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<title>CodeMirror: Pig Latin mode</title>
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    <li><a class=active href="#">Pig Latin</a>

<h2>Pig Latin mode</h2>
<form><textarea id="code" name="code">
-- Apache Pig (Pig Latin Language) Demo
This is a multiline comment.
a = LOAD "\path\to\input" USING PigStorage('\t') AS (x:long, y:chararray, z:bytearray);
b = GROUP a BY (x,y,3+4);
c = FOREACH b GENERATE flatten(group) as (x,y), SUM(group.$2) as z;
STORE c INTO "\path\to\output";


      var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
        lineNumbers: true,
        indentUnit: 4,
        mode: "text/x-pig"

        Simple mode that handles Pig Latin language.

    <p><strong>MIME type defined:</strong> <code>text/x-pig</code>
    (PIG code)

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