Current Path : /storage/v11800/testtest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-razorpay/includes/api/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/testtest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-razorpay/includes/api/order.php

 * create order with status pending
 * user, adddress, coupon and shipping are left blank
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\OrderUtil;

function createWcOrder(WP_REST_Request $request)
    global $woocommerce;
    $params           = $request->get_params();
    $logObj           = array();
    $logObj['api']    = 'createWcOrder';
    $logObj['params'] = $params;

    // fetching wp_woocommerce_session_ from cookies
    $sessionVal = array_filter($params['cookies'], function($key) {
       return strpos($key, 'wp_woocommerce_session_') === 0;

    foreach($sessionVal as $key => $value){
        $expKey = explode('wp_woocommerce_session_', $key);
        $sessionResult = $expKey[1];
    //Abandoment cart plugin decode the coupon code from token
    $couponCode = null;
    if (isset($params['token'])) {
        $token = sanitize_text_field($params['token']);
        parse_str(base64_decode(urldecode($token)), $token);
        if (is_array($token) && array_key_exists('wcf_session_id', $token) && isset($token['wcf_coupon_code'])) {
            $couponCode = $token['wcf_coupon_code'];

    $nonce     = $request->get_header('X-WP-Nonce');
    $verifyReq = wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'wp_rest');

    if ($verifyReq === false) {
        $response['status']  = false;
        $response['message'] = 'Authentication failed';

        $statusCode            = 401;
        $logObj['status_code'] = $statusCode;
        $logObj['response']    = $response;

        return new WP_REST_Response($response, $statusCode);


    // check if cart is empty

    $cartHash  = WC()->cart->get_cart_hash();
    $hash = $sessionResult."_".$cartHash;
    $orderIdFromHash = get_transient(RZP_1CC_CART_HASH . $hash);

    if (isHposEnabled()) {
        $updateOrderStatus = 'checkout-draft';
        $updateOrderStatus = 'draft';

    if ($orderIdFromHash == null) {
        $checkout = WC()->checkout();
        $orderId  = $checkout->create_order(array());

        if (is_wp_error($orderId)) {
            $checkout_error = $orderId->get_error_message();
        //Keep order in draft status untill customer info available
        updateOrderStatus($orderId, $updateOrderStatus);
    } else {
        $existingOrder = wc_get_order($orderIdFromHash);
        $orderStatus   = $existingOrder->get_status();
        if ($orderStatus != $updateOrderStatus && $existingOrder->needs_payment() == false) {
            $woocommerce->session->__unset(RZP_1CC_CART_HASH . $cartHash);
            $checkout = WC()->checkout();
            $orderId  = $checkout->create_order(array());

            if (is_wp_error($orderId)) {
                $checkout_error = $orderId->get_error_message();
            //Keep order in draft status untill customer info available
            updateOrderStatus($orderId, $updateOrderStatus);
        } else {
            $orderId = $orderIdFromHash;
            //To get the applied coupon details from cart object.
            $coupons    = WC()->cart->get_coupons();
            $couponCode = !empty($coupons) ? array_key_first($coupons) : null;

    $order = wc_get_order($orderId);

        $disableCouponFlag = false;

        // Woo dynamic discount price plugin
        if(is_plugin_active('yith-woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-and-discounts-premium/init.php')) {

            foreach ($order->get_items() as $itemId => $item) {
                $dynamicRules = $item->get_meta('_ywdpd_discounts');

                if(empty($dynamicRules) == false){
                    foreach ($dynamicRules['applied_discounts'] as $appliedDiscount) {
                        if (isset( $appliedDiscount['set_id'])){
                            $ruleId = $appliedDiscount['set_id'];
                            $rule    = ywdpd_get_rule($ruleId);
                        } else {
                            $rule = $appliedDiscount['by'];
                        // check coupon is disable with discount price
                        if($rule->is_disabled_with_other_coupon() == 1){
                            $disableCouponFlag = true;

        // Pixel your site PRO UTM data
        if (is_plugin_active('pixelyoursite-pro/pixelyoursite-pro.php')) {

            $pysData = get_option('pys_core');

            // Store UTM data only if config enabled.
            if ($pysData['woo_enabled_save_data_to_orders'] == true) {
                wooSaveCheckoutUTMFields($order, $params);

        // To remove coupon added on order.
        $coupons = $order->get_coupon_codes();
        if (!empty($coupons)) {
            foreach ($coupons as $coupon) {
            $couponCode = $coupons[0];

        //To remove by default shipping method added on order.
        $items = (array) $order->get_items('shipping');

        if (sizeof($items) > 0) {
            // Loop through shipping items
            foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {


        if (isHposEnabled()) {
            $order->update_meta_data( 'is_magic_checkout_order', 'yes' );
            update_post_meta($orderId, 'is_magic_checkout_order', 'yes');

        $minCartAmount1cc = !empty(get_option('woocommerce_razorpay_settings')['1cc_min_cart_amount']) ? get_option('woocommerce_razorpay_settings')['1cc_min_cart_amount'] : 0;

