Current Path : /storage/v11800/weinfluence-new/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/boot/

Linux v11800 5.3.0-1023-aws #25~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 5 15:19:18 UTC 2020 aarch64

Upload File :
Current File : /storage/v11800/weinfluence-new/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fluentform/boot/globals.php

use FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper;
use FluentForm\App\Modules\Component\BaseComponent;
use FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\EditorShortCode;

 * This file will be loaded even before the framework is loaded
 * so the $app is not available here, only declare functions here.

//if ('dev' == $app->config->get('app.env')) {
//    $globalsDevFile = __DIR__ . '/globals_dev.php';
//    is_readable($globalsDevFile) && include $globalsDevFile;

if (!function_exists('dd')) {
    // function dd()
    // {
    //     foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
    //         echo '<pre>';
    //         print_r($arg); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- $value is only used for debugging in development.
    //         echo '</pre>';
    //     }
    //     exit();
    // }

 * Get fluentform instance or other core modules
 * @param string $key
 * @return mixed
function wpFluentForm($key = null)
    return \FluentForm\App\App::make($key);

 * Generate URL for static assets
 * @param string $path
 * @return string
function fluentFormMix($path = '')
    return wpFluentForm('url.assets') . ltrim($path, '/');

if (! function_exists('wpFluent')) {
     * @return \FluentForm\Framework\Database\Query\Builder|\FluentForm\Framework\Database\Query\WPDBConnection
    function wpFluent()
        return wpFluentForm('db');

function wpFluentFormAddComponent(BaseComponent $component)
    return $component->_init();

 * Sanitize form inputs recursively.
 * @param $input
 * @return mixed $input
function fluentFormSanitizer($input, $attribute = null, $fields = [])
    if (is_string($input)) {
        $element = ArrayHelper::get($fields, $attribute . '.element');

        if (in_array($element, ['post_content', 'rich_text_input'])) {
            return wp_kses_post($input);
        } elseif ('textarea' === $element) {
            $input = sanitize_textarea_field($input);
        } elseif ('input_email' === $element) {
            $input = strtolower(sanitize_text_field($input));
        } elseif ('input_url' === $element) {
            $input = sanitize_url($input);
        } else {
            $input = sanitize_text_field($input);
    } elseif (is_array($input)) {
        foreach ($input as $key => &$value) {
            $attribute = $attribute ? $attribute . '[' . $key . ']' : $key;

            $value = fluentFormSanitizer($value, $attribute, $fields);

            $attribute = null;

    return $input;

function fluentFormEditorShortCodes()
    $generalShortCodes = [EditorShortCode::getGeneralShortCodes()];
    /* This filter is  deprecated, will be removed soon. */
    $generalShortCodes = apply_filters('fluentform_editor_shortcodes', $generalShortCodes);

    return apply_filters('fluentform/editor_shortcodes', $generalShortCodes);

function fluentFormGetAllEditorShortCodes($form)
    $editorShortCodes = EditorShortCode::getShortCodes($form);
    /* This filter is deprecated and will be removed soon */
    $editorShortCodes = apply_filters(
    return apply_filters(

 * Recursively implode a multi-dimentional array
 * @param string $glue
 * @param array  $array
 * @return string
function fluentImplodeRecursive($glue, array $array)
    $fn = function ($glue, array $array) use (&$fn) {
        $result = '';
        foreach ($array as $item) {
            if (is_array($item)) {
                $result .= $fn($glue, $item);
            } else {
                $result .= $glue . $item;

        return $result;

    return ltrim($fn($glue, $array), $glue);

function fluentform_get_active_theme_slug()
    $ins = get_option('_ff_ins_by');

    if ($ins) {
        return sanitize_text_field($ins);

    if (defined('TEMPLATELY_FILE')) {
        return 'templately';

    return get_option('template');

function getFluentFormCountryList()
    static $countries = null;

    if (is_null($countries)) {
        $countries = fluentformLoadFile('/Services/FormBuilder/CountryNames.php');

    return $countries;

function fluentFormWasSubmitted($action = 'fluentform_submit')
    return wpFluentForm('request')->get('action') == $action;

if (!function_exists('isWpAsyncRequest')) {
    function isWpAsyncRequest($action)
        return false !== strpos(wpFluentForm('request')->get('action'), $action);

function fluentFormIsHandlingSubmission()
    $status = fluentFormWasSubmitted() || isWpAsyncRequest('fluentform_async_request');
    $status = apply_filters_deprecated(
        'Use fluentform/is_handling_submission instead of fluentform_is_handling_submission'
    return apply_filters('fluentform/is_handling_submission', $status);

function fluentform_mb_strpos($haystack, $needle)
    if (function_exists('mb_strpos')) {
        return mb_strpos($haystack, $needle);

    return strpos($haystack, $needle);

function fluentFormHandleScheduledTasks()
    $failedActions = wpFluent()->table('ff_scheduled_actions')->where('status', 'failed')->where('retry_count', '<', 4)->get();

    if ($failedActions) {
        $scheduler = wpFluentForm('fluentFormAsyncRequest');

        foreach ($failedActions as $action) {

    $rand = mt_rand(1, 10);
    if ($rand >= 5) {

function fluentFormHandleScheduledEmailReport()

function fluentform_upgrade_url()
    return '' . fluentform_get_active_theme_slug();

function fluentform_integrations_url()
    return '' . fluentform_get_active_theme_slug();

function fluentFormApi($module = 'forms')
    if ('forms' == $module) {
        return new \FluentForm\App\Api\Form();
    } elseif ('submissions' == $module) {
        return new \FluentForm\App\Api\Submission();

    throw new \Exception('No Module found with name ' . $module);

function fluentFormGetRandomPhoto()
    $photos = [

    $selected = array_rand($photos, 1);

