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Current File : /storage/v11800/testtest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/js/colcade.js
 * Colcade v0.2.0
 * Lightweight masonry layout
 * by David DeSandro
 * MIT license

/*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true */

( function( window, factory ) {
  // universal module definition
  /*jshint strict: false */
  /*global define: false, module: false */
  if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ) {
    // AMD
    define( factory );
  } else if ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {
    // CommonJS
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    // browser global
    window.Colcade = factory();

}( window, function factory() {

// -------------------------- Colcade -------------------------- //

function Colcade( element, options ) {
  element = getQueryElement( element );

  // do not initialize twice on same element
  if ( element && element.colcadeGUID ) {
    var instance = instances[ element.colcadeGUID ];
    instance.option( options );
    return instance;

  this.element = element;
  // options
  this.options = {};
  this.option( options );
	// items from the last append operation and ColumnHeights before the append
	this.lastAppend = [];
	this.lastColumnHeights = [];
  // kick things off

var proto = Colcade.prototype;

proto.option = function( options ) {
  this.options = extend( this.options, options );

// globally unique identifiers
var GUID = 0;
// internal store of all Colcade intances
var instances = {};

proto.create = function() {
  // add guid for
  var guid = this.guid = ++GUID;
  this.element.colcadeGUID = guid;
  instances[ guid ] = this; // associate via id
  // update initial properties & layout
  // events
  this._windowResizeHandler = this.onWindowResize.bind( this );
  this._loadHandler = this.onLoad.bind( this );
  window.addEventListener( 'resize', this._windowResizeHandler );
  this.element.addEventListener( 'load', this._loadHandler, true );

proto.errorCheck = function() {
  var errors = [];
  if ( !this.element ) {
    errors.push( 'Bad element: ' + this.element );
  if ( !this.options.columns ) {
    errors.push( 'columns option required: ' + this.options.columns );
  if ( !this.options.items ) {
    errors.push( 'items option required: ' + this.options.items );

  if ( errors.length ) {
    throw new Error( '[Colcade error] ' + errors.join('. ') );

// update properties and do layout
proto.reload = function() {

proto.updateColumns = function() {
  this.columns = querySelect( this.options.columns, this.element );

proto.updateItems = function() {
  this.items = querySelect( this.options.items, this.element );

proto.getActiveColumns = function() {
  return this.columns.filter( function( column ) {
    var style = getComputedStyle( column );
    return style.display != 'none';

// ----- layout ----- //

// public, updates activeColumns
proto.layout = function() {
  this.activeColumns = this.getActiveColumns();

// private, does not update activeColumns
proto._layout = function() {
  // reset column heights
  this.columnHeights = function() {
    return 0;
  // layout all items
  this.layoutItems( this.items );

proto.layoutItems = function( items ) {
  items.forEach( this.layoutItem, this );

proto.layoutItem = function( item ) {
  // layout item by appending to column
  var minHeight = Math.min.apply( Math, this.columnHeights );
  var index = this.columnHeights.indexOf( minHeight );
  this.activeColumns[ index ].appendChild( item );
  // at least 1px, if item hasn't loaded
  // Not exactly accurate, but it's cool
  this.columnHeights[ index ] += item.offsetHeight || 1;

// ----- adding items ----- //

proto.append = function( elems ) {
  var items = this.getQueryItems( elems );
  // add items to collection
  this.items = this.items.concat( items );
	// capture the items and columnHeights for future onLoad events triggered by images load
	this.lastAppend.length = 0;
	this.lastAppend = items.slice();
	this.lastColumnHeights.length = 0;
	this.lastColumnHeights = this.columnHeights.slice();
  // lay them out
  this.layoutItems( items );

proto.prepend = function( elems ) {
  var items = this.getQueryItems( elems );
  // add items to collection
  this.items = items.concat( this.items );
  // lay out everything

proto.getQueryItems = function( elems ) {
  elems = makeArray( elems );
  var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
  elems.forEach( function( elem ) {
    fragment.appendChild( elem );
  return querySelect( this.options.items, fragment );

proto.empty = function() {
	this.lastAppend.length = 0;
	this.lastColumnHeights.length = 0;
  this.items.forEach( function( item ) {
  }, this );
  this.items.length = 0;
  // lay out everything

// ----- measure column height ----- //

proto.measureColumnHeight = function( elem ) {
  var boundingRect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
  this.activeColumns.forEach( function( column, i ) {
    // if elem, measure only that column
    // if no elem, measure all columns
    if ( !elem || column.contains( elem ) ) {
      var lastChildRect = column.lastElementChild.getBoundingClientRect();
      // not an exact calculation as it includes top border, and excludes item bottom margin
      this.columnHeights[ i ] = lastChildRect.bottom -;
  }, this );