        // Response sent to the user when order creation fails
        if ($order->get_total() < $minCartAmount1cc) {
            $response['status']  = false;
            $response['message'] = 'Your current order total is ₹' . $order->get_total() . ' — you must have an order with a minimum of ₹' . $minCartAmount1cc . ' to place your order';
            $response['code']    = 'MIN_CART_AMOUNT_CHECK_FAILED';

            $status                 = 400;
            $logObj['response']     = $response;
            $logObj['rzp_order_id'] = $rzp_order_id;
            $logObj['rzp_response'] = $rzp_response;

            return new WP_REST_Response($response, $status);

        $razorpay = new WC_Razorpay(false);

        $rzp_order_id = $razorpay->createOrGetRazorpayOrderId($order, $orderId, 'yes');
        $rzp_response = $razorpay->getDefaultCheckoutArguments($order);

        // Response sent to the user when order creation fails
        if (empty($rzp_response['order_id'])) {
            $response['status']  = false;
            $response['message'] = 'Unable to create order';
            $response['code']    = 'ORDER_CREATION_FAILED';

            $status                 = 400;
            $logObj['response']     = $response;
            $logObj['rzp_order_id'] = $rzp_order_id;
            $logObj['rzp_response'] = $rzp_response;

            return new WP_REST_Response($response, $status);

        // TODO: getDefaultCheckoutArguments() is already being called in L65 above
        $response = $razorpay->getDefaultCheckoutArguments($order);

        $fbAnalytics = get_option('woocommerce_razorpay_settings')['enable_1cc_fb_analytics'] === 'yes' ? true : false;

        if($disableCouponFlag == true){
           $response['show_coupons']  = false;

        if ($fbAnalytics === true) {
            //Customer cart related data for FB analytics.
            $customer_cart['value']        = (string) WC()->cart->subtotal;
            $customer_cart['content_type'] = 'product';
            $customer_cart['currency']     = 'INR';

            $x = 0;
            // Loop over $cart items
            foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item) {

                $customer_cart['contents'][$x]['id']         = (string) $cart_item['product_id'];
                $customer_cart['contents'][$x]['name']       = $cart_item['data']->get_title();
                $customer_cart['contents'][$x]['quantity']   = (string) $cart_item['quantity'];
                $customer_cart['contents'][$x]['value']      = (string) ($cart_item['line_subtotal'] + $cart_item['line_subtotal_tax']) / $cart_item['quantity'];
                $customer_cart['contents'][$x]['variant_id'] = (string) $cart_item['variation_id'];


            $response['customer_cart'] = $customer_cart ?? '';

        $hash = $sessionResult."_".$cartHash;
        $woocommerce->session->set(RZP_1CC_CART_HASH . $hash, $orderId);
        set_transient(RZP_1CC_CART_HASH . $orderId, $hash, 14400);
        set_transient(RZP_1CC_CART_HASH . $hash, $orderId, 14400);
        set_transient($razorpay::SESSION_KEY, $orderId, 14400);

        $logObj['response'] = $response;

        return new WP_REST_Response($response, 200);
    } else {
        $response['status']  = false;
        $response['message'] = $checkout_error;
        $response['code']    = 'WOOCOMMERCE_ORDER_CREATION_FAILED';

        $logObj['response']    = $response;
        $logObj['status_code'] = 400;

        return new WP_REST_Response($response, 400);

//Update order status according to the steps.
function updateOrderStatus($orderId, $orderStatus)
    $order = wc_get_order( $orderId );
    if (isHposEnabled()) {
            'ID'          => $orderId,
            'post_status' => $orderStatus,

function wooSaveCheckoutUTMFields($order, $params)
    $pysData                = [];
    $cookieData             = $params['cookies'];
    $getQuery               = $params['requestData'];
    $browserTime            = $params['dateTime'];
    $pysData['pys_landing'] = isset($cookieData['pys_landing_page']) ? ($cookieData['pys_landing_page']) : "";
    $pysData['pys_source']  = isset($cookieData['pysTrafficSource']) ? ($cookieData['pysTrafficSource']) : "direct";
    if ($pysData['pys_source'] == 'direct') {
        $pysData['pys_source'] = $params['referrerDomain'] != '' ? $params['referrerDomain'] : "direct";
    $pysUTMSource   = $cookieData['pys_utm_source'] ?? $getQuery['utm_source'];
    $pysUTMMedium   = $cookieData['pys_utm_medium'] ?? $getQuery['utm_medium'];
    $pysUTMCampaign = $cookieData['pys_utm_campaign'] ?? $getQuery['utm_medium'];
    $pysUTMTerm     = $cookieData['pys_utm_term'] ?? $getQuery['utm_term'];
    $pysUTMContent  = $cookieData['pys_utm_content'] ?? $getQuery['utm_content'];

    $pysData['pys_utm']          = "utm_source:" . $pysUTMSource . "|utm_medium:" . $pysUTMMedium . "|utm_campaign:" . $pysUTMCampaign . "|utm_term:" . $pysUTMTerm . "|utm_content:" . $pysUTMContent;
    $pysData['pys_browser_time'] = $browserTime[0] . "|" . $browserTime[1] . "|" . $browserTime[2];

    if (isHposEnabled()) {
        $order->update_meta_data( 'pys_enrich_data', $pysData );
        update_post_meta($order->get_id(), "pys_enrich_data", $pysData);

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