Current Path : /storage/v11800/ideas-cloud-new/public_html/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Classes/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

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Current File : /storage/v11800/ideas-cloud-new/public_html/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Classes/WPDeveloper_Core_Installer.php
namespace Essential_Addons_Elementor\Classes;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
} // Exit if accessed directly.

 * WPDeveloper Core Install
class WPDeveloper_Core_Installer {
     * Plugin Base Name
     * @var string
    private $plugin_basename;
     * Instantiate the class
     * @param string $affiliate
    function __construct( $plugin_basename = '' ) {
        $this->plugin_basename = $plugin_basename;
        add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init_hooks' ) );
     * Initialize the hooks
     * @return void
    public function init_hooks() {
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpdeveloper_upsale_core_install_' . $this->plugin_basename, array( $this, 'core_install' ) );
     * Fail if plugin installtion/activation fails
     * @param  Object $thing
     * @return void
    public function fail_on_error( $thing ) {
        if ( is_wp_error( $thing ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( $thing->get_error_message() );

     * Install Upsale Plugin
     * @return void
    public function core_install() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'wpdeveloper_upsale_core_install_' . $this->plugin_basename );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( __( 'You don\'t have permission to install the plugins', 'essential-addons-for-elementor-lite' ) );

        $plugin_slug = ( isset( $_POST['slug'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['slug'] ) : '';
        $plugin_file = ( isset( $_POST['file'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['file'] ) : '';

        if( empty( $plugin_file ) || empty( $plugin_slug ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( __( 'You don\'t have set any slug and file name to install the plugins', 'essential-addons-for-elementor-lite' ) );

        $plugin_status = $this->install_plugin( $plugin_slug, $plugin_file );
        $this->fail_on_error( $plugin_status );

     * Install and activate a plugin
     * @param  string $slug
     * @param  string $file
     * @return WP_Error|null
    public function install_plugin( $slug, $file ) {
        include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php';
        include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php';

        $plugin_basename = $slug . '/' . $file;

        // if exists and not activated
        if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_basename ) ) {
            return activate_plugin( $plugin_basename );

        // seems like the plugin doesn't exists. Download and activate it
        $upgrader = new \Plugin_Upgrader( new \WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin() );

        $api      = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => $slug, 'fields' => array( 'sections' => false ) ) );
        $result   = $upgrader->install( $api->download_link );

        if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
            return $result;

        return activate_plugin( $plugin_basename );

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