Current Path : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blog-designer-pack/assets/js/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blog-designer-pack/assets/js/bdp-shortcode-generator.js
var timer;
var timeOut_Val = 300;  
var timeOut = timeOut_Val; /* delay after last change to execute filter */
var tmpl_id = jQuery('.bdp-customizer').attr('data-template');
var preview_shortcode = jQuery('.bdp-customizer').attr('data-shortcode');

var checked_show_dep	= [];
var dep_wrap 			= '.bdp-shrt-fields-panel';
var dependency 			= jQuery(dep_wrap +' .bdp-cust-dependency').attr('data-dependency');
	dependency 			= dependency ? JSON.parse( dependency ) : false;

( function($) {

	'use strict';

	$(document).on('click', '.bdp-shrt-dwp', function() {
		$(this).toggleClass( 'bdp-shrt-dwp-active' );

	/* Customizer Accordian */
	$( "#bdp-shrt-accordion" ).accordion({
		collapsible: true,
		heightStyle: "content",
		icons : {
				header: "dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2",
				activeHeader: "dashicons dashicons-arrow-up-alt2"

	/* Color Picker */
	if( $('.bdp-cust-color-box').length > 0 ) {
			change: function(event, ui) {
			clear: function() {

	/* Generate Shortcode */
	$(document).on('change', '.bdp-shrt-fields-panel select, .bdp-shrt-fields-panel input[type="number"]', function() {
		var field_timeout 	= $(this).attr('data-timeout');
			timeOut 		= (typeof(field_timeout) !== 'undefined') ? field_timeout : timeOut_Val;


	$(document).on('keyup', '.bdp-shrt-fields-panel input[type="text"], .bdp-shrt-fields-panel input[type="number"]', function() {
		var field_timeout 	= $(this).attr('data-timeout');
			timeOut 		= (typeof(field_timeout) !== 'undefined') ? field_timeout : timeOut_Val;


	/* On Change of Customizer Shortcode */
	$(document).on('change', '.bdp-shrt-switcher', function() {
		var redirect = $(this).find(":selected").attr('data-url');

		if( typeof(redirect) !== 'undefined' && redirect != '' ) {
			window.location = redirect;

	/* Tweak - An extra care that form should not be refresh */
	jQuery('#bdp-customizer-shrt-form').submit(function( event ) {
		var form_target = $(this).attr('target');

		if( typeof(form_target) == 'undefined' || form_target == '' ) {
			return false;

	/* On Click of Preview Generate Button */
	$(document).on('click', '.bdp-cust-shrt-generate', function() {

		var refreshed	= false;
		var main_ele	= '.bdp-shrt-fields-panel';
		var data		= bdp_check_valid_shortcode();

		/* If wrong shortcode then simply return */
		if( data && data.numeric[0] && data.numeric[0] !== preview_shortcode ) {
			alert( Bdp_Shrt_Generator.shortcode_err );
			return false;

		if( data.named ) {
			$.each( data.named, function( shrt_param, shrt_param_val ) {
				if( shrt_param ) {
					$(main_ele+' .bdp-'+shrt_param).val( shrt_param_val ).trigger('change').trigger('keyup');
					refreshed = true;

		/* If no parameter is set then */
		if( refreshed != true ) {

	/* Template id is set then run it's shortcode */
	if( tmpl_id != '' ) {

	/* Shortcode Customizer Dependency */
	if( dependency ) {
		$.each( dependency, function( key, dependency_val ) {

			if( key ) {

				/* Dependency on page load */
				setTimeout(function() {
					if( $.inArray( key, checked_show_dep ) == -1 ) {
						$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+key+'').trigger('change');
				}, 10);

				$(document).on('change keyup', dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+key+'', function() {
					var input_val = $(this).val();

					/* Show Dependency */
					if( ) {
						$.each(, function( sub_key, sub_dep_val ) {
							$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').hide();
							$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').addClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

							/* If value is present then show */
							if( ( $.inArray( input_val, sub_dep_val ) !== -1 ) ) {
								$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').show();
								$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').removeClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

							/* Check if reference dependency is there then hide it's element also */
							bdp_check_ref_dependency( sub_key );

					/* Hide Dependency */
					if( dependency_val.hide ) {
						$.each( dependency_val.hide, function( sub_key, sub_dep_val ) {

