Current Path : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ninja-tables/language/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/affypharma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ninja-tables/language/ninja-tables-fr_CA.po
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Ninja Tables\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-15 08:28-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-12 06:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: French (Canada)\n"
"Language: fr_CA\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
"X-Poedit-WPHeader: ninja-tables.php\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.min.js\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"X-Loco-Version: 2.5.8; wp-5.9"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:566
msgid " successfully."
msgstr "avec succès."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:185
msgid "<span style=\"color:#f39c12;\">Get Pro</span>"
msgstr "<span style=\"color:#f39c12;\">Obtenez Pro</span>"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:112
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:36
msgid "Activate Ninja Tables Pro"
msgstr "Activer Ninja Tables Pro"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:29
msgid "Activate Ninja Tables Pro Add-on plugin to unlock this feature"
msgstr ""
"Activer le plugin Ninja Tables Pro Add-on pour débloquer cette fonctionnalité"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:51
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:177
msgid "Add Chart"
msgstr "Ajouter un graphique"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:72
msgid "Add Column"
msgstr "Ajouter une colonne"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:49
msgid "Add Data"
msgstr "Ajouter des données"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:13 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:88
msgid "Add New Table"
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:11 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:87
msgid "Add Table"
msgstr "Ajouter une table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:99
msgid "Additional CSS"
msgstr "CSS supplémentaire"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:159
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:10 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1678
msgid "All Tables"
msgstr "Toutes les tables"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:62
msgid "Always show in all devices"
msgstr "Toujours afficher dans tous les appareils"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:48
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Appliquer"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:159
msgid "Apply Inner Border"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:56
msgid "Are you sure to delete this?"
msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ceci?"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:71
msgid "Available Columns"
msgstr "Colonnes disponibles"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:73
msgid "Background"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:142
msgid "Border"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:154
msgid "Border Color"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:46
msgid "Bulk Actions"
msgstr "Actions groupées"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:31
msgid "Button"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:50
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:57
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:147
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:163
#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:10
msgid "Cell Padding"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:32
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:79
msgid "Cell Stack Direction"
msgstr ""

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:165 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:171
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Chartes"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:30
msgid "Check all"
msgstr "Choisir tout"

#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:67
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Limpiar todo"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:54
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Cliquer ici"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:221
msgid "Color"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:74
msgid "Column Key"
msgstr "Clé de colonne"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:73
msgid "Column Name"
msgstr "Nom de colonne"

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:57
msgid "Comparison Table Four"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:39
msgid "Comparison Table One"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:51
msgid "Comparison Table Three"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:45
msgid "Comparison Table Two"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:35
msgid "Comparison Tables"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:58
msgid "confirm"
msgstr "confirmer"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:20
msgid "CSV - Comma-separated values"
msgstr "CSV - Valeurs séparées par des virgules"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:288
msgid "CSV File is not valid"
msgstr "Le fichier CSV n’est pas valide"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:104
msgid "CSV Header Structure"
msgstr "Structure d’en-tête CSV"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:43
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "CSS Personnalisé"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:75
msgid "Data Type"
msgstr "Type de données"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:68
msgid "Date Field"
msgstr "Date Champ"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:78
msgid "Date Format"
msgstr "Format de date"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:33
msgid "Deactivate License"
msgstr "Désactiver la licence"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:19
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:47
msgid "Delete Entries"
msgstr "Supprimer des entrées"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:26
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:73
msgid "Disable Breakpoint"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:39
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:37
msgid "Documentation and Help"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:105
msgid "Download Sample CSV"
msgstr "Télécharger un exemple de CSV"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:18
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:16 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:89
#: public/views/frameless/show_ntb_preview.php:31
#: public/views/frameless/show_preview.php:29
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:90 public/views/table_builder_html.php:38
#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/views/ninja_foo_table.php:44
msgid "Edit Table"
msgstr "Modifier le tableau"

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:70
msgid "Employee Table One"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:82
msgid "Employee Table Three"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:76
msgid "Employee Table Two"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:66
msgid "Employee Tables"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:10
msgid "Enable Responsive Table"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:91
msgid "Enable sorting of the table by the visitor"
msgstr "Activer le tri de la table par le visiteur"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:90
msgid "Enable the visitor to filter or search the table."
msgstr "Permettez au visiteur de filtrer ou de rechercher la table."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:35
msgid "Enter your license key"
msgstr ""
"Entrez votre clé de licence et votre courrier électronique et cliquez sur "
"retourner. Une clé valide est requise pour les mises à jour."

