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Current File : /storage/v11800/shoptimizer-latest/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-cli-login-server.php
 * Plugin Name: WP CLI Login Command Server
 * Description: Companion plugin to the WP-CLI Login Command
 * Author: Evan Mattson
 * Author URI:
 * Plugin URI:
 * Version: 1.2

namespace WP_CLI_Login;

use stdClass;
use WP_User;
use Exception;

 * Fire up the server
function init_server_from_request()
    list($endpoint, $public) = WP_CLI_Login_Server::parseUri(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    WP_CLI_Login_Server::handle($endpoint, $public);
if (is_eligible_request()) {
    add_action('plugins_loaded', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\init_server_from_request');

 * @return bool
function is_eligible_request()
    return ! (
        (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI)                       // ignore cli requests
        || (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX)            // ignore ajax requests
        || (defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON)            // ignore cron requests
        || (defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING)      // WP ain't ready
        || 'GET' != strtoupper(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) // GET requests only
        || count($_GET) > 0                                 // if there is any query string
        || is_admin()                                       // ignore admin requests

class WP_CLI_Login_Server
     * The http endpoint triggering the request.
    private $endpoint;

     * Public key passed to identify the unique magic login.
     * @var string
    private $publicKey;

     * Option key for the persisted-data.
    const OPTION = 'wp_cli_login';

     * WP_CLI_Login_Server constructor.
     * @param $endpoint
     * @param $publicKey
    public function __construct($endpoint, $publicKey)
        $this->endpoint = $endpoint;
        $this->publicKey = $publicKey;

     * Parse the endpoint & key from the URI, if any.
     * @param $uri string  Request URI
     * @return array [endpoint, key]
    public static function parseUri($uri)
        return array_slice(
            array_merge(['',''], explode('/', $uri)),

     * Handle a new magic login request.
     * @param $endpoint
     * @param $publicKey
    public static function handle($endpoint, $publicKey)
        $server = new static($endpoint, $publicKey);

        if ($server->checkEndpoint()) {

     * Test if endpoints match.
     * @return bool
    public function checkEndpoint()
        if ($saved = json_decode(get_option(static::OPTION))) {
            return $this->endpoint === $saved->endpoint;

        return false;

     * Attempt the magic login.
    public function run()
        try {
            $magic = $this->loadMagic();
            $user  = $this->validate($magic);
        } catch (Exception $e) {

     * Validate the magic login, and return the user to login if successful.
     * @param stdClass $magic
     * @throws AuthenticationFailure
     * @throws InvalidUser
     * @return WP_User
    private function validate(stdClass $magic)
        if (empty($magic->user) || (! $user = new WP_User($magic->user)) || ! $user->exists()) {
            throw new InvalidUser('No user found or no longer exists.');

        if (empty($magic->private) || ! wp_check_password($this->signature($user), $magic->private)) {
            throw new AuthenticationFailure('Magic login authentication failed.');

        return $user;

     * Load the saved data for the current magic login.
     * @throws BadMagic
     * @return stdClass
    private function loadMagic()
        $magic = json_decode(

        if (is_null($magic)) {
            throw new BadMagic('The attempted magic login has expired or already been used.');

        return $magic;

     * Login the given user and redirect them to wp-admin.
     * @param WP_User $user
    private function loginUser(WP_User $user)


         * Fires after the user has successfully logged in via the WP-CLI Login Server.
         * @param string  $user_login Username.
         * @param WP_User $user       WP_User object of the logged-in user.
        do_action('wp_cli_login/login', $user->user_login, $user);

         * Fires after the user has successfully logged in.
         * @param string  $user_login Username.
         * @param WP_User $user       WP_User object of the logged-in user.
        do_action('wp_login', $user->user_login, $user);


     * Redirect the user after logging in.
     * Mostly copied from wp-login.php
     * @param WP_User $user
    private function loginRedirect(WP_User $user)
         * Filters the login redirect URL.
         * @param string           $redirect_to           The redirect destination URL.
         * @param string           $requested_redirect_to The requested redirect destination URL passed as a parameter.
         * @param WP_User          $user                  WP_User object.
        $redirect_to = apply_filters('login_redirect', admin_url(), '', $user);

         * Filters the login redirect URL for WP-CLI Login Server requests.
         * @param string           $redirect_to           The redirect destination URL.
         * @param string           $requested_redirect_to The requested redirect destination URL passed as a parameter.
         * @param WP_User          $user                  WP_User object.
        $redirect_to = apply_filters('wp_cli_login/login_redirect', $redirect_to, '', $user);

         * Figure out where to redirect the user for the default wp-admin URL based on the user's capabilities.
        if ((empty($redirect_to) || $redirect_to == 'wp-admin/' || $redirect_to == admin_url())) {
            // If the user doesn't belong to a blog, send them to user admin. If the user can't edit posts, send them to their profile.
            if (is_multisite() && ! get_active_blog_for_user($user->ID) && ! is_super_admin($user->ID)) {
                $redirect_to = user_admin_url();
            } elseif (is_multisite() && ! $user->has_cap('read')) {
                $redirect_to = get_dashboard_url($user->ID);
            } elseif (! $user->has_cap('edit_posts')) {
                $redirect_to = $user->has_cap('read') ? admin_url('profile.php') : home_url();


         * Redirect safely to the URL provided.

     * Abort the process; Explode with terrifying message.
     * @param Exception $e
    private function abort(Exception $e)
        $exception        = get_class($e);
        $exceptionMessage = $e->getMessage();
        $common           = sprintf('Try again perhaps? or <a href="%s">Go Home &rarr;</a>', esc_url(home_url()));
        $message          = "<strong>$exceptionMessage</strong><p>$common</p>";

        wp_die($message, $exception, ['response' => 410]);

     * Get the key for retrieving magic data for the current request.
     * @return string
    private function magicKey()
        return self::OPTION . '/' . $this->publicKey;

     * Build the signature to check against the private key for this request.
     * @param WP_User $user
     * @return string
    private function signature(WP_User $user)
        return join('|', [
            parse_url($this->homeUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST),

     * Get the home URL.
     * @return string
    private function homeUrl()
        /* wp-cli server-command filters home & siteurl to work and saves the original in a global. */
        return isset($GLOBALS['_wp_cli_original_url'])
            ? $GLOBALS['_wp_cli_original_url']
            : home_url();

class BadMagic extends Exception

class AuthenticationFailure extends Exception

class InvalidUser extends Exception

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