							$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').show();
							$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').removeClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

							if( ( $.inArray( input_val, sub_dep_val ) !== -1 ) ) {
								$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').hide();
								$(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').addClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

							/* Check if reference dependency is there then hide it's element also */
							bdp_check_hide_ref_dependency( sub_key );
	} else {
	/* Shortcode Customizer Dependency */
})( jQuery );

/* Check Valid Shortcode */
function bdp_check_valid_shortcode() {
	var shrt_val 	= jQuery('.bdp-shrt-box').val();
		shrt_val 	= shrt_val.trim();
	var first_char 	= shrt_val.substr(0, 1);
	var last_char 	= shrt_val.substr(-1);

	/* Simply return if blank value */
	if( shrt_val == '' ) {
		return false;

	if( first_char == '[' && last_char == ']' ) {
		shrt_val = shrt_val.slice(1, -1);
		shrt_val = shrt_val.trim();

		first_char 	= shrt_val.substr(0, 1);
		last_char 	= shrt_val.substr(-1);

	if( first_char != '[' ) {
		shrt_val = '[' + shrt_val;
	if( last_char != ']' ) {
		shrt_val = shrt_val + ']';

	jQuery('.bdp-shrt-box').val( shrt_val );

	temp_shrt_val = shrt_val.slice(1, -1);
	temp_shrt_val = temp_shrt_val.trim();
	var data = wp.shortcode.attrs( temp_shrt_val );

	return data;

/* Function to generate shortcode preview */
function bdp_generate_shortcode_preview() {

	/* Taking some variables */
	var shortcode_val   = '';
	var main_ele		= jQuery('.bdp-customizer');
	var cls_ele         = jQuery('.bdp-shrt-fields-panel');
	var shortcode_name  = preview_shortcode;

	clearTimeout(timer); /* if we pressed the key, it will clear the previous timer and wait again */
	timer = setTimeout(function() {


		shortcode_val += '['+shortcode_name;

		/* Loop of form element */
		cls_ele.find('input[type="text"], input[type="checkbox"]:checked, input[type="radio"], input[type="number"], textarea, select').each(function(i, field){

			if( jQuery(this).hasClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field') ) {

			var field_val	= jQuery(this).val();
			var field_name  = jQuery(this).attr('name');
			var default_val	= jQuery(this).attr('data-default');
			var allow_empty	= jQuery(this).attr('data-empty');            

			if( typeof(field_val) != 'undefined' && ( field_val != '' || allow_empty ) && field_val != default_val ) {
				shortcode_val += ' '+field_name+'='+'"'+field_val+'"';

		shortcode_val += ']';

		/* Append shortcode */


		main_ele.find('.bdp-shrt-preview-frame').load(function () {

	}, timeOut);

/* Function to check reference dependency */
function bdp_check_ref_dependency( sub_key ) {

	ref_dep = sub_key in dependency;

	if( ref_dep ) {

		var ref_input_val = jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').val();

		jQuery.each( dependency[sub_key]['show'], function( ref_key, ref_dep_val ) {

			jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').hide();
			jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').addClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

			if( jQuery.inArray( ref_input_val, ref_dep_val ) !== -1 && (!jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').hasClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field')) ) {
				jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').show();
				jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').removeClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

			/* Check if reference dependency is there then hide it's element also */
			bdp_check_ref_dependency( ref_key );

		checked_show_dep.push( sub_key ); /* Log checked show dependency */

/* Function to check hide reference dependency */
function bdp_check_hide_ref_dependency( sub_key ) {

	ref_dep = sub_key in dependency;

	if( ref_dep ) {

		var ref_input_val = jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').val();

		jQuery.each( dependency[sub_key]['hide'], function( ref_key, ref_dep_val ) {

			jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').hide();
			jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').addClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

			if( jQuery.inArray( ref_input_val, ref_dep_val ) == -1 && (!jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+sub_key+'').hasClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field')) ) {
				jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').closest('.bdp-customizer-row').show();
				jQuery(dep_wrap+' .bdp-'+ref_key+'').removeClass('bdp-cust-hidden-field');

			/* Check if reference dependency is there then hide it's element also */
			bdp_check_hide_ref_dependency( ref_key );

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