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:83
msgid "Even Row Background"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:100
msgid "Export Table"
msgstr "Tableau d’exportation"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:82
msgid "Extra Classes"
msgstr "Classes supplémentaires"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:95
msgid "Extra CSS Class for the table"
msgstr "Classe CSS supplémentaire pour la table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:86
msgid "Filterable"
msgstr "Filtrables"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:105
msgid "First Column Sticky"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:100
msgid "First Row Sticky"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:226
msgid "Font Family"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:214
msgid "Font Size"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:98
msgid "Footer Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs du pied de page"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:38
msgid ""
"For any type of query which was not covered in our documentation, Please "
"submit a support ticket ticket"
msgstr ""
"Pour tout type de requête qui n’était pas couvert dans notre documentation, "
"Veuillez soumettre un ticket de support"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:12
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:5
#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:5
msgid "General"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:195
msgid "Global Style"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:61
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:108
msgid "Group Separator"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:78
msgid "Header Background"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:87
msgid "Header HTML Content"
msgstr "Contenu HTML de l’en-tête"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:164
msgid "Header Inner Border"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:9 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:218
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:7
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:117
msgid "HTML"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:66
msgid "HTML Field"
msgstr "Champ HTML"

#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:68
msgid "Icon"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:140
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:23 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:148
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:44
msgid "Import - Export"
msgstr "Importer / Exporter"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:28
msgid "Import Format:"
msgstr "Format d’importation :"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:103
msgid "Import from CSV"
msgstr "Importer à partir de CSV"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:12
msgid "Import Table"
msgstr "Table d’importation"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:101
msgid "Import Table Data"
msgstr "Importer des données de table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:59
msgid "Initial Hidden Mobile"
msgstr "Mobile caché initial"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:60
msgid "Initial Hidden Mobile and Tab"
msgstr "Mobile caché initial et onglet"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:61
msgid "Initial Hidden Mobile, Tab and Regular Computers"
msgstr "Ordinateurs mobiles cachés initiaux, onglets et réguliers"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:169
msgid "Inner Border Color"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:174
msgid "Inner Border Size"
msgstr ""

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1188
msgid "Insert Ninja Tables Shortcode"
msgstr "Insérer des tables Ninja Shortcode"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1190
msgid "Insert Shortcode"
msgstr "Insérer code abrégé"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:714
msgid "Invalid Table to Delete"
msgstr "Tableau non valide à supprimer"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:53
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:100
msgid "Items Per Header"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:22
msgid "JSON - Exported From Ninja Tables"
msgstr "JSON - Exporté à partir de tables Ninja"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:21
msgid "JSON - JavaScript Object Notation"
msgstr "JSON - Notation d’objet JavaScript"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:25
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:34
msgid "Licensing"
msgstr "Accréditation"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:98
msgid "List"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:207
msgid "Margin Bottom"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:200
msgid "Margin Top"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:83
msgid "Max Width"
msgstr "Largeur maximum"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:84
msgid "Maximum Width"
msgstr "Largeur maximale"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:17
msgid "Mode Options"
msgstr ""

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:91
msgid "New Table"
msgstr "Nouveau tableau"

#. Name of the plugin
#: includes/I18nStrings.php:6 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:73
#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:84 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:86
#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:124
msgid "Ninja Tables"
msgstr "Ninja Tables"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:26
msgid ""
"NinjaTables can import tables from existing data, like from a CSV or JSON "
"file. You can also import existing tables from the other WordPress table "
msgstr ""
"NinjaTables peut importer des tables à partir de données existantes, comme à "
"partir d’un fichier CSV ou JSON. Vous pouvez également importer des tables "
"existantes à partir des autres plugins de table WordPress."

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:29
msgid "No appropriate driver found for the import format."
msgstr "Aucun pilote approprié n’a été trouvé pour le format d’importation."

#: public/dataProviders/FluentFormProvider.php:121
msgid "No fields were selected."
msgstr "Aucun champ n’a été sélectionné."