// ----- events ----- //

proto.onWindowResize = function() {
  clearTimeout( this.resizeTimeout );
  this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
  }.bind( this ), 100 );

proto.onDebouncedResize = function() {
  var activeColumns = this.getActiveColumns();
  // check if columns changed
  var isSameLength = activeColumns.length == this.activeColumns.length;
  var isSameColumns = true;
  this.activeColumns.forEach( function( column, i ) {
    isSameColumns = isSameColumns && column == activeColumns[i];
  if ( isSameLength && isSameColumns ) {
  // activeColumns changed
  this.activeColumns = activeColumns;

proto.onLoad = function( event ) {
  this.measureColumnHeight( );
	if( 0 < this.lastColumnHeights.length && 0 < this.lastAppend.length ) {
		this.columnHeights.length = 0;
		this.columnHeights = this.lastColumnHeights.slice();
		this.layoutItems( this.lastAppend );

// ----- destroy ----- //

proto.destroy = function() {
  // move items back to container
  this.items.forEach( function( item ) {
    this.element.appendChild( item );
  }, this );
  // remove events
  window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this._windowResizeHandler );
  this.element.removeEventListener( 'load', this._loadHandler, true );
  // remove data
  delete this.element.colcadeGUID;
  delete instances[ this.guid ];

// -------------------------- HTML init -------------------------- //

docReady( function() {
  var dataElems = querySelect('[data-colcade]');
  dataElems.forEach( htmlInit );

function htmlInit( elem ) {
  // convert attribute "foo: bar, qux: baz" into object
  var attr = elem.getAttribute('data-colcade');
  var attrParts = attr.split(',');
  var options = {};
  attrParts.forEach( function( part ) {
    var pair = part.split(':');
    var key = pair[0].trim();
    var value = pair[1].trim();
    options[ key ] = value;

  new Colcade( elem, options );
} = function( elem ) {
  elem = getQueryElement( elem );
  var id = elem && elem.colcadeGUID;
  return id && instances[ id ];

// -------------------------- jQuery -------------------------- //

Colcade.makeJQueryPlugin = function( $ ) {
  $ = $ || window.jQuery;
  if ( !$ ) {

  $.fn.colcade = function( arg0 /*, arg1 */) {
    // method call $().colcade( 'method', { options } )
    if ( typeof arg0 == 'string' ) {
      // shift arguments by 1
      var args = arguments, 1 );
      return methodCall( this, arg0, args );
    // just $().colcade({ options })
    plainCall( this, arg0 );
    return this;

  function methodCall( $elems, methodName, args ) {
    var returnValue;
    $elems.each( function( i, elem ) {
      // get instance
      var colcade = $.data( elem, 'colcade' );
      if ( !colcade ) {
      // apply method, get return value
      var value = colcade[ methodName ].apply( colcade, args );
      // set return value if value is returned, use only first value
      returnValue = returnValue === undefined ? value : returnValue;
    return returnValue !== undefined ? returnValue : $elems;

  function plainCall( $elems, options ) {
    $elems.each( function( i, elem ) {
      var colcade = $.data( elem, 'colcade' );
      if ( colcade ) {
        // set options & init
        colcade.option( options );
      } else {
        // initialize new instance
        colcade = new Colcade( elem, options );
        $.data( elem, 'colcade', colcade );

// try making plugin

// -------------------------- utils -------------------------- //

function extend( a, b ) {
  for ( var prop in b ) {
    a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];
  return a;

// turn element or nodeList into an array
function makeArray( obj ) {
  var ary = [];
  if ( Array.isArray( obj ) ) {
    // use object if already an array
    ary = obj;
  } else if ( obj && typeof obj.length == 'number' ) {
    // convert nodeList to array
    for ( var i=0; i < obj.length; i++ ) {
      ary.push( obj[i] );
  } else {
    // array of single index
    ary.push( obj );
  return ary;

// get array of elements
function querySelect( selector, elem ) {
  elem = elem || document;
  var elems = elem.querySelectorAll( selector );
  return makeArray( elems );

function getQueryElement( elem ) {
  if ( typeof elem == 'string' ) {
    elem = document.querySelector( elem );
  return elem;

function docReady( onReady ) {
  if ( document.readyState == 'complete' ) {
  document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onReady );

// -------------------------- end -------------------------- //

return Colcade;


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