Current Path : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bdthemes-element-pack/modules/woocommerce/widgets/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bdthemes-element-pack/modules/woocommerce/widgets/products-tab.php
namespace ElementPack\Modules\Woocommerce\Widgets;

use Elementor\Widget_Base;
use Elementor\Controls_Manager;
use Elementor\Scheme_Typography;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Border;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Box_Shadow;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Typography;
use Elementor\Group_Control_Image_Size;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly

class Products_Tab extends Widget_Base {

	public function get_name() {
		return 'bdt-wc-products-tab';

	public function get_title() {
		return BDTEP . esc_html__( 'WC - Products Tab', 'bdthemes-element-pack' );

	public function get_icon() {
		return 'bdt-wi-woocommerce';

	public function get_categories() {
		return [ 'element-pack' ];

	public function get_keywords() {
		return [ 'product', 'woocommerce', 'table', 'tab' ];

	public function get_script_depends() {
		return [ 'datatables' ];

	public function get_style_depends() {
		return [ 'datatables' ];

	protected function _register_controls() {

				'label' => esc_html__( 'Layout', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'          => esc_html__( 'Columns', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'           => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
				'default'        => '4',
				'tablet_default' => '2',
				'mobile_default' => '1',
				'options'        => [
					'1' => '1',
					'2' => '2',
					'3' => '3',
					'4' => '4',
					'5' => '5',
					'6' => '6',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Column Gap', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
				'default' => [
					'size' => 30,
				'range' => [
					'px' => [
						'min'  => 0,
						'max'  => 100,
						'step' => 5,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-wrapper.bdt-grid'     => 'margin-left: -{{SIZE}}px',
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-wrapper.bdt-grid > *' => 'padding-left: {{SIZE}}px',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Row Gap', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,
				'default' => [
					'size' => 30,
				'range' => [
					'px' => [
						'min'  => 0,
						'max'  => 100,
						'step' => 5,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-wrapper.bdt-grid'     => 'margin-top: -{{SIZE}}px',
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-wrapper.bdt-grid > *' => 'margin-top: {{SIZE}}px',

				'label'   => __( 'Text Align', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE,
				'options' => [
					'left'    => [
						'title' => __( 'Left', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
						'icon'  => 'fa fa-align-left',
					'center' => [
						'title' => __( 'Center', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
						'icon'  => 'fa fa-align-center',
					'right' => [
						'title' => __( 'Right', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
						'icon'  => 'fa fa-align-right',

				'name'      => 'image',
				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Image Size', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'exclude'   => [ 'custom' ],
				'default'   => 'medium',


				'label' => esc_html__( 'Additional', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Show Thumbnail', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Show Badge', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Title', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Rating', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Price', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Add to Cart', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Add to Link', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER,
				'default' => 'yes',


				'label' => esc_html__( 'Query', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'   => _x( 'Source', 'Posts Query Control', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
				'options' => [
					''        => esc_html__( 'Show All', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'by_name' => esc_html__( 'Manual Selection', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'label_block' => true,

		$product_categories = get_terms( 'product_cat' );

		$options = [];
		foreach ( $product_categories as $category ) {
			$options[ $category->slug ] = $category->name;

				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Categories', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'        => Controls_Manager::SELECT2,
				'options'     => $options,
				'default'     => [],
				'label_block' => true,
				'multiple'    => true,
				'condition'   => [
					'source'    => 'by_name',

				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Exclude Product(s)', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'        => Controls_Manager::TEXT,
				'placeholder'     => 'product_id',
				'label_block' => true,
				'description' => __( 'Write product id here, if you want to exclude multiple products so use comma as separator. Such as 1 , 2', '' ),

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Product Limit', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::NUMBER,
				'default' => 8,

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Meta Key', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
				'default' => 'total_sales',
				'options' => [
					'total_sales'    => esc_html__( 'Total Sales', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'_regular_price' => esc_html__( 'Regular Price', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'_sale_price'    => esc_html__( 'Sale Price', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Order by', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
				'default' => 'date',
				'options' => [
					'date'     => esc_html__( 'Date', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'title'    => esc_html__( 'Title', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'category' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'rand'     => esc_html__( 'Random', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'   => esc_html__( 'Order', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'    => Controls_Manager::SELECT,
				'default' => 'DESC',
				'options' => [
					'DESC' => esc_html__( 'Descending', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
					'ASC'  => esc_html__( 'Ascending', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),