#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:66
#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:339
msgid "No Result Found"
msgstr "Aucun résultat trouvé"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:95
msgid "No Table Found"
msgstr "Aucune table trouvée"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:96
msgid "No Table Found in Trash"
msgstr "Aucune table trouvée dans la corbeille"

#: includes/libs/Migrations/NinjaTablesSupsysticTableMigration.php:24
msgid "No Table Found with the selected table"
msgstr "Aucune table trouvée avec la table sélectionnée"

#: includes/libs/Migrations/NinjaTablesUltimateTableMigration.php:21
msgid "No Ultimate Table Found with the selected table"
msgstr "Aucune table ultime trouvée avec la table sélectionnée"

#: includes/ninja_tables-global-functions.php:1054
msgid "Nonce verification failed, please try again."
msgstr "Vérification Nonce a échoué, s'il vous plaît essayer à nouveau."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:67
msgid "Numeric Value"
msgstr "Valeur numérique"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:88
msgid "Odd Row Background"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:92
msgid "Pagination Items Per Page"
msgstr "Éléments de pagination par page"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:93
msgid "Pagination Position"
msgstr "Position de pagination"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:97
msgid "Parent Table"
msgstr "Table parente"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:24
msgid "Permission"
msgstr "Permission"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:299
msgid "Please set table configuration first"
msgstr "Veuillez d’abord définir la configuration de la table"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:125
msgid "Please upload valid CSV"
msgstr "Veuillez télécharger un fichier CSV valide"

#: admin/table-builder/ImportExport.php:33
msgid "Please upload valid CSV or JSON"
msgstr ""

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:313
msgid "Please use the provided CSV header structure font face."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez utiliser la face de police de la structure d’en-tête CSV fournie."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:17
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu"

#: public/views/frameless/show_ntb_preview.php:9
#: public/views/frameless/show_preview.php:9
msgid "Preview Table"
msgstr "Tableau d’aperçu"

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:27
msgid "Pricing Table Four"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:9
msgid "Pricing Table One"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:21
msgid "Pricing Table Three"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:15
msgid "Pricing Table Two"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:5
msgid "Pricing Tables"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:215
msgid "Progress"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:82
msgid "Rating"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:102
msgid "Replace Existing Data"
msgstr "Remplacer les données existantes"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:76
msgid "Responsive Breakpoint"
msgstr "Point d'arrêt adaptatif "

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:138
msgid "Responsive Settings"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:184
msgid "Ribbon"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:94
msgid "Row Details (Responsive drawer)"
msgstr "Détails de la ligne (tiroir réactif)"

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:95
msgid "Schedule Table One"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:107
msgid "Schedule Table Three"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:101
msgid "Schedule Table Two"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/templates.php:91
msgid "Schedule Tables"
msgstr ""

#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:65
#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:337
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"

#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:64
#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:335
msgid "Search in"
msgstr "Recherche dans"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:94
msgid "Search Table"
msgstr "Tableau de recherche"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:80
msgid "Select a Format"
msgstr "Sélectionner un format"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1211
msgid "Select a Table"
msgstr "Sélectionner un tableau"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1187
msgid "Select a Table to insert"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un tableau à insérer"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:45
msgid "Select bulk action"
msgstr "Sélectionnez l’action groupée"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:69
msgid "Select Field"
msgstr "Sélectionné un champ"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:27
msgid "Select file:"
msgstr "Sélectionner le fichier"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:81
msgid "Select Items"
msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner quelques articles."

#: includes/libs/TableDrivers/NinjaFooTable.php:68
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "choisi"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:22
msgid "Separate Columns/Rows"
msgstr ""

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1620 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1667
#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1700
msgid "Settings successfully updated"
msgstr "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:15
msgid "ShortCode"
msgstr "Ajouter le Shortcode"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:128
msgid "Shortcode"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:89
msgid "Show Table Description"
msgstr "Afficher la description du tableau"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:88
msgid "Show Table Title"
msgstr "Afficher le titre de la table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:64
msgid "Single Line Text Field"
msgstr "Champ de texte d’une seule ligne"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:142 admin/table-builder/ImportExport.php:55
msgid "Something is wrong when parsing the csv"
msgstr "Quelque chose ne va pas lors de l’analyse du csv"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:27
msgid "Space Between Columns"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:34
msgid "Space Between Rows"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:79
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:127
msgid "Static Top Row"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:95
msgid "Sticky"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:163
msgid "Stylist List"
msgstr ""

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:162 includes/NinjaTableImport.php:188
#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:255
msgid "Successfully added a table."
msgstr "Ajout réussi d’une table."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1041
msgid "Successfully deleted data."
msgstr "Données supprimées avec succès."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:732
msgid "Successfully deleted the table."
msgstr "Suppression réussie de la table."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:1325
msgid "Successfully duplicated table."
msgstr "Table dupliquée avec succès."

