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Current File : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/Extension_NewRelic_Service.php
namespace W3TC;

 * Wrapper for NewRelicAPI.
 * deprecated
 * @see NewRelicAPI
class Extension_NewRelic_Service {
	private $_api_key;
	private $_cache_time;

	 * Checks Config for the params if they are not provided in the constructor.
	 * @param string  $api_key
	 * @param string  $account_id
	 * @param string  $application_id
	function __construct( $api_key = '' ) {
		$config = Dispatcher::config();
		if ( $api_key )
			$this->_api_key = $api_key;
			$this->_api_key = $config->get_string( array( 'newrelic', 'api_key' ) );

		$this->_cache_time = $config->get_integer( array( 'newrelic', 'cache_time' ), 5 );
		if ( $this->_cache_time < 1 )
			$this->_cache_time = 5;

	 * Checks if the platform running WP is supported by New Relic.
	 * The verifications is based on
	 * @return array
	function verify_compatibility() {
		$php_versions = array( '5.2.x', '5.3.x', '5.4.x' );
		$verified = array();
		$version = explode( '.', PHP_VERSION );
		$php_version = sprintf( '%s.%s.%s', $version[0], $version[1], $version[2] );
		$php_version_ok = version_compare( $php_version, '5.2', '>' );

		$supported_string = __( 'Supported', 'w3-total-cache' );

		$verified[__( 'PHP version', 'w3-total-cache' )] =
			( $php_version_ok ? $supported_string :
			sprintf( __( 'Not supported: %s.', 'w3-total-cache' ),
				$php_version ) );

		$os_name = php_uname( 's' );
		switch ( $os_name ) {
		case 'Linux':
			 * Any other version of Linux with kernel 2.6.13 or later
			 * (2.6.26 and later highly recommended) and glibc 2.5 or later
			$version = explode( '.', php_uname( 'r' ) );
			$os_version = sprintf( '%d.%d.%d', $version[0], $version[1], $version[2] );
			$os_check = version_compare( $os_version, '2.6.13', '>=' );
		case 'FreeBSD':
			 * You must enable the linkthr build option so that the New Relic agent will not cause your PHP to hang.
			$version = explode( '.', php_uname( 'r' ) );
			$os_version = sprintf( '%d.%d', $version[0], $version[1] );
			$os_check = version_compare( $os_version, '7.3', '>=' );
		case 'MacOS/X':
			 * MacOS/X configurations do not use the standard /etc/init.d/newrelic-daemon script.
			 * Instead, they use /usr/bin/newrelic-daemon-service in the same way; for example:
			 * /usr/bin/newrelic-daemon-service restart.
			$version = explode( '.', php_uname( 'r' ) );
			$os_version = sprintf( '%d.%d', $version[0], $version[1] );
			$os_check = version_compare( $os_version, '10.5', '>=' );
		case 'Open Solaris':
			 * snv_134b or later
			$version = explode( '.', php_uname( 'r' ) );
			$os_version = sprintf( '%d', $version[0] );
			$os_check = version_compare( $os_version, '10', '==' );
			$os_check = false;
			$os_name = php_uname();
			$os_version = '';

		$verified[ __( 'Operating System', 'w3-total-cache' ) ] = ( $os_check ) ?
			$supported_string :
				// translators: 1 OS name, 2 OS version, 3 opening HTML a tag to NewRelic for PHP requirments, 4 closing HTML a tag.
					'Not Supported. (%1$s %2$s See %3$sNewRelic Requirements%4$s page.)',
				'<a href="" target="_blank">',

		 * Apache 2.2 or 2.4 via mod_php
		 * Or any web server that supports FastCGI using php-fpm
		$server_software = isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) ) : '';
		$server = explode( '/', $server_software );
		$ws_check = false;
		$ws_name = $server_software;
		$ws_version = '';

		if ( sizeof( $server ) > 1 ) {
			$ws_name = $server[0];
			$ws_version = $server[1];
			if ( sizeof( $version = explode( '.', $ws_version ) )>1 )
				$ws_version = sprintf( '%d.%d', $version[0], $version[1] );
		switch ( true ) {
		case Util_Environment::is_apache():
			if ( $ws_version )
				$ws_check = version_compare( $ws_version, '2.2', '>=' );
		case Util_Environment::is_nginx():
			$ws_check = php_sapi_name() == 'fpm-fcgi';
			$ws_name .= php_sapi_name();
			$ws_check = php_sapi_name() == 'fpm-fcgi';
			$ws_name = $server_software;
			$ws_version = '';
		$verified[ __( 'Web Server', 'w3-total-cache' ) ] = $ws_check ?
			$supported_string :
				// translators: 1 Web Server name, 2 Web Server version, 3 opening HTML a tag to NewRelic requirments for php, 4 closing HTML a tag.
					'Not Supported. (%1$s %2$s See %3$sNewRelic Requirements%4$s page.)',
				'<a href="" target="_blank">',
		return $verified;

