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                    	<p>Formed with the motive of improving the quality of life of children belonging to the disadvantaged stratum of the society, a determined NGO, Feel foundation is constantly working for the upliftment of the vulnerable children in terms of education and health.</p>
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		<h2>Mr. Narendra Ram Nambula</h2>
		<p>A social entrepreneur, an innovator Mr. Narendra Ram Nambula is passionate and extremely dedicated to the cause of change. He is keen in bringing change in the quality of life of people. He staunchly believes that empathy is a strong force that drives us all and the similar emotion is essential to bring a change in someone's life. The inspiration behind "I feel" is the very idea of empathy and the feeling of mutual growth because even the tiniest of your steps count in the path of making a substantial change.
        <p><strong>Small Steps Make it Count</strong>
		The mission is to improve the quality of living amongst the underprivileged children in India. We ensure that all children get their basic rights for living. They get proper food, shelter, clothes and most importantly education. We take care that children not only attend but also thrive in school and this is being accomplished by working in collaboration with the government, local communities, parents, teachers, volunteers, and civil society members. Our programmes aim to supplement rather than replace governmental efforts. They are implemented on a large scale to not only reach as many children as possible, but also to create an adoptable demonstration model for state governments.
        <strong>Team Behind the Dignified Goal</strong>
		Feel Foundation comprises of development professionals, media professionals, corporate professionals, workers, activists, PhDs, MBAs, CAs, civil servants, bankers, consultants, and anyone else who brings their experiences, expertise, and perspectives to the organization. What unifies them is the common goal of improving the future of our children.
        <strong>Come. Be the Part of Feel Foundation.</strong>

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                <h2>Management Team</h2>
                <p><strong>We are team of highly motivated individuals having passion for bringing positive change to the quality of life of people.</strong></p>
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                                    <h3>Mr. Narendra Ram Nambula</h3>
                                    <span class="meta-data">Founder / President</span>
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                                    <p>Multi-award winning entrepreneur and an innovator who is staunchly dedicated to the idea of bringing a change, Mr Narendra Ram Nambula wishes to enhance the quality of life of people.</p>
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                                    <h3>Saranya Ram</h3>
                                    <span class="meta-data">Executive Director</span>
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                                    <p>He is always been inspirational in bringing innovative ideas and efforts to amplify the impact of our efforts for the society. Always eager to achieve more with limited resources.</p>
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                                    <h3>Krishna Reddy</h3>
                                    <span class="meta-data">Program Director</span>
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                                    <p>He is instrumental in designing the key initiatives and events to bring the positive change on ground and instill positive energy and motivation among volunteers and team members.</p>
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                    	<h4 class="widgettitle">About Feel Foundation</h4>
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                        <p>Feel Foundation is an organization created to improve the quality of life of vulnerable and excluded children in India. As one of the dedicated NGO in the country, Feel Foundation works for the betterment of the underprivileged children in terms of health and education.</p>
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