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:77
msgid ""
"Successfully imported. Please go to all tables and review your newly "
"imported table."
msgstr ""
"Importé avec succès. S’il vous plaît aller à toutes les tables et revoir "
"votre table nouvellement importée."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:945
msgid "Successfully saved the data."
msgstr "Enregistrement réussi des données."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:688
msgid "Successfully updated configuration."
msgstr "Configuration mise à jour avec succès."

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:353
msgid "Successfully uploaded data."
msgstr "Données téléchargées avec succès."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:85
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tableau de prix"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:154
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:170
#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:17
msgid "Table Alignment"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:97
msgid "Table Body Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs du corps de la table"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:147
msgid "Table Border"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:57
msgid "Table Cell Min Auto Width"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:41
msgid "Table Configuration"
msgstr "Table Configuration"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:64
msgid "Table Container Max Height"
msgstr ""

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:43
#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:48
msgid "Table Container Max Width"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:42
msgid "Table Design"
msgstr "Conception de table"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:96
msgid "Table Header Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs d’en-tête du tableau"

#: admin/table-builder/config/setting.php:117
msgid "Table Role"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:40
msgid "Table Rows"
msgstr "Lignes de table"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:140
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tables"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:266
#: includes/libs/Migrations/NinjaTablesMigration.php:22
msgid "Temporary table description"
msgstr "Description de la table temporaire"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:265
#: includes/libs/Migrations/NinjaTablesMigration.php:19
msgid "Temporary table name"
msgstr "Nom de table temporaire"

#: admin/table-builder/NinjaTableBuilder.php:259
#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:16
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:85
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Alignement du texte"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:65
msgid "Text Area"
msgstr "Zone de texte"

#: admin/table-builder/config/component.php:233
msgid "Text Icon"
msgstr ""

#. Description of the plugin
msgid ""
"The Easiest & Fastest Responsive Table Plugin on WordPress. Multiple "
"templates, drag-&-drop live table builder, multiple color scheme, and styles."
msgstr ""
"Le plugin de table réactif le plus simple et le plus rapide sur WordPress. "
"Plusieurs modèles, générateur de tables en direct par glisser-déposer, "
"plusieurs jeux de couleurs et styles."

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:554
msgid "The name field is required."
msgstr "Le champ de nom est obligatoire."

#: public/dataProviders/FluentFormProvider.php:114
msgid "The title field is required."
msgstr "Le champ de titre est obligatoire."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:14
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:55
msgid "to view the upgrade guide."
msgstr "pour afficher le guide de mise à niveau."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:8 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:156
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Outils"

#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:47
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:94
#: admin/table-builder/config/responsive.php:120
msgid "Top Row As Header"
msgstr ""

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:63
msgid "Totally hidden on all devices"
msgstr "Totalement caché sur tous les appareils"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:77
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:70
msgid "Update Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration de la mise à jour"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:52
msgid "Upgrade Notice"
msgstr "Avis de mise à niveau"

#: admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:92 admin/NinjaTablesAdmin.php:93
msgid "View Table"
msgstr "Voir le tableau"

#. Author of the plugin
msgid "WPManageNinja LLC"
msgstr "WPManageNinja LLC"

#: includes/NinjaTableImport.php:215
msgid "You have a faulty JSON file. Please export a new one."
msgstr "Vous avez un fichier JSON défectueux. Veuillez en exporter un nouveau."

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:31
msgid "Your License is Active"
msgstr "Votre licence est activée"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:32
msgid "Your license is active! Enjoy Ninja Tables Pro Add On"
msgstr "Votre licence est active! Profitez de Ninja Tables Pro Add On"

#: includes/I18nStrings.php:53
msgid ""
"Your Ninja Tables Pro plugin is outdated. Please upgrade to its latest "
msgstr ""
"Votre plugin Ninja Tables Pro est obsolète. Veuillez passer à sa dernière "

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