	 * Verifies that detectable New Relic functionality is running and configured properly.
	 * Returns array with what is wrong if verification fails.
	 * @return array|bool
	public function verify_running() {
		$config = Dispatcher::config();

		$error = array();
		if ( !$this->get_api_key() )
			$error['api_key'] = __( 'API Key is not configured.', 'w3-total-cache' );

		if ( $config->get( array( 'newrelic', 'monitoring_type' ) ) == 'browser' ) {
			$name = $this->get_effective_appname();
			if ( empty( $name ) )
				$error['application_id'] = __( 'Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.', 'w3-total-cache' );
		} else {
			if ( !$this->module_is_enabled() )
				$error['module_enabled'] = __( 'PHP module is not enabled.', 'w3-total-cache' );
			if ( !$this->agent_enabled() )
				$error['agent_enabled'] = __( 'PHP agent is not enabled.', 'w3-total-cache' );

			if ( !$this->get_account_id() )
				$error['account_id'] = __( 'Account ID is not configured.', 'w3-total-cache' );
			if ( $this->get_effective_application_id() == 0 )
				$error['application_id'] = __( 'Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.', 'w3-total-cache' );
			try {
				if ( !$this->get_license_key_from_ini() )
					$error['license'] = __( 'License key could not be detected in ini file.', 'w3-total-cache' );
				$licences = explode( ' ', trim( $this->get_license_key_from_ini() ) );
				$licences = array_map( 'trim', $licences );
				if ( $this->get_license_key_from_ini() && $this->get_license_key_from_account()
					&& !in_array( trim( $this->get_license_key_from_account() ), $licences ) )
					$error['license'] = sprintf( __( 'Configured license key does not match license key(s) in account: <br />%s <br />%s', 'w3-total-cache' )
						, $this->get_license_key_from_ini()
						, implode( '<br />', $licences ) );
			} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
				$error['api_key'] = __( 'API Key is invalid.', 'w3-total-cache' );

		return $error ? $error : true;

	 * Checks the ini or conf file to see if newrelic is enabled.
	 * @return string
	public function agent_enabled() {
		return ini_get( 'newrelic.enabled' );

	 * Checks if the New Relic PHP module is enabled
	 * @return bool
	public function module_is_enabled() {
		return function_exists( 'newrelic_set_appname' );

	 * Retrieves the configured license key in ini/conf files.
	 * @return string
	public function get_license_key_from_ini() {
		return ini_get( 'newrelic.license' );

	 * Returns the API key
	 * @return string
	public function get_api_key() {
		return $this->_api_key;

	 * Returns a NewRelicAPI instance depending on configured params.
	 * @param int     $api_key
	 * @return NewRelicAPI
	private function getAPI() {
		static $api = null;
		if ( !$api ) {
			require_once W3TC_LIB_NEWRELIC_DIR . '/NewRelicAPI.php';
			$api = new \NewRelicAPI( $this->_api_key );

		return $api;

	 * Retrieves an array with all applications.
	 * @param unknown $account_id
	 * @return array
	public function get_applications() {
		if ( empty( $this->_api_key ) )
			return array();

		return $this->getAPI()->get_applications( $this->get_account_id() );

	public function get_browser_applications() {
		return $this->getAPI()->get_browser_applications();

	 * Retrieves a specific application
	 * @param string  $application_id
	 * @return mixed
	public function get_application( $application_id ) {
		$applications = $this->get_applications();
		return $applications[$application_id];

	 * Retrieves the application summary
	 * @param string  $application_id
	 * @return array
	public function get_application_summary() {
		return $this->getAPI()->get_application_summary(
			$this->get_account_id(), $this->get_effective_application_id() );

	 * Retrievs the account info connected with the API key
	 * @return array|mixed|null
	public function get_account() {
		static $account = null;
		if ( !$account )
			$account = $this->getAPI()->get_account();
		return $account;

	 * Returns the subscription for the account
	 * @return string|null
	public function get_subscription() {
		$account = $this->get_account();
		if ( $account )
			return $account['subscription'];
		return null;

	 * Checks if account supports retrieval of metrics (names/data)
	 * @return bool
	public function can_get_metrics() {
		$subscription = $this->get_subscription();
		return $subscription['product-name'] != 'Lite';