    $photoName = $photos[$selected];

    return fluentformMix('img/conversational/' . $photoName);

function fluentFormRender($atts)
    $shortcodeDefaults = [
        'id'                 => null,
        'title'              => null,
        'css_classes'        => '',
        'permission'         => '',
        'type'               => 'classic',
        'permission_message' => __('Sorry, You do not have permission to view this form', 'fluentform'),
    $atts = shortcode_atts($shortcodeDefaults, $atts);

    return (new \FluentForm\App\Modules\Component\Component(wpFluentForm()))->renderForm($atts);

 * Print internal content (not user input) without escaping.
function fluentFormPrintUnescapedInternalString($string)
    echo $string; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- deprecated function, should remove it later.

function fluentform_options_sanitize($options)
    $maps = [
        'label'      => 'wp_kses_post',
        'value'      => 'sanitize_text_field',
        'image'      => 'sanitize_url',
        'calc_value' => 'sanitize_text_field',

    $mapKeys = array_keys($maps);

    foreach ($options as $optionIndex => $option) {
        $attributes = array_filter(ArrayHelper::only($option, $mapKeys));
        foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
            $options[$optionIndex][$key] = call_user_func($maps[$key], $value);

    return $options;

function fluentform_iframe_srcdoc_sanitize($value)
    $tags = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
    $tags['style'] = [
        'types' => [],
    // Check if decoding is necessary
    if (strpos($value, '&') !== false) {
        // Decode HTML entities
        $value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
        $value = stripslashes($value);
    return wp_kses($value, $tags);

function fluentform_sanitize_html($html)
    if (!$html) {
        return $html;

    // Return $html if it's just a plain text
    if (!preg_match('/<[^>]*>/', $html)) {
        return $html;

    $tags = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
    $tags['style'] = [
        'types' => [],
    // iframe
    $tags['iframe'] = [
        'width'           => [],
        'height'          => [],
        'src'             => [],
        'srcdoc'          => [
            'value_callback' => 'fluentform_iframe_srcdoc_sanitize'
        'title'           => [],
        'frameborder'     => [],
        'allow'           => [],
        'class'           => [],
        'id'              => [],
        'allowfullscreen' => [],
        'style'           => [],
    $tags['button']['onclick'] = [];

    if (empty($tags['svg'])) {
        $svg_args = [
            'svg' => [
                'class'           => true,
                'aria-hidden'     => true,
                'aria-labelledby' => true,
                'role'            => true,
                'xmlns'           => true,
                'width'           => true,
                'height'          => true,
                'viewbox'         => true,
                'fill'            => true,
                'stroke'          => true,
                'stroke-width'    => true,
                'stroke-linecap'  => true,
                'stroke-linejoin' => true
            'g'     => ['fill' => true],
            'title' => ['title' => true],
            'path'  => [
                'd'         => true,
                'fill'      => true,
                'transform' => true,
            'polyline' => [
                'points' => true
        $tags = array_merge($tags, $svg_args);
    $tags = apply_filters_deprecated(
        'Use fluentform/allowed_html_tags instead of fluentform_allowed_html_tags'

    $tags = apply_filters('fluentform/allowed_html_tags', $tags);

    return wp_kses($html, $tags);

function fluentform_kses_js($content)
    return $content ? preg_replace('/<script.*?>[\s\S]*<\/script>/is', '', $content) : '';

 * Sanitize inputs recursively.
 * @param array $input
 * @param array $sanitizeMap
 * @return array $input
function fluentform_backend_sanitizer($inputs, $sanitizeMap = [])
    $originalValues = $inputs;
    foreach ($inputs as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $value = fluentform_backend_sanitizer($value, $sanitizeMap);
        } else {
            $method = ArrayHelper::get($sanitizeMap, $key);
            if (is_callable($method)) {
                $value = call_user_func($method, $value);

    return apply_filters('fluentform/backend_sanitized_values', $inputs, $originalValues);

 * Sanitizes CSS.
 * @return mixed $css
function fluentformSanitizeCSS($css)
    return preg_match('#</?\w+#', $css) ? '' : $css;

function fluentformCanUnfilteredHTML()
    return current_user_can('unfiltered_html') || apply_filters('fluentform/disable_fields_sanitize', false);

function fluentformLoadFile($path)
    return require wpFluentForm('') . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');

if (!function_exists('fluentValidator')) {
    function fluentValidator($data = [], $rules = [], $messages = [])
        return wpFluentForm('validator')->make($data, $rules, $messages);

function fluentformGetPages()
    $pages = get_pages();
    $formattedPages = [];

    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $formattedPages[] = [
            'ID'         => $page->ID,
            'post_title' => $page->post_title,
            'guid'       => $page->guid,

    return $formattedPages;

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