				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Item', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,

		$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_item_style' );

				'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'name'        => 'item_border',
				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Border Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'placeholder' => '1px',
				'default'     => '1px',
				'selector'    => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner',
				'separator'   => 'before',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-inner' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}}; overflow: hidden;',
				'name'     => 'item_shadow',
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Item Padding', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Description Padding', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-desc' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',


				'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner:hover' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Border Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'condition' => [
					'item_border_border!' => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner:hover' => 'border-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'name'     => 'item_hover_shadow',
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-products-skin-inner:hover',



				'label' => esc_html__( 'Image', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'   => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,

				'name'     => 'image_border',
				'label'    => esc_html__( 'Image Border', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-image',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-image img' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};', 
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-image' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name'    => 'image_shadow',
				'exclude' => [
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-image',


				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Title', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
				'condition' => [
					'show_title' => 'yes',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-title' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Hover Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-title:hover' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-title' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name'     => 'title_typography',
				'label'    => esc_html__( 'Typography', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'scheme'   => Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_4,
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-title a',


				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Rating', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
				'condition' => [
					'show_rating' => 'yes',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'default'   => '#e7e7e7',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .star-rating:before' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Active Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'default'   => '#FFCC00',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .star-rating span' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .star-rating' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',


				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Price', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
				'condition' => [
					'show_price' => 'yes',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price del' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price del' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name'     => 'old_price_typography',
				'label'    => esc_html__( 'Typography', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'scheme'   => Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_4,
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price del',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Sale Price', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::HEADING,
				'separator' => 'before',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price, {{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price ins' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price, {{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price ins' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name'     => 'sale_price_typography',
				'label'    => esc_html__( 'Typography', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'scheme'   => Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_4,
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price, {{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-price ins',


				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Add To Cart', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
				'condition' => [
					'show_cart' => 'yes',

		$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_button_style' );

				'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Text Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'default'   => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'name'        => 'border',
				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Border', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'placeholder' => '1px',
				'default'     => '1px',
				'selector'    => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a',
				'separator'   => 'before',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',
				'separator' => 'before',

				'name'     => 'button_shadow',
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a',

				'name'      => 'button_typography',
				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Typography', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'scheme'    => Scheme_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_4,
				'selector'  => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a',
				'separator' => 'before',


				'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Text Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a:hover' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a:hover' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Border Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'condition' => [
					'border_border!' => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart a:hover' => 'border-color: {{VALUE}};',




				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Add To Link', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,
				'condition' => [
					'show_add_to_link' => 'yes',

		$this->start_controls_tabs( 'tabs_add_to_link_style' );

				'label' => esc_html__( 'Normal', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Text Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'default'   => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'name'        => 'add_to_link_border',
				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Border', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'placeholder' => '1px',
				'default'     => '1px',
				'selector'    => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a',
				'separator'   => 'before',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',
				'separator' => 'before',

				'name'     => 'add_to_link_shadow',
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a',


				'label' => esc_html__( 'Hover', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Text Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a:hover' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a:hover' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Border Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'condition' => [
					'border_border!' => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-products-skin-add-to-links a:hover' => 'border-color: {{VALUE}};',




				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Badge', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'tab'       => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE,

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Text Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'default'   => '',
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge' => 'color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'     => esc_html__( 'Background Color', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'      => Controls_Manager::COLOR,
				'selectors' => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',
				'separator' => 'before',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name'        => 'badge_border',
				'label'       => esc_html__( 'Border', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'placeholder' => '1px',
				'default'     => '1px',
				'selector'    => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge',
				'separator'   => 'before',

				'label'      => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ),
				'type'       => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
				'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'selectors'  => [
					'{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',

				'name' => 'badge_shadow',
				'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .bdt-products-tab .bdt-item-skin-hidie .bdt-badge',
				'separator' => 'before',



	public function render_image() {
		$settings = $this->get_settings();
		<?php if ('yes' == $settings['show_thumb']) : ?>
			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
				<img src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image_url(get_post_thumbnail_id(), $settings['image_size']); ?>">
		<?php endif; ?>

	public function render_header() {

		$settings = $this->get_settings();

		$this->add_render_attribute('wc-products', 'class', ['bdt-products-tab']);