	 * Retrieves the license key from the account
	 * @return null|string
	public function get_license_key_from_account() {
		$account = $this->get_account();
		if ( $account )
			return $account['license-key'];
		return null;

	 * Retrieves the application setting. Cached for 5 minutes.
	 * @return array|mixed
	public function get_application_settings() {
		$settings = $this->getAPI()->get_application_settings(
			$this->get_account_id(), $this->get_effective_application_id() );

		return $settings;

	 * Update applications settings
	 * @param array   $application
	 * @return bool
	public function update_application_settings( $application ) {
		$result = $this->getAPI()->update_application_settings(
			$this->get_account_id(), $this->get_effective_application_id(),
			$application );
		return $result;

	 * Retrieves metric names all or those matching regex with limit. Result is cached.
	 * @param string  $regex
	 * @param string  $limit
	 * @return array|mixed
	public function get_metric_names( $regex = '', $limit = '' ) {
		$metric_names_object = $this->getAPI()->get_metric_names( $this->get_effective_application_id(), $regex, $limit );
		if ( !$metric_names_object )
			return array();

		$metric_names = array();
		foreach ( $metric_names_object as $metric ) {
			$metric_names[$metric->name] = $metric;

		return $metric_names;

	 * Retrieves metric data for the provided metrics
	 * @param array   $metrics
	 * @param string  $field        metric value field. If a metric name does not have this field the metric name is excluded
	 * @param int     $days
	 * @param bool    $summary
	 * @param bool    $use_subgroup
	 * @return array|mixed
	public function get_metric_data( $metrics, $field, $days=7, $summary = true,
		$use_subgroup = true ) {
		if ( !is_array( $metrics ) )
			$metrics = array( $metrics );

		$begin = new \DateTime( gmdate( "Y-m-d G:i:s",
				strtotime( ( $days>1 ? "-$days days" : "-$days day" ) ) ) );
		$beginStr = $begin->format( 'Y-m-d' ) . 'T' . $begin->format( 'H:i:s' ) . 'Z';
		$to = new \DateTime( gmdate( "Y-m-d G:i:s" ) );
		$toStr = $to->format( 'Y-m-d' ) . 'T' . $to->format( 'H:i:s' ) . 'Z';
		$cache_key = md5( implode( ',', array( $this->get_account_id(),
					$this->get_effective_application_id(), $beginStr, $toStr, implode( ',', $metrics ),
					$field, $summary ) ) );

		$metric_data = $this->getAPI()->get_metric_data( $this->get_account_id(),
			$this->get_effective_application_id(), $beginStr, $toStr, $metrics, $field,
			$summary );
		$formatted_data = array();

		if ( $metric_data ) {
			foreach ( $metric_data as $metric ) {
				$path = explode( '/', $metric->name );
				$group = $path[0];
				if ( $use_subgroup ) {
					$subgroup = isset( $path[1] ) ? ( $path[1] == 'all' ? 0 : $path[1] ): 0;
					$formatted_data[$group][$subgroup][] = $metric;
				} else {
					$formatted_data[$group][] = $metric;

		return $formatted_data;

	 * Retrieves the metrics used for the New Relic Dashboard widget
	 * @return array|mixed
	public function get_dashboard_metrics() {
		$metrics = array( 'Database/all', 'WebTransaction', 'EndUser' );
		$field = 'average_response_time';
		return $this->get_metric_data( $metrics, $field, 1, true );

	 * Retrieves the top 5 pages with slowest page load
	 * @return array
	public function get_slowest_page_load() {
		$metric_names = $this->get_metric_names( 'EndUser/WebTransaction/WebTransaction/' );

		$metric_names_keys = array_keys( $metric_names );
		$metric_data = $this->get_metric_data( $metric_names_keys,
			'average_response_time', 1 );
		$slowest = array();

		if ( $metric_data ) {
			$transactions = $metric_data['EndUser']['WebTransaction'];
			foreach ( $transactions as $transaction ) {
				$key = str_replace( 'EndUser/WebTransaction/WebTransaction', '',
					$transaction->name );
				$slowest[$key] = $transaction->average_response_time;
			$slowest = $this->_sort_and_slice( $slowest, 5 );
		return $slowest;

