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Current File : /storage/v11800/testhospital/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/nginx-helper/admin/class-fastcgi-purger.php
 * The admin-specific functionality of the plugin.
 * @link
 * @since      2.0.0
 * @package    nginx-helper
 * @subpackage nginx-helper/admin

 * Description of FastCGI_Purger
 * @package    nginx-helper
 * @subpackage nginx-helper/admin
 * @author     rtCamp
class FastCGI_Purger extends Purger {

	 * Function to purge url.
	 * @param string $url URL.
	 * @param bool   $feed Weather it is feed or not.
	public function purge_url( $url, $feed = true ) {

		global $nginx_helper_admin;

		 * Filters the URL to be purged.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param string $url URL to be purged.
		$url = apply_filters( 'rt_nginx_helper_purge_url', $url );

		$this->log( '- Purging URL | ' . $url );

		$parse = wp_parse_url( $url );

		if ( ! isset( $parse['path'] ) ) {
			$parse['path'] = '';

		switch ( $nginx_helper_admin->options['purge_method'] ) {

			case 'unlink_files':
				$_url_purge_base = $parse['scheme'] . '://' . $parse['host'] . $parse['path'];
				$_url_purge      = $_url_purge_base;

				if ( ! empty( $parse['query'] ) ) {
					$_url_purge .= '?' . $parse['query'];

				$this->delete_cache_file_for( $_url_purge );

				if ( $feed ) {

					$feed_url = rtrim( $_url_purge_base, '/' ) . '/feed/';
					$this->delete_cache_file_for( $feed_url );
					$this->delete_cache_file_for( $feed_url . 'atom/' );
					$this->delete_cache_file_for( $feed_url . 'rdf/' );


			case 'get_request':
				// Go to default case.
				$_url_purge_base = $this->purge_base_url() . $parse['path'];
				$_url_purge      = $_url_purge_base;

				if ( isset( $parse['query'] ) && '' !== $parse['query'] ) {
					$_url_purge .= '?' . $parse['query'];

				$this->do_remote_get( $_url_purge );

				if ( $feed ) {

					$feed_url = rtrim( $_url_purge_base, '/' ) . '/feed/';
					$this->do_remote_get( $feed_url );
					$this->do_remote_get( $feed_url . 'atom/' );
					$this->do_remote_get( $feed_url . 'rdf/' );




	 * Function to custom purge urls.
	public function custom_purge_urls() {

		global $nginx_helper_admin;

		$parse = wp_parse_url( home_url() );

		$purge_urls = isset( $nginx_helper_admin->options['purge_url'] ) && ! empty( $nginx_helper_admin->options['purge_url'] ) ?
			explode( "\r\n", $nginx_helper_admin->options['purge_url'] ) : array();

		 * Allow plugins/themes to modify/extend urls.
		 * @param array $purge_urls URLs which needs to be purged.
		 * @param bool  $wildcard   If wildcard in url is allowed or not. default false.
		$purge_urls = apply_filters( 'rt_nginx_helper_purge_urls', $purge_urls, false );

		switch ( $nginx_helper_admin->options['purge_method'] ) {

			case 'unlink_files':
				$_url_purge_base = $parse['scheme'] . '://' . $parse['host'];

				if ( is_array( $purge_urls ) && ! empty( $purge_urls ) ) {

					foreach ( $purge_urls as $purge_url ) {

						$purge_url = trim( $purge_url );

						if ( strpos( $purge_url, '*' ) === false ) {

							$purge_url = $_url_purge_base . $purge_url;
							$this->log( '- Purging URL | ' . $purge_url );
							$this->delete_cache_file_for( $purge_url );


			case 'get_request':
				// Go to default case.
				$_url_purge_base = $this->purge_base_url();

				if ( is_array( $purge_urls ) && ! empty( $purge_urls ) ) {

					foreach ( $purge_urls as $purge_url ) {

						$purge_url = trim( $purge_url );

						if ( strpos( $purge_url, '*' ) === false ) {

							$purge_url = $_url_purge_base . $purge_url;
							$this->log( '- Purging URL | ' . $purge_url );
							$this->do_remote_get( $purge_url );




	 * Purge everything.
	public function purge_all() {

		$this->unlink_recursive( RT_WP_NGINX_HELPER_CACHE_PATH, false );
		$this->log( '* * * * *' );
		$this->log( '* Purged Everything!' );
		$this->log( '* * * * *' );

		 * Fire an action after the FastCGI cache has been purged.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		do_action( 'rt_nginx_helper_after_fastcgi_purge_all' );

	 * Constructs the base url to call when purging using the "get_request" method.
	 * @since 2.2.0
	 * @return string
	private function purge_base_url() {

		$parse = wp_parse_url( home_url() );

		 * Filter to change purge suffix for FastCGI cache.
		 * @param string $suffix Purge suffix. Default is purge.
		 * @since 2.2.0
		$path = apply_filters( 'rt_nginx_helper_fastcgi_purge_suffix', 'purge' );

		// Prevent users from inserting a trailing '/' that could break the url purging.
		$path = trim( $path, '/' );

		$purge_url_base = $parse['scheme'] . '://' . $parse['host'] . '/' . $path;

		 * Filter to change purge URL base for FastCGI cache.
		 * @param string $purge_url_base Purge URL base.
		 * @since 2.2.0
		$purge_url_base = apply_filters( 'rt_nginx_helper_fastcgi_purge_url_base', $purge_url_base );

		// Prevent users from inserting a trailing '/' that could break the url purging.
		return untrailingslashit( $purge_url_base );



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