		<div <?php echo $this->get_render_attribute_string( 'wc-products' ); ?>>


	public function render_footer() {

	public function render_query() {
		$settings = $this->get_settings();

		if ( get_query_var('paged') ) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); } 
		elseif ( get_query_var('page') ) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); } 
		else { $paged = 1; }

		$exclude_products = ($settings['exclude_products']) ? explode(',', $settings['exclude_products']) : [];

		$args = array(
			'post_type'           => 'product',
			'post_bdt-products-skin-status'         => 'publish',
			'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
			'posts_per_page'      => $settings['posts_per_page'],
			'meta_key'            => $settings['meta_key'],
			'orderby'             => $settings['orderby'],
			'order'               => $settings['order'],
			'paged'               => $paged,
			'post__not_in'        => $exclude_products,

		if ( 'by_name' === $settings['source'] and !empty($settings['product_categories']) ) {			  
			$args['tax_query'][] = array(
				'taxonomy'           => 'product_cat',
				'field'              => 'slug',
				'terms'              => $settings['product_categories'],
				'post__not_in'       => $exclude_products,

		$wp_query = new \WP_Query($args);

		return $wp_query;

	public function render_loop_item() {
		$settings = $this->get_settings();
		$id       = 'bdt-products-skin-' . $this->get_id();

		$text_align = $settings['text_align'] ? : 'left';

		$wp_query = $this->render_query();

		if($wp_query->have_posts()) {

			$this->add_render_attribute('wc-products-wrapper', 'bdt-grid', '');

					'wc-products-wrapper' => [
						'class' => [
							'bdt-child-width-1-'. $settings['columns_mobile'],
							'bdt-child-width-1-'. $settings['columns_tablet'] .'@s',
							'bdt-child-width-1-'. $settings['columns'] .'@m',
						'id' => esc_attr( $id ),

			<div <?php echo $this->get_render_attribute_string( 'wc-products-wrapper' ); ?>>

			$this->add_render_attribute( 'wc-product', 'class', 'bdt-products-tab-item' );

			while ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) : $wp_query->the_post(); global $product; ?>

		  		<div <?php echo $this->get_render_attribute_string( 'wc-product' ); ?>>

		  			<div class="bdt-item-skin-hidie">
			  			<div class="bdt-products-skin-inner">
			  				<div class="bdt-products-skin-image">
				  				<?php if ( 'yes' == $settings['show_badge'] and $product->is_on_sale() ) : ?>
						  			<div class="bdt-badge bdt-position-top-left bdt-position-small">
							  			<?php woocommerce_show_product_loop_sale_flash(); ?>
					  			<?php endif; ?>

				               <?php $this->render_image(); ?>

				               <?php if ('yes' == $settings['show_cart']) : ?>
				                	<div class="bdt-products-skin-add-to-cart">
										<?php woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart();?>
								<?php endif; ?>

								<?php if ('yes' == $settings['show_add_to_link']) : ?>
								<div class="bdt-products-skin-add-to-links">
		                                <li class="wishlist"><a href="#" bdt-tooltip="Add to Wishlist" bdt-icon="icon: heart"></a></li>
		                                <li class="quick"><a href="#" bdt-tooltip="Add to Quick" bdt-icon="icon: search"></a></li>
		                                <li class="compare"><a href="#" bdt-tooltip="Add to Compare" bdt-icon="icon: shrink"></a></li>
		                    	<?php endif; ?>


		           			<div class="bdt-products-skin-desc bdt-text-<?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>">
			               		<?php if ( 'yes' == $settings['show_title']) : ?>
				           			<h2 class="bdt-products-skin-title">
				           				<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="bdt-link-reset">
							               <?php the_title(); ?>
					            <?php endif; ?>

			           			<?php if (('yes' == $settings['show_price']) or ('yes' == $settings['show_rating'])) : ?>
					               	<?php if ('yes' == $settings['show_rating']) : ?>
						               	<div class="bdt-wc-rating">
						           			<?php woocommerce_template_loop_rating(); ?>
				                	<?php endif; ?>

				               		<?php if ( 'yes' == $settings['show_price']) : ?>
					           			<span class="bdt-products-skin-price"><?php woocommerce_template_single_price(); ?></span>
						            <?php endif; ?>

			                	<?php endif; ?>


			<?php endwhile;	?>

		} else {
			echo '<div class="bdt-alert-warning" bdt-alert>' . esc_html__( 'Ops! There is no product.', 'bdthemes-element-pack' ) .'<div>';

	public function render() {


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