	 * Retrieves the top 5slowest webtransactions
	 * @return array
	public function get_slowest_webtransactions() {
		$metric_names = $this->get_metric_names( '^WebTransaction/' );
		$metric_names_keys = array_keys( $metric_names );
		$metric_data = $this->get_metric_data( $metric_names_keys, 'average_response_time', 1 );
		$slowest = array();
		if ( $metric_data ) {
			$transactions = $metric_data['WebTransaction'];
			foreach ( $transactions as $transaction ) {
				foreach ( $transaction as $tr_sub ) {
					$key = str_replace( 'WebTransaction', '', $tr_sub->name );
					$slowest[$key] = $tr_sub->average_response_time;
			$slowest = $this->_sort_and_slice( $slowest, 5 );
		return $slowest;

	 * Retrieves the top 5 slowest database queries
	 * @return array
	public function get_slowest_database() {
		$metric_names = $this->get_metric_names( '^Database/' );
		$metric_names_keys = array_keys( $metric_names );
		$metric_names_keys = array_slice( $metric_names_keys, 7 );
		$metric_data = $this->get_metric_data( $metric_names_keys, 'average_response_time', 1, true, false );
		$slowest = array();
		if ( $metric_data ) {
			$transactions = $metric_data['Database'];
			foreach ( $transactions as $transaction ) {
				$key = str_replace( 'Database', '', $transaction->name );
				$slowest[$key] = $transaction->average_response_time;
			$slowest = $this->_sort_and_slice( $slowest, 5 );
		return $slowest;

	 * Retrieves the front end response time
	 * @return int
	public function get_frontend_response_time() {
		$metric_data = $this->get_metric_data( 'EndUser',
			'average_fe_response_time', 1, true, false );
		return isset( $metric_data['EndUser'] ) ?
			$metric_data['EndUser'][0]->average_fe_response_time :

	 * Sorts an array highest to lowest and returns the top $size entries in an array.
	 * @param unknown $slowest
	 * @param unknown $size
	 * @return array
	private function _sort_and_slice( $slowest, $size ) {
		arsort( $slowest, SORT_NUMERIC );
		if ( sizeof( $slowest ) > $size )
			$slowest = array_slice( $slowest, 0, $size );
		return $slowest;

	 * Retrieves the application name thats used on New Relic
	 * @param unknown $application_id
	 * @return string
	public function get_application_name( $application_id ) {
		$apps = $this->get_applications( $this->get_account_id() );
		return isset( $apps[$application_id] ) ? $apps[$application_id] : '';

	 * Retrieves the account id connected with the provided API key
	 * @param int     $api_key
	 * @return int|null
	public function get_account_id() {
		if ( empty( $this->_api_key ) )
			return 0;

		$ids_string = get_option( 'w3tc_nr_account_id' );
		$ids = @json_decode( $ids_string, true );
		if ( !is_array( $ids ) )
			$ids = array();

		if ( isset( $ids[$this->_api_key] ) )
			return $ids[$this->_api_key];

		$ids[$this->_api_key] = 0;

		try {
			$account = $this->getAPI()->get_account();

			if ( $account )
				$ids[$this->_api_key] = (int)$account['id'];
		} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
			return 0;

		update_option( 'w3tc_nr_account_id', json_encode( $ids ) );

		return $ids[$this->_api_key];

	 * Retrieves the application id from New Relic
	 * @param unknown $appname
	 * @return int|string
	public function get_application_id( $appname ) {
		if ( empty( $appname ) )
			return 0;

		$apps = $this->get_applications();
		foreach ( $apps as $id => $name ) {
			if ( $name == $appname )
				return $id;
		return 0;

	public function get_effective_application_id() {
		$config = Dispatcher::config();

		$monitoring_type = $config->get_string( array( 'newrelic', 'monitoring_type' ) );
		if ( $monitoring_type == 'browser' ) {
			return $config->get_string( array(
					'newrelic', 'browser.application_id' ) );

		$appname = $this->get_effective_appname();
		$ids_string = get_option( 'w3tc_nr_application_id' );
		$ids = @json_decode( $ids_string, true );
		if ( !is_array( $ids ) )
			$ids = array();

		$key = md5( $this->_api_key . $appname );
		if ( isset( $ids[$key] ) )
			return $ids[$key];

		try {
			$ids[$key] = $this->get_application_id( $appname );
		} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
			return 0;

		update_option( 'w3tc_nr_application_id', json_encode( $ids ) );

		return $ids[$key];

	public function get_effective_appname() {
		$config = Dispatcher::config();

		$monitoring_type = $config->get_string( array( 'newrelic', 'monitoring_type' ) );
		if ( $monitoring_type == 'browser' ) {
			$core = Dispatcher::component( 'Extension_NewRelic_Core' );
			$a = $core->get_effective_browser_application();
			if ( isset( $a['name'] ) )
				return $a['name'];

			return '?';

		return $config->get_string( array( 'newrelic', 'apm.application_name' ) );

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