutrition, Prolonged Illness




Each 10ml Contains: Lycopene 6% 1000mcg + Vitamin A Palmitate 2500 IU + Vitamin E 10 IU + Ascorbic Acid 50mg + Selenium (as Sodium Selenate) 35mcg + Zinc (As Zinc Gluconate) 3mg + Manganese (as Manganese Gluconate) 2mg + Iodine ( As Potassium Iodine) 100mcg + Copper (As Copper Sulphate0 500mcg + Thiamine HCI 2mg + Riboflavine 3mg + Pyridoxine HCI 1.5mg

Indications & Uses

Tiredness, Stress, Feeling of Weakness, Vitality Deficiency




Antioxidant, Multivitamin & Multiminerals

Indications & Uses

Tiredness, Stress, Feeling of Weakness, Vitality Deficiency




Vitamin E (Natural) 400 IU + Wheat Germ Oil 100mg + Omega 3 Fatty Acids 30mg

Indications & Uses

Ulcerative colitis, Metabolic Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type-2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases




Each SG Contains Lycopene 6% 2000 IU + Vitamin A 2500 IU + Vitamin E Acetate 10 IU + Vitamin C 50 mg + Zinc sulphate Monohydrate 27.45mg + Selenium Dioxide 70mcg

Indications & Uses

Idiopathic Male Infertility, Pre-eclampsia, Prostate Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus




Ginseng + Multivitamin + Multimineral

Indications & Uses

Tiredness, Stress, Feeling of Weakness, Vitality Deficiency




Ginseng + Multivitamin + Multimineral

Indications & Uses

Tiredness, Stress, Feeling of Weakness, Vitality Deficiency




Cefixime 200mg + Lactic Acid Bacilus 2.5 billion spores

Indications & Uses

Otitis Media, Pharyngitis & Tonsillitis, Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis, Enteric Fever




Cefixime 200mg + Potassium Clavulanate 125mg

Indications & Uses

Respiratory Tract Infections, Urinary Tract Infections, Skin & Skin Structure Infections




Amoxycillin 500mg + Potassium Clavulanate 125mg

Indications & Uses

Respiratory Tract Infections, Community Acquired Pneumonia, Gynaecological Infections, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis, Skin and Soft Tissue Infections


TABLETS (Blister)


Ofloxacin 200mg + Ornidazole 500mg

Indications & Uses

Surgical ions, Diarrheas of Mixed Etiology, Gynaecological Infections, Orofacial and Dental Infections




Levofloxacin 500mg

Indications & Uses

Acute Bacterial Sinusitis, Acute Bacterial Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis, Skin & Skin Structure Infections, Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, Urinary Tract Infections




Cefixime 200mg + Ofloxacin 200mg

Indications & Uses

Community Acquired Pneumonia, Multiple Drug Resistant-TB, Typhoid




Ofloxacin 200mg

Indications & Uses

Community Acquired Pneumonia, Multiple Drug Resistant-TB, Typhoid




Amoxycillin 1000mg + Potassium Clavulanate 200mg + WFI

Indications & Uses

Community Acquired Pneumonia, Gynaecological Infections, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, Urinary Tract Infections, Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis




Ceftriaxone 1000mg + Sulbactam 500mg + WFI

Indications & Uses

Gynaecological Infections, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, Intra-abdominal Infections with Aerobic Organisms, Surgical Prophylaxis




Ceftriaxone 1000mg + Tazobactam 500 mg + WFI

Indications & Uses

Bone & Joint Infections, Intra-abdominal Infections, Bacterial Meningitis, Pre-operative Surgical Prophylaxis




Meropenem 1gm + WFI

Indications & Uses

Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection (cIAI), Complicated Skin & Skin Structure Infections (cSSSI), Bacterial Meningitis, Noscocomial Pneumonia




Piperacillin 4000mg + Tazobactam 500mg + WFI

Indications & Uses

Intra-abdominal Infections, Complicated Urinary Tract Infections, Febrile Neutropenia, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections




Piperacillin 4000mg + Tazobactam 500mg + WFI

Indications & Uses

Intra-abdominal Infections, Complicated Urinary Tract Infections, Febrile Neutropenia, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections





Ambroxol HCI 15mg + Guaiphensin 50mg + Terbutaline Sulphate 1.5mg + Mentholated Base/5ml

Indications & Uses

Bronchitis, Productive Cough, Emphysema, Bronchial Asthma





Terbutaline Sulphate 1.25mg + Bromhexine HCI 4mg + Guaiphenesin 50mg + Methalated Base/5ml

Indications & Uses

Acute Cough, Abnormal Mucus Secretion, Productive Cough




Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 10mg + Phenylpherine 5 mg + Cetrizine 5mg + Mentholated Base/5ml

Indications & Uses

Commom Cold and Flu, Nasal Congestion, Sore Throat




Levocetirizine 5mg + Montelukast 10mg

Indications & Uses

Allergic Rhinitis, Nasal Congestion, Asthma




Levocetirizine 5mg

Indications & Uses

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU), Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR), Perennial Allergic Rhinitis